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Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

The riots in HK was also the same time with the Taiwan election. I suspect the Taiwan separatists started the riots so that she can win the elections. It make sense why those HK leaders tried fleeting to Taiwan.
Oh are you saying it is perfectly legal for 100,000 Chinese students to simply stay indefinitely in the UK?

Or are you lying?
I'm saying most Chinese students, not just in UK, choose to come back to China after they graduate. I'm also saying UK government knows Chinese students won't stay in UK so they just let big number of Chinese students in.
I'm saying most Chinese students, not just in UK, choose to come back to China after they graduate. I'm also saying UK government knows Chinese students won't stay in UK so they just let big number of Chinese students in.

I certainly hope so or you would truly be a failed state.

However you are still dodging the original question as to would the UK even allow all 100,000 Chinese students to stay indefinitely in the UK. The answer is an obvious "No". They don't have open borders. They can't allow tons of foreign students from all over the world to stay. You think they are going to say "yes, the 100,000 Chinese can stay but everybody else has to go home". Everybody can't stay even if 100% wanted to.
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I certainly hope so or you would truly be a failed state.

However you are still dodging the original question as to would the UK even allow all 100,000 Chinese students to stay indefinitely in the UK. The answer is an obvious "No". They don't have open borders. They can't allow tons of foreign students from all over the world to stay. Everybody can't stay even if 100% wanted to.
You think you are smarter than UK government, aren't you? You think UK just let big number students in without beforehand evaluating where they will go after they graduate?
Some aspects of national security law are draconian. For example sedition law. If this violates freedom of speech then HKgers are justifed to be apprehensive.
You think you are smarter than UK government, aren't you? You think UK just let big number students in without beforehand evaluating where they will go after they graduate?

Hmm...I thought University Admissions were mostly based on academic achievement and not how well a background check to see how likely they are to be dissatisfied with their country of origin turns out.

I guess Chinese students hit the jackpot on that background check. :meeting:
Britain is not doing it just to harm China or to help Hong Kong, it is looking for benefits exploited during the current crisis in HongKong, these Hong Kongers will come to UK and many corporates will maybe shift their businesses to UK which will be helpful to British economy as their economy is going towards dustbin due to the already mismanagement of the original COVID-19 and now the newer strain.

Britain is seeing her own financial and economical benefits only in my opinion.
This entire Hong Kong crisis could have been avoided if not for Mao's being big mouth bitch

During the Suez crisis envious of all the attention Soviets got, Mao decided to be a typical attention whoring slut and made threats of taking Hong Kong by force

Mao was all Han and no action. Britis knew this

Brits already humiliated threatened to eradicate Chinese in a nuclear strike

Like a typical submissive bitch, Mao backed down and despite developing nuclear weapons and ICBM no Chinese leader in future dared to integrate Hong Kong by force

Its amazing how Chinese have written their own destiny to be exploited by the Brits even after 182 years since the Opium wars

China must be only former colonial subject that continues to allow British interference in its internal affairs.
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Hmm...I thought University Admissions were mostly based on academic achievement and not how well a background check to see how likely they are to be dissatisfied with their country of origin turns out.

I guess Chinese students hit the jackpot on that background check.
The number of students can be controlled by UK government. UK Embassy can control it by limiting visa number.
No you wrong. The number of students can be controlled by UK government. UK Embassy can control it by limiting visa number.

So are you saying the UK government is allowing 100,000 Chinese students to be enrolled because they know most will simply want to leave anyway...and apparently they don't want them to stay anyway either...as they prefer to pick people who they know will want to go back to their country of origin.
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This entire Hong Kong crisis could have been avoided if not for Mao's being big mouth bitch

During the Suez crisis envious of all the attention Soviets got, Mao decided to be a typical attention whoring slut and made threats of taking Hong Kong by force

Brits already humiliated threatened to eradicate Chinese in a nuclear strike
View attachment 712256

Like a typical submissive bitch, Mao backed down and despite developing nuclear weapons and ICBM no Chinese leader in future dared to integrate Hong Kong by force

Its amazing how Chinese have written their own destiny to be exploited by the Brits even after 182 years since the Opium wars

China must be only former colonial subject that continues to allow British interference in its internal affairs.

actually, Indian constitution was written by the British. English unites India. Did British imperialism in India ever stopped? China ceded Hong Kong to Britain. What part of India was ceded to Britain? The answer is actually none. India never ceded any land to Britain. And you know why.
actually, Indian constitution was written by the British. English unites India. Did British imperialism in India ever stopped? China ceded Hong Kong to Britain. What part of India was ceded to Britain? The answer is actually none. India never ceded any land to Britain. And you know why.
I don't know why.
The riots in HK was also the same time with the Taiwan election. I suspect the Taiwan separatists started the riots so that she can win the elections. It make sense why those HK leaders tried fleeting to Taiwan.
HK leaders? I allow you to re-edit your inputs. Say riots gang heads.
And if the british govt. care to explain how they gonna provide the jobs to them to the already deteriorating job market. Have they realized that how many are actually sitting at home and waiting for a miracle to happen. This is ridiculous.
Providing jobs? You are to naive.
They have to pay about 5 million HK dollar for getting the Britain nationality. Britain is seeking ways of making money after brexit.
And the BNO passport is stamped

I can bet very few the silly will pay 5 million HK dollars for an useless Britain settlement.
Good. Great news and a good move by China.
Let all the BNO holders leave Hong Kong.

China move should be able to quicken UK approval process of visa for all these people.

Let hope all the 3 million BNO holders will get their UK citizenship and move there after all UK is very a FREE nation. Freer than Hong Kong today although internationally Hong Kong ranked 3rd.
And if they return to Hong Kong, they will be treated like all the other tourists.

I believe the next move by China NPC will be on dual citizenship.

These people must choose.
If they choose UK residency or citizenship then they must give up their Hong Kong China citizenship.

:coffee: :cheers:

Those who choose to stay must pledge alliance to PRC. After Hong Kong is indeed a part of China. There is no dispute on this.
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