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This Is What Happens When The Public Sees A Woman Abusing A Man

sadly that is also reality in our society too, I have seen wives beating their husbands and getting away with it because men don't talk mostly about it with others.
I have a friend who is a photographer. He got into an argument with his girlfriend, she got hysterical and wanted to throw his rather expensive gear through the balcony of their appartment which is on the 6th floor.

According to his words, he had to grab her for the hands while she was getting ready to throw and with the other hand he called for the police. In the end, he, not the girlfriend, got a 100€ fine for disturbing public peace.......

This is because of the filthy western feminist cult pervading into our society.

You want peace and a loving wife? Never marry a western woman.

Source? Told by western males themselves.

While to some extent this is true.....it's quite different then in your parts of the world. Here a woman is mostly financially independant, and she can afford to not listen to her husband. And a husband can see the benefits of this arrangement through the second paycheck. And generally, two heads is better then one.
In India, woman has to love her man, else she is stigmatized and left out to poverty. That's why you will have a happy wife who will love you forever. the alternative is to die slowly of hunger or sell dignity on the street.
I have a friend who is a photographer. He got into an argument with his girlfriend, she got hysterical and wanted to throw his rather expensive gear through the balcony of their appartment which is on the 6th floor.

According to his words, he had to grab her for the hands while she was getting ready to throw and with the other hand he called for the police. In the end, he, not the girlfriend, got a 100€ fine for disturbing public peace.......
saw a news about a guy who has complained to police that his gf destroyed his ps4 and distributed games to others because council had sent a letter to him by mistake and gf read it.
The letter was about him being a bad parent and not taking care of kids. Gf thought he had kids and hidden from her, so she smashed the house.

Council said sorry in the end. :p:
Read a UN report back in early 2000 about battered husband syndrome. It shockingly said more than 66% of men suffer from BHD in Pakistan!
Very much true. Abuse on men is taken lightly because they are physically stronger. Women get more attention and sympathy if they are at receiving end because of their shouting, screaming and crocodile tears ... most people assume automatically that it would be fault of men even if he is getting abuse from women lol You beat me ..It was your fault..i beat you..it was also your fault ..typical feminist approach :D

While to some extent this is true.....it's quite different then in your parts of the world. Here a woman is mostly financially independant, and she can afford to not listen to her husband. And a husband can see the benefits of this arrangement through the second paycheck. And generally, two heads is better then one.
In India, woman has to love her man, else she is stigmatized and left out to poverty. That's why you will have a happy wife who will love you forever. the alternative is to die slowly of hunger or sell dignity on the street.

If you are financially independent then it don't mean you should treat men like dirt and should make mountain out of a mole or should change partners like clothes. Its true that most women are financially independent over there or state look after them if they don't have jobs but still our working women are not same as working women in western countries.You don't even know our poor village woman work more hard in fields, warehouses,factories etc than women in western countries because their husband are either jobless or don't earn enough for big family and they also look after the house and kids at the same time but just because you work hard don't mean you should become loud mouth or disrespectful to your husbands
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If you are financially independent then it don't mean you should treat men like dirt and should make mountain out of a mole or should change partners like clothes. Its true that most women are financially independent over there or state look after them if they don't have jobs but still our working women are not same as working women in western countries.You don't even know our poor village woman work more hard in in field, warehouse,factories etc than women in western countries because their husband are either jobless or don't earn enough for big family and they also look after the house and kids at the same time ..but just because you work hard don't mean you should become loud mouth or disrespectful to your husbands

I was commenting on Tshering's assertion that Indian women love more then white women. And that because of it, there's peace and quiet in the marriage. Which i find ridiculous as a woman's options in your parts of the world after divorce are severely limited, even more so with a dependant or more. So, naturally, not many decide to go through this.
And this is not saying there is no true love in India, Pakistan and all marriages are based on a materialistