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Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

Yeah. It is because China' media banned hateful comments to HKers. Do you have doubt the fact that Mainland Chinese hate Taiwanese? But still you could barely hear any news about how we hate Taiwanese in the mainstream media.

I also said polls had said everything.
You hate this hate that... you are full of hatred. I never hate Taiwanese or HKers.
You hate this hate that... you are full of hatred. I never hate Taiwanese or HKers.
Because unlike you. I'm mormal person. Who can not love people that hate you. Mandarine speaking people are not treated well in HK.


Good for the Brits. Looks like Capital flight from HK, hopefully, those finance giants shift elsewhere.
Yeah it's already happening, i've seen people boasting about Chinese people owning farmland in the U.S (even though it is an insignificant percentage in terms of power wielding) despite the fact that it's a clear cut sign of Capital flight. The people think their money is not safe in China anymore and thus try and squeeze as much as they can outside to save it.
You hate this hate that... you are full of hatred. I never hate Taiwanese or HKers.
This mainland youtuber uploaded a video 1 hour ago. Just check the comments under the video. See what I said "Most mainland Chinese hate HKers" is baseless or what

This mainland youtuber uploaded a video 1 hour ago. Just check the comments under the video. See what I said "Most mainland Chinese hate HKers" is baseless or what

I skim comments under the video. Some are joking, some are complaining, somes are personal advice. How did you get the conclusion "Most mainland Chinese hate HKers. "?
I skim comments under the video. Some are joking, some are complaining, somes are personal advice. How did you get the conclusion "Most mainland Chinese hate HKers. "?
If you can't sense most comments are out of hatred, I don't know how to explain to you.
You are idiot enough to compare Kashmir situation with HK and Taiwan.
Only difference is Kashmir is disputed land. HK and Taiwan are not.
Because when HKers call you "支那人” and "蝗虫” and bow to US flag, you are definitely not gonna like them. Are you mainland Chinese or what?
HK people who support China are not few just our voice have been suppressed. However, the younger tend to have around 9 yellow to 1 blue ratio due to huge amount of disinformation in our news. An example, you will hear them calling China "covered up" the covid19, while they have no idea how long the UK hide the information of the new variant due to selective and biased media.
That's your delusion. I have personal relationship with lots of HKers. Most of them love our great country. Some married European wifes still like to live in Hongkong and open company in Shenzhen.
That's depended on the age group and how well they understand China and the true face of the west.
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If you can't sense most comments are out of hatred, I don't know how to explain to you.
I know what you said. I have a friend who supports China and moves to mainland due to the disappointment of HK people and riots. She told me during the riot something have changed on the Chinese people where the unfriendly glance and facial expression, however, once she explained not all HK people are brainwashed and foolishly believe what the West said, no more unwelcome feeling. I mean you can hate on those traitors but know that there are HK people who are supporting China and sending tips to HK national security department to put those traitors to jail (not joking).
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