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Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

Awan saab, have you observed, Muhajir like Altaf living in England, living in comforts and still they are calling Pakistan a blunder. one is living in Canada "Karachiite" and he is calling Pakistan a blunder. One is having a flag of turkmanistan and location showing canada and he is caling himself muhajir and badmouthing every other ethnicity and putting mujarism first before Pakistaniat.

And the muhajirs of Punjab who are living abroad always consider them Pakistani first. Muhajirs of Kashmir living in England always defend Pakistan and are proud to of their Pakistani ethnicity first than they are proud of kashmiri roots.

See the difference between Sindhi and Punjabi muhajirs. that's why they say one bad apple rot the other fresh ones.

Nah, I was provoking you to say whatever you wanted. Now since your Mujarisim has comeout and once again you started the bad mouthing like your other so called Mujair brothers are doing here. Come with facts and fighures and stop BS and personal attacks.

i know the issues. These issues are faced by every other ethnicity of Pakistan. Prove me wrong that, People of Punjab are not facing poverty, unemployment, Load shedding crises has led many factories in Punjab to close. We are facing gas shortages, we are facing water shortages,

Point one thing what Muhajirs of karachi are facing are not being faced by anyother ethnicity of Pakistan?

There are many muhajirs like Altaf Hussain living in Canada. In fact, Altaf Hussain's brother lives here. Their partners are killing people in Karachi like Drones. Funny thing is, Canada has designated MQM as a 'terrorist' organization and that is something no country has every done. Some posters here who are showing Turkministan as their location and Canada as their home country are doing it for a reason... they don't want to get linked to any part of Pakistan's blame.

Rest, i 100% agree with your post.
Unification, of pakistanis & of pakistan is the ,ultimate solution, nothing else will last long?
If, we(pakistanis) decide to stop , this crap, sobanization, of pakistan & instead ! Unify ourselvesn into a united nation,we will be a power to rockn with!
Frist step, is to demolish alln these provinces & give every district of pakistan, a status of a province, adminstration would be, easier economicly, financialy, defensivly? & no one would be , crazy state of mind, to get his identity & , we will be able to get, a good class of leadership!
Fedrl constitutional assembly,& fedrl odering seanate will provide, a fast funtioning goverment, every district, should have their own pannel of admistrators, who were resposible to elect , I member for constitutional assembly & a member to the ordering senate, after , which posts of different minstries should be, elected opnly, all around the districts! All the district adminstrations, should be appointed, from a computering elections in genral!
What you guys think , about this, cause , I am against any more divisions, in pakistan, & only, want to see us, as a one united nation, governed by a true & fair , goverment , reAlly elected by, real pakistanis, not by muhajirs , shindhis, baluchis, pustoons, kashmiris, hAzaras,or anyone else!
If we can't do this, then we should be, ready to give , every body a right, of. His & hers, identifications, on the name, of sobaa!
That's all is needed , a real sacrifice on the name, & unification of pakistani nation.
Can we do, this?
LOL, those that think I'm living in Canada are making huge assumptions. Due to the quota system, I didn't get into Karachi University for my PHD and I'm in a university there doing my PhD on the Muhajir issue.

I still live in my magnificent house in PECHS that my grandfather built on the model of his magnificent house in Dehli.
sadly everyone here is MANIPULATED by stupid leaders that do anything for vote bank! & like i said we don't need the US or the indians TO BREAK US! WE ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF BREAKING OURSELVES INTO ETHNIC,RELIGIOUS & CITY sects!

very very disheartning!

