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Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

So what's the problem with Muhajirs if they don't got low living standards?

you just shut up, you dont have any iota of knowledge or intelligence, you just really busted your self big time :lol:
thats the story of every other Pakistani who migrated from India and settled in Punjab

My class fellow once told me he is a mahajir and I was like :woot: i always though he belonged to central Punjab

The situation in Karachi will continue to be like this if people keep voting these morons

Awan saab, have you observed, Muhajir like Altaf living in England, living in comforts and still they are calling Pakistan a blunder. one is living in Canada "Karachiite" and he is calling Pakistan a blunder. One is having a flag of turkmanistan and location showing canada and he is caling himself muhajir and badmouthing every other ethnicity and putting mujarism first before Pakistaniat.

And the muhajirs of Punjab who are living abroad always consider them Pakistani first. Muhajirs of Kashmir living in England always defend Pakistan and are proud to of their Pakistani ethnicity first than they are proud of kashmiri roots.

See the difference between Sindhi and Punjabi muhajirs. that's why they say one bad apple rot the other fresh ones.

[:::~Spartacus~:::];2970836 said:
you just shut up, you dont have any iota of knowledge or intelligence, you just really busted your self big time :lol:

Nah, I was provoking you to say whatever you wanted. Now since your Mujarisim has comeout and once again you started the bad mouthing like your other so called Mujair brothers are doing here. Come with facts and fighures and stop BS and personal attacks.

So you don't know the problem yet here you are ranting and raving about God knows what. Why not educate yourself about the real issues facing Muhajir's in Karachi and Sindh and then discuss.

i know the issues. These issues are faced by every other ethnicity of Pakistan. Prove me wrong that, People of Punjab are not facing poverty, unemployment, Load shedding crises has led many factories in Punjab to close. We are facing gas shortages, we are facing water shortages,

Point one thing what Muhajirs of karachi are facing are not being faced by anyother ethnicity of Pakistan?
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Awan saab, have you observed, Muhajir like Altaf living in England, living in comforts and still they are calling Pakistan a blunder. one is living in Canada "Karachiite" and he is calling Pakistan a blunder. One is having a flag of turkmanistan and location showing canada and he is caling himself muhajir and badmouthing every other ethnicity and putting mujarism first before Pakistaniat.

And the muhajirs of Punjab who are living abroad always consider them Pakistani first. Muhajirs of Kashmir living in England always defend Pakistan and are proud to of their Pakistani ethnicity first than they are proud of kashmiri roots.

See the difference between Sindhi and Punjabi muhajirs. that's why they say one bad apple rot the other fresh ones.

yup i enjoy the type of society i am living in. I live in Rawalpindi. In morning when i reach bus station i see Buses full of our Pathan bhai then we have Punjabis and then because of Islamabad we have Urdu speaking and there is no problem at all and I am grateful to the ancestors ( both living here and who migrated) who made this society
Awan saab, have you observed, Muhajir like Altaf living in England, living in comforts and still they are calling Pakistan a blunder. one is living in Canada "Karachiite" and he is calling Pakistan a blunder. One is having a flag of turkmanistan and location showing canada and he is caling himself muhajir and badmouthing every other ethnicity and putting mujarism first before Pakistaniat.

And the muhajirs of Punjab who are living abroad always consider them Pakistani first. Muhajirs of Kashmir living in England always defend Pakistan and are proud to of their Pakistani ethnicity first than they are proud of kashmiri roots.

See the difference between Sindhi and Punjabi muhajirs. that's why they say one bad apple rot the other fresh ones.

Nah, I was provoking you to say whatever you wanted. Now since your Mujarisim has comeout and once again you started the bad mouthing like your other so called Mujair brothers are doing here. Come with facts and fighures and stop BS and personal attacks.

i know the issues. These issues are faced by every other ethnicity of Pakistan. Prove me wrong that, People of Punjab are not facing poverty, unemployment, Load shedding crises has led many factories in Punjab to close. We are facing gas shortages, we are facing water shortages,

Point one thing what Muhajirs of karachi are facing are not being faced by anyother ethnicity of Pakistan?

Have you ever, ever met a real muhajir in your life? And im referring to my grandparets and their generation. YOu have no f*kcing right to judge us, expecially since you're not even living in PAk

@First poster

we already have our Sindhi brothers who were made to live Karachi for exchange of Muhajirs. Now, they are your own people who created Pakistan for you, not our concern anymore.
Racist anti-karichiites: note the keyword, EXCHANGE
Plus, the sindhis hindus in india didnt acieve 0.0000000001% the contributions we karichiites have done for our countries, yet they face no discrimination.

