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Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown

Ok, so what does one American have to do with 100,000 Chinese in the UK?

BTW here are the number of Chinese who can flash a new US citizen card in the US. This doesn't include the other thousands that can flash a residency card.

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You really think that many Americans can do (nevermind would do) the same a year in China?
Or do they mostly all come back? Like most of the 100,000 Chinese students in the UK have to do...
You don't get the point. China is not a immigration country. That American man was trying so hard but finally he got the Chinese Green card. Is like 100 time more difficult to get a Chinese legal resident card than U.S green card. In that video, that guy said China is getting better and will by much better very day. More and more foreigner like to stay an live China.
1950s Soviet Union had many people that sympathised with their system in Western Europe and North America. But after crackdowns in Czechslovakia and Hungary, these sympathetic people turned against Soviets. The consequences was that Soviets had less allies in West. Whereas western intelligence had plenty of allies in East. 1970s and 1980s, western spy agencies infiltration spend up demise of Soviet Union.

The lesson, which I suspect you will ignore, is too many stories are coming out in Xinjiang and HK for people outside china to ignore. Even my pro chinese stance has cooled, I bet many more people seeing China negatively now because of Xi policies. Lack of soft power will hamper China.
Soviet Union is not a good example for China. Soviet Union failed because two reasons: 1, Incompetent economy. Its economy relied on oil and other natural resources exports. Too fragile.
2, Soviet Union lost support from its own people.

Present China: 1, Very competitive and prosperous economy. 2, Chinese people support their government even more after the HK riot.
You don't get the point. China is not a immigration country. That American man was trying so hard but finally he got the Chinese Green card. Is like 100 time more difficult to get a Chinese legal resident card than U.S green card. In that video, that guy said China is getting better and will by much better very day. More and more foreigner like to stay an live China.

Well it seems you can fully understand China not allowing 100,000 UK citizens from getting residency cards but when I say the same thing applies to Chinese students in the UK you simply can't figure it out. The UK doesn't have an open border letting everybody stay. Yes, like China they set limits. So does the US. Yes, a large number of Chinese overseas students return...because they have to. The reason is simple math. if only X are allowed to stay but the number is 10X then alot of people have to leave.
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Well it seems you can fully understand China not allowing 100,000 UK citizens from getting residency cards but when I say the same thing applies to Chinese students in the UK you simply can't figure it out. The UK doesn't have an open border letting everybody stay.
Chinese is not arrogance people like your white. China allow their citizen free to go if they like. China still will welcome friendly people around to world who like to visit China and do business.
Anyway, doesn't matter if you accepted or not, China rise is inevitable and not any one can stop it.

Yes, and history will remember all the Chinese innovations you shared with the people of the world to help them live better lives during your rise versus that arrogant white man who did nothing for his fellow man during his rise.

Cars, bicycles, steel and glass skyscrapers, trains, subways, elevators, escalators, planes overhead, light bulbs, electricity, hydroelectric power, nuclear power, solar cell power, cell phones, TVs, radio, computers, internet, air conditioners, microwave oven, refrigerators, washing machines, eyeglasses, plastic, blue jeans, sneakers, the zipper, Velcro, and snaps on your synthetic clothes, agricultural machines, and thousands of other things.

Oh wait wrong list...let me pull out China's list of things to advance humanity that they accomplished during their "rise":
1) e-cigarette
2) hmmm
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LONDON — Cindy had a comfortable lifestyle in Hong Kong: she owned several properties with her husband, they had a good business going. But last year she made up her mind to leave it all behind and move her family to Britain, and not even a global pandemic was going to sway her decision.

“To uproot ourselves like this is definitely not easy. But things got uglier last year, the government was really driving us away,” said the businesswoman and mother of two young children who didn’t give her family name because she feared repercussions for speaking out against the Chinese government. “Everything we value – freedom of speech, fair elections, liberties – has been eroded. It’s no longer the Hong Kong we knew, it’s no longer somewhere we can call home.”

Cindy, who landed in London last week, is one of thousands of Hong Kongers fleeing their hometown since Beijing imposed a draconian national security law on the territory last summer.

Some are leaving because they fear punishment for supporting pro-democracy protests. But many others, like her, say China’s encroachment on their way of life and civil liberties has become unbearable, and they want to seek a better future for their children abroad. Most say they don’t plan to ever go back.

Many firmed up their exit plans after Britain announced in July that it would open a special immigration pathway for up to 5 million eligible Hong Kongers to live, work and eventually settle in the U.K.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week the offer shows Britain is honoring its “profound ties of history” with Hong Kong, a former colony that reverted to Chinese rule in 1997 on the understanding that it would retain its Western-style freedoms and much of its political autonomy not seen on mainland China.

Applications for the British National Overseas visa officially open Sunday, though many like Wong have already arrived on British soil to get a head start. Eligible Hong Kongers can currently come to the U.K. for six months, but from Sunday they can apply for the right to live and work in the country for five years. After that, they can apply for settled status and then British citizenship.

Britain’s government said some 7,000 people with British National Overseas (BNO) status have arrived since July. It estimates that over 300,000 people will take up the offer of extended residency rights in the next five years.