Unification, of pakistanis & of pakistan is the ,ultimate solution, nothing else will last long?
If, we(pakistanis) decide to stop , this crap, sobanization, of pakistan & instead ! Unify ourselvesn into a united nation,we will be a power to rockn with!
Frist step, is to demolish alln these provinces & give every district of pakistan, a status of a province, adminstration would be, easier economicly, financialy, defensivly? & no one would be , crazy state of mind, to get his identity & , we will be able to get, a good class of leadership!
Fedrl constitutional assembly,& fedrl odering seanate will provide, a fast funtioning goverment, every district, should have their own pannel of admistrators, who were resposible to elect , I member for constitutional assembly & a member to the ordering senate, after , which posts of different minstries should be, elected opnly, all around the districts! All the district adminstrations, should be appointed, from a computering elections in genral!
What you guys think , about this, cause , I am against any more divisions, in pakistan, & only, want to see us, as a one united nation, governed by a true & fair , goverment , reAlly elected by, real pakistanis, not by muhajirs , shindhis, baluchis, pustoons, kashmiris, hAzaras,or anyone else!
If we can't do this, then we should be, ready to give , every body a right, of. His & hers, identifications, on the name, of sobaa!
That's all is needed , a real sacrifice on the name, & unification of pakistani nation.
Can we do, this?

bhai forget it all these guys want is division! put 2 pakistanis in a room and they will disagree with everything. this QAUM is dead & baighyrat!

even Bengalis are better than us atleast they are united as a nation WE are not!
LOL, those that think I'm living in Canada are making huge assumptions. Due to the quota system, I didn't get into Karachi University for my PHD and I'm in a university there doing my PhD on the Muhajir issue.

I still live in my magnificent house in PECHS that my grandfather built on the model of his magnificent house in Dehli.
Those who want to can get into the University. Admission closes at 55% for most courses




These are the true historical & current facts of the Sindhi-Urdu speakers' divide:

Sindh willingly accepted the Mohajirs that came to Pakistan 1947. The Mohajirs, who were the most educated group, starting dominating Karachi & Hyderabad, & the Sindhis were getting driven out. Even with limited resources & opportunities, the Urdu speakers managed to transform Karachi & Hyderabad; whereas interior Sindh, that got most of the province's revenue, was marred with rampant corruption of feudalism (which is still pervasive today) from the Sindhi leadership.

The Mohajirs were guilty of showing arrogance, & making prominent their (initial) superiority in education, culture in Sindh; & taking sole credit for the creation of Pakistan, as well as not acclimatizing to the region well enough (as compared to other ethnic groups such as Balochs, Pakhtuns etc in Sindh that call them Sindhis). They did not acknowledge the fact that the Sindhis were the ones that accepted them with open arms, & gave them a place there.

After the MQM was formed in 1984 however, the party gradually started arming the Urdu speakers, & started getting them to abandon their education, getting them into political activism. After the brutal military operations by the Benazir Bhutto regime against the Urdu speakers in Karachi (& its repercussions also felt in Hyderabad), political activism & guns culture became pervasive in the Urdu speaking community, & eventually, these are the things that have resulted in the deterioration of the Urdu speaking community.

MQM is a legitimate party with an illegitimate leader, & poor mafia like tactics. MQM supporters will point to the fact that they have little choice but to keep the arms, citing the incidents of 1992 in Hyderabad & Karachi. I would cite the fact that Sindhis have accepted all ethnic groups with open arms inside Sindh, & it is due to the MQM mafia tactics that we see such bitterness amongst the Sindhis. However, I think the MQM have done well in Karachi from a development point of view, & anyone that criticizes Urdu speakers for 'stealing the resources of the country' should start looking into the rampant corruption in interior Sindh, from Sindhi leaders.

Educated Urdu speakers today find it difficult to support the MQM, but the main crux of support that the MQM receives, from middle class & lower middle class Urdu speakers (who are not necessarily very educated, & not as moderate as educated Urdu speakers; the average Sindhi is more moderate than the average Urdu speaker); still see MQM as their saviors (even though the MQM has been responsible for the degradation of the Urdu speaking community, by getting them engaged in political activism & gun warfare, rather than focusing them on their education), & they still have bitter feelings of what happened in 1992 in Hyderabad & Karachi.