Have you ever, ever met a real muhajir in your life? And im referring to my grandparets and their generation. YOu have no f*kcing right to judge us, expecially since you're not even living in PAk

@First poster

Ignore the retards brother, I am a Punjabi and damn proud of it, and I greatly appreciate all the Urdu Speaking brothers and sisters achievements for our beloved country, frankly I cannot imagine my Pakistan without them. It's like baking a cake, Punjabi, Pashtoon, Sindhi, Urdu speaking, Balochi, Kashmiri, Gigiti and all the other groups are the ingredients, without one you can't have Pakistan. :pakistan:

Where are the mods, I say ban all the racist scum, I doubt they are even Pakistani.
I ask why this compulsion of 'integration' or 'acclimatization' ? We didn't fight for Pakistan so that we can have, as some ethno-nationalist say : Hamara Tarekhi Watan or 'Our Ancestral Lands'; we fought under the banner of 'Muslim Nationalism' which means a Pakistani can identity himself in whatever way he or she likes ! Thats one of the reasons why I'm so against making the majority regional language compulsory on anyone; instead give them a choice to study Urdu, English and any other regional language of choice simply because it would help us understand each other but don't forcibly shove it down their throats that 'No because your in Punjab or in Sindh you're going to have to learn that language...no ifs no buts...' No don't do anything like that ! And thank God in Punjab we don't ! I love the Punjabi language even though I'm an ethnic Kashmiri simply because no one forced it upon me ! So I think the call for Mohajirs to integrate or acclimatize is wrong ! They don't have to....!

On the Provinces thing - I say break all of them up ! Let each and every Division, something which is already created on Administrative lines, become a Province and devolve as much power as you can to them so that the elected representatives are even more answerable to the People on a localized level !
All my respects to you, you have just won the internetz :D
I like punjabi and sindhi too, but if it's FORCED then i hate

There is no law that stops us from calling who we are, Muhajir.
There is, it's called a dictionary.
Ignore the retards brother, I am a Punjabi and damn proud of it, and I greatly appreciate all the Urdu Speaking brothers and sisters achievements for our beloved country, frankly I cannot imagine my Pakistan without them. It's like baking a cake, Punjabi, Pashtoon, Sindhi, Urdu speaking, Balochi, Kashmiri, Gigiti and all the other groups are the ingredients, without one you can't have Pakistan. :pakistan:

Where are the mods, I say ban all the racist scum, I doubt they are even Pakistani.
Exactly. Every part of the country plays its part. If Karachi earns revenue, people from Punjab and KPK are in the army. Punjab grows our highest source of GDP. Sindh also has a booming agriculture. After the development of Baluchistan, it will also contribute through Natural Resources.
Even without all this, it's the diversity that makes Pakistan great
You should know that Gujaratis (along with Memons, Bohras, Ismailis, Parsis) of Karachi have been been given the honorary status to belong to the great Mahajur community which gives Altaf bhai, the most educated among all educated, a reason to brag about the capital that Mahajurs brought from India and established industry in Pakistan.

I would like to add one more thing here. The Guajartis (British, Parsis, Memons, Sindhis etc) were raising Karachi from scratch when you guys form Bihar, UP, CP, DP and EP didn't even know that any city by this name exist anywhere in British India.
wtf, you're dividing us?
You do realize we dont believe in caste system like you. What if I told you all four of my grandparents (nane,nani,dada,dadi) are all from different places?
I am a Punjabi, my family goes back thousands of years, one of my ancestors fought for Porus against Alexander, but we too migrated here. If you go back far enough everyone is a Mohajir.

I repeat Pakistan is incomplete without all of it's wonderful diversity.

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Have you ever, ever met a real muhajir in your life? And im referring to my grandparets and their generation. YOu have no f*kcing right to judge us, expecially since you're not even living in PAk

@First poster

Racist anti-karichiites: note the keyword, EXCHANGE
Plus, the sindhis hindus in india didnt acieve 0.0000000001% the contributions we karichiites have done for our countries, yet they face no discrimination.

From the last 4 years, I'm living in Lahore. Studying Bachelors. Facing everyday hardships faced by common Pakistani. My F@cking problem is when some one start playing muhajir card and forgets he is Pakistani and than start bullshitting our motherland. For which OUR ancestors paid blood.I judge people on the basis of how they represent themselves. Now tell me, Judging the behaviour of so called Muhajirs who start questioning our motherland which our ancestors got after shedding blood why i not get mad and biased?
End of hate!
A real solution!
Let's make pakistan, one. Unit again, & make every district, a province, so everybody, becomes happy, & will , stop calling, themselves, muhajirs, punjabis, sindhis, pushtoons, seraikis, hazaras, baluchis, kashmiris, etc.
Let's make karachi, again the , capiital city, of pakistan!
I think, its the best of best, solutions! To unite back, as pakistanis?
wtf, you're dividing us?
You do realize we dont believe in caste system like you. What if I told you all four of my grandparents (nane,nani,dada,dadi) are all from different places?

Do you guys even bother to read the whole thread before you hurl your incongruous and incoherent remarks at us?

Let's make pakistan, one. Unit again, & make every district, a province, so everybody, becomes happy, & will , stop calling, themselves, muhajirs, punjabis, sindhis, pushtoons, seraikis, hazaras, baluchis, kashmiris, etc.
Let's make karachi, again the , capiital city, of pakistan!
I think, its the best of best, solutions! To unite back, as pakistanis?