Wong said she wanted to leave as soon as possible because she feared Beijing would soon move to halt the exodus.
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Protesters hold a British National passport and Hong Kong colonial flag in a shopping mall during a protest against China’s national security legislation in May 2020.Kin Cheung, file/AP

“The Chinese government said it hasn’t ruled out harsher tactics,” she said. “I think they could lash out if tens of thousands of young professionals start leaving, because that would surely upset Hong Kong’s economy and they wouldn’t like that at all.”

Beijing said Friday it will no longer recognize the BNO passport as a travel document or form of identification, and criticized Britain’s citizenship offer as a move that “seriously infringed” on China’s sovereignty. It was unclear what effect the announcement would have because many Hong Kongers carry multiple passports.

Beijing drastically hardened its stance on Hong Kong after massive anti-government protests in 2019 turned violent and plunged the city into a months-long crisis. Since the security law’s enactment, dozens of pro-democracy activists have been arrested, and the movement’s young leaders have either been jailed or fled abroad.

Because the new law broadly defined acts of subversion, secession, foreign collusion and terrorism, many in Hong Kong fear that expressing any form of political opposition – even posting messages on social media – could land them in trouble.

“I think if you knew when to shut up, you’ll be OK staying in Hong Kong,” said 39-year-old Fan, who also recently arrived in London. Like Wong, he didn’t want to provide his full name. “But I don’t want to do that. I can complain about the queen if I wanted to – I can say anything here.”

Fan, an animator, had sold his flat in Hong Kong and plans to slowly build a new life in Britain – a country he had never even visited before. He won’t be alone in starting from scratch.

“This is a really unique emigration wave – some people haven’t had time to actually visit the country they’re relocating to. Many have no experience of living abroad,” said Miriam Lo, who runs Excelsior UK, a relocation agency. “And because of the pandemic, they couldn’t even come over to view a home before deciding to buy.”

The British government estimates there are 2.9 million BNO status holders eligible to move to the U.K., with a further 2.3 million eligible dependants. The U.K. introduced BNO passports in the 1980s for people who were a “British dependent territories citizen by connection with Hong Kong.” Until recently, the passports had limited benefits because they did not confer nationality or the right to live and work in Britain.

Cindy, the businesswoman, was still recovering from jetlag, but she’s upbeat about her future.

“We want to bring Hong Kong’s energy, our resources and our finances here,” she said. “The move is for our kids, sure. But we want to build a whole new life here for ourselves too.”
U.K. Expects 300,000 People to Leave Hong Kong, Move to Britain
Soviet Union is not a good example for China. Soviet Union failed because two reasons: 1, Incompetent economy. Its economy relied on oil and other natural resources exports. Too fragile.
2, Soviet Union lost support from its own people.

Present China: 1, Very competitive and prosperous economy. 2, Chinese people support their government even more after the HK riot.

You missed my point. If CCP is seen negatively around the world then you will have trouble gaining allies. International opinion is important, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Most nations publicly wont criticise China on domestic human rights, but privately that will be a different story.
You missed my point. If CCP is seen negatively around the world then you will have trouble gaining allies. International opinion is important, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Most nations publicly wont criticise China on domestic human rights, but privately that will be a different story.
If people outside China chose to believe west propaganda, it's not China's fault. China is not responsible for people being stupid.
If people outside China chose to believe west propaganda, it's not China's fault. China is not responsible for people being stupid.

China certainly losing "propaganda" war. I hope its propaganda, because the stories coming out by various sources are disturbing. I am inclined to listen because human beings are capable of doing that, sadly.
China certainly losing "propaganda" war. I hope its propaganda, because the stories coming out by various sources are disturbing. I am inclined to listen because human beings are capable of doing that, sadly.
As I said at #5, if CCP is really that bad as HKers believe, why people directly under CCP's rule(mainland Chinese) support CCP so much? Matter of fact, most mainland Chinese hate HKers' guts now.
Yes, and history will remember all the Chinese innovations you shared with the people of the world to help them live better lives during your rise versus that arrogant white man who did nothing for his fellow man during his rise.

Cars, bicycles, steel and glass skyscrapers, trains, subways, elevators, escalators, planes overhead, light bulbs, electricity, hydroelectric power, nuclear power, solar cell power, cell phones, TVs, radio, computers, internet, air conditioners, microwave oven, refrigerators, washing machines, eyeglasses, plastic, blue jeans, sneakers, the zipper, Velcro, and snaps on your synthetic clothes, agricultural machines, and thousands of other things.

Oh wait wrong list...let me pull out China's list of things to advance humanity that they accomplished during their "rise":
1) e-cigarette
2) hmmm
Yes, we also didn't forget the west captured the Africans as slave, colonized and robbed others countries around the world. Killed thousands and thousands of native Americans, Australian and took over their lands...etc. If I have time, I can write 10 pages what the west have done to the world.
As I said at #5, if CCP is really that bad as HKers believe, why people directly under CCP's rule(mainland Chinese) support CCP so much? Matter of fact, most mainland Chinese hate HKers' guts now.
I didn't hear most mainland Chinese hate HKers' guts now.
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