I consider both Sindhi parties & the MQM to be moderate, secular forces that need to unite. Sindhi parties need to get rid of feudalism, MQM needs to disassociate itself with Altaf Hussein, bring Altaf Hussein back to Pakistan, and make him accountable in the courts. And Karachi needs to get rid of arms in the city.
sadly everyone here is MANIPULATED by stupid leaders that do anything for vote bank! & like i said we don't need the US or the indians TO BREAK US! WE ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF BREAKING OURSELVES INTO ETHNIC,RELIGIOUS & CITY sects!

very very disheartning!

bhai forget it all these guys want is division! put 2 pakistanis in a room and they will disagree with everything. this QAUM is dead & baighyrat!

even Bengalis are better than us atleast they are united as a nation WE are not!
Dear ice man,
Partly you are, right my friend!
But like me, most of pakistanis aren't in the favour of the, old divisions, or the new ones ,which is in progress , right now!
That's why, I allwaYs pushed the, above mentioned idea, from which, we can get n real,, democracy, not this mafia style(demo-crazy)!which is bieng pushed, or injected on us by, making us , economicly week?
I allways admire, our militry dictatorship, which allways made, pakistan become selfsufficiant, all of 3 genrls, who hAd govrned us, were more, democratic, more fair, & were nt, crupt at all, its our badluck , that they were decent, peoples bt with out knowledge, of politics, Zulfiqar ali bhutto was bieng gromed, by F.marshall ayaub khan, NAWAZ shrif was made, gen .ziAul-haq, Imran khan get elected in the times of musharaf, mustafa kamal, & chdry perveiz -ILahi , also got their real colours durring, gen. Musharaf, s era.
Great progress , was made! Under the militry leadership, bt only thing, these good soilders, not able to do, iS unification of the , pakistani nation!
Musharaf,S retirement happened ,due to a open disscuSsion of core-commanders, meeting, in which, they werE all, werE agreed to , give a chance, to the demo-crazy , instead of that, real democracy?
I think, now need a dictator, with a blazing gun, in his hand, with a will of iron, to make this nation, united with danda, finish All, this rubissh , soba culture, & give us unification!
That's the most , realistic solution, We can have, now?

These are the true historical & current facts of the Sindhi-Urdu speakers' divide:

Sindh willingly accepted the Mohajirs that came to Pakistan 1947. The Mohajirs, who were the most educated group, starting dominating Karachi & Hyderabad, & the Sindhis were getting driven out. Even with limited resources & opportunities, the Urdu speakers managed to transform Karachi & Hyderabad; whereas interior Sindh, that got most of the province's revenue, was marred with rampant corruption of feudalism (which is still pervasive today) from the Sindhi leadership.

The Mohajirs were guilty of showing arrogance, & making prominent their (initial) superiority in education, culture in Sindh; & taking sole credit for the creation of Pakistan, as well as not acclimatizing to the region well enough (as compared to other ethnic groups such as Balochs, Pakhtuns etc in Sindh that call them Sindhis). They did not acknowledge the fact that the Sindhis were the ones that accepted them with open arms, & gave them a place there.

After the MQM was formed in 1984 however, the party gradually started arming the Urdu speakers, & started getting them to abandon their education, getting them into political activism. After the brutal military operations by the Benazir Bhutto regime against the Urdu speakers in Karachi (& its repercussions also felt in Hyderabad), political activism & guns culture became pervasive in the Urdu speaking community, & eventually, these are the things that have resulted in the deterioration of the Urdu speaking community.

MQM is a legitimate party with an illegitimate leader, & poor mafia like tactics. MQM supporters will point to the fact that they have little choice but to keep the arms, citing the incidents of 1992 in Hyderabad & Karachi. I would cite the fact that Sindhis have accepted all ethnic groups with open arms inside Sindh, & it is due to the MQM mafia tactics that we see such bitterness amongst the Sindhis. However, I think the MQM have done well in Karachi from a development point of view, & anyone that criticizes Urdu speakers for 'stealing the resources of the country' should start looking into the rampant corruption in interior Sindh, from Sindhi leaders.

Educated Urdu speakers today find it difficult to support the MQM, but the main crux of support that the MQM receives, from middle class & lower middle class Urdu speakers (who are not necessarily very educated, & not as moderate as educated Urdu speakers; the average Sindhi is more moderate than the average Urdu speaker); still see MQM as their saviors (even though the MQM has been responsible for the degradation of the Urdu speaking community, by getting them engaged in political activism & gun warfare, rather than focusing them on their education), & they still have bitter feelings of what happened in 1992 in Hyderabad & Karachi.