You have no idea what you are talking about. You don't know what One Unit actually was and you don't seem be aware of the wisdom behind the idea of One Unit. The four provinces and the tribal areas of the western wing were merged into one administrative unit and thereby a mega West Pakistan province was created, Lahore was made its capital. The purpose was to prevent any possible future Bengali domination at the centre. This stupid idea only aggravated grievances among East Pakistanis and precipitated the break up of East Pakitsan.
Do you guys even bother to read the whole thread before you hurl your incongruous and incoherent remarks at us?

You have no idea what you are talking about. You don't know what One Unit actually was and you don't seem be aware of the wisdom behind the idea of One Unit. The four provinces and the tribal areas of the western wing were merged into one administrative unit and thereby a mega West Pakistan province was created, Lahore was made its capital. The purpose was to prevent any possible future Bengali domination at the centre. This stupid idea only aggravated grievances among East Pakistanis and precipitated the break up of East Pakitsan.

I think you never lived & studied in pakistan!
Plz find some friend, or call to some one in pakistan, who have a matric certificate on his name,
Plz read, & study of pakistan & of (karachi), karachi was the former , capitAl city of pakistan, & president Ayub khan, had changed it to, islamabad!
Plz provide, a good prove, about bieng lahore (the capital city) of united pakistan!
If not don't post again!
My point still stands. It was nowhere near as developed as it is now. It had a seaport, granted. However, it didn't have any of the factories that make it a strong industrial base for the country now

The fact that it had an airport ( one of the first in British India ) demonstrates that Karachi was not just a fishing village. Please do some research. It was a significant trading city in British India. There are plenty of grand British colonial buildings in Karachi, the Brits., would not have built these in Karachi if it had been just a non descript fishing village. The affluent Parsi community was there because of trading nature of the city.

The British conquered Sindh. The brave Sindhi's fought a desperate battle of Miani under their leader Mir of Talpur and lost 50,000 men before coming under British rule. Soon after Sindh was appended with the Bombay Presidency. However after considerable effort by Sindhi's the British agreed to separate Sindh in 1936 like it had been before in 1843. I am sure people have heard of the Hur rebellion.

Karachi is blessed by geography to be a trading hub for all of Pakistan, Indian Punjab and Central Asia. The British conquerer of Sindh in 1843, Charles Napier recognized the unique location of Karachi when he said "You will yet be glory of the East;Would that I could come again,to see you in your grandeur."

Truthseer why do you keep using 1947 as the base point? Karachi had been expanding ever since the rail link was established. When you compare Karachi today with 1947 do you consider that every other city has also developed since 1947. Lahore, Jhelum, Rawalpindi, Wah etc have also developed. How many factories were in Gujranawala or Sialkot in 1947? Why do you assume there would have ben no development without the Mohajir's?

Let us leave all this though. Let no one group brag about education etc.The thread title is about 'Mohajir sooba. I am dead against such a proposition. I agree and would support Punjab being split up. Punjab is too big and breaking it up into at least three proviinces would be a good idea.

However division of Sindh would be a unmitigated disaster for Pakistan. The reason is the Sindhi's whose land it was in 1843 before the British came, whose land it was in 1947 when they voted to join Pakistan never reckoned on becoming a minority in their city Karachi. But sadly for themselves they in effect voted themselves into becoming a minority in Karachi.

This is a source of resentment to the Sindhi's. Any such large scale population displacement anywhere in the world has led to bloodbath. The Jews have done that to the Palestinians. Today the population of Sindh is almost 40 million, majority of which is still Sindhi. The Sindhi ruling class ( Wadera etc ) have been bought out. The Sindhi have been kept backward. Ignorance is bliss.

But you try to break up their land and in effect give it over to the Mohajir's you will set of civil war that will make Balochistan troubles look like nursery fight. What the Mohajir's have to understand is that Sindh province is Sindhi. You can't expect to take part of their land away because they gave you refuge in 1947.

This could lead to break up of Pakistan. In Pakistan we really have to start acknowledging provincial rights. Just look across the border in India. It is a country far more diverse than we are. It has chosen to respect each state, even accord the language of each state as a official language of that state. They have managed to create a reasonably stable Indian Union by respecting the differant states.

Somebody mentioned about the Hindu Sindhi's being assimilated into India. Well can you ask the Indian members here if 1) Have the Sindhi Hindus taken over Kolkata? Or Mumbai? Or Chennai? Or Amritsar? 2) Then ask them if they had and then foisted their language on the local people, then wanted to draw a new boundary so that they would be majority within that boundary would the locals have accepted that?

I want to make it clear that I don't have any personal connection with this subject. I am neither a Sindhi or Mohajir. I have been only once to Karachi and personally was not impressed. All I saw was slums and my feeling was I at least I don't need to go to India because of all sort of people from all parts of india who are found in Karachi. Oh I found that paan spitting habit by the Bihari's disgusting.I much preferred Muzzafarabad even if it is considered 'backward' by people..
every 1000 square yards should be declared a separate province with its own flag etc ....solution to all problems

---if that is not enough make each a separate country.......QED////

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