I consider both Sindhi parties & the MQM to be moderate, secular forces that need to unite. Sindhi parties need to get rid of feudalism, MQM needs to disassociate itself with Altaf Hussein, bring Altaf Hussein back to Pakistan, and make him accountable in the courts. And Karachi needs to get rid of arms in the city.
Nice post, mate
Bringing altaf hussain back, will only bringing in problems, bringing billons of libraly looted, money by PPP, (asif zardari) is more important? Or not, librly Speaking!
I am not in favour of any new province at this moment because we have much bigger problems. Not at least on ethnic grounds. But I feel MQM getting flak for demanding or supporting Mohajir province cause is not right. Because if anyone who needs to answer this is none other than grave worshipper, two faced snake PeePeePee!

They are the one who opened this Pandora box. I mean how can you ask other people not to demand their own province when you yourself demanding Seraiki province on ethnic grounds? How more two faced and hypocrite can you get than this?

So it is alright to demand separate province on ethnic basis when it is Punjab, but when it comes to Sindh, the same act becomes illegal!? This is completely illogical and PPP needs to answer this. Why didn't impotent Qaim Ali Shah say anything when thief Gillani was actively supporting creation of Seraiki province?
Those who want to can get into the University. Admission closes at 55% for most courses

You mean bribes and "chai key lehai paisa"? I don't do that. I rather get in on my own merits which I have. Its a sad thing when Sindhi's have so many seats which they never fill while others, like myself, who are honestly into education and what to do the best for Pakistan are forced out of the country to do so. I mean its stupid doing a PhD on the Muhajir issue in Canada. I should have been doing it in Pakistan.
If our seraiki primeminster & sindh khapay president, are anouncing & promoting seraiki sooba , then , its the valid & democratic, demand of. Diffrent eithnic pakistanis, to hve their own, provinces.
If not, then it will be seen, a conspiracy to the destruction of pakistan, & its bound to create ,civil war?
You mean bribes and "chai key lehai paisa"? I don't do that. I rather get in on my own merits which I have. Its a sad thing when Sindhi's have so many seats which they never fill while others, like myself, who are honestly into education and what to do the best for Pakistan are forced out of the country to do so. I mean its stupid doing a PhD on the Muhajir issue in Canada. I should have been doing it in Pakistan.
KU, 55%, my friend got in last year, no bribes, English course, bachelors. PHD is different but quota wouldn't stop a truly gifted student. Mu aunt has a PHD from KU in Social Studies, even teaches there
mohajir province mean End to PAKISTAN..............
those who are thinking so are enemies of PAKISTAN...................
muhajirs have no right to demand such thing........... it means they are traitors ....
jie SINDH , JIE PAKISTAN...........

If our seraiki primeminster & sindh khapay president, are anouncing & promoting seraiki sooba , then , its the valid & democratic, demand of. Diffrent eithnic pakistanis, to hve their own, provinces.
If not, then it will be seen, a conspiracy to the destruction of pakistan, & its bound to create ,civil war?
look bahawalpoor and siraiki betlt were separate part before partition and they were united under one unit in 1955 but were not separated in 1970 , so it makes sense and is valid but muhajir province mean death to PAKISTAN.........
i promise u it would lead to death to PAKISTAN...... good luck then
it will be great injustice to SINDHI people and would badly hurt their feelings.............
karachi is economic hub and muhajirs want to take it from POOR sindhis .................
SIndhi people provided u with home to live and now u are dividing this home shame on u people and ur pity approach
it will be great injustice to SINDHI people and would badly hurt their feelings.............
karachi is economic hub and muhajirs want to take it from POOR sindhis .................
SIndhi people provided u with home to live and now u are dividing this home shame on u people and ur pity approach
I don't think there should be Muhajir Sooba but that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard. So Zardari's poor? Benazir, a Sindhi, was poor?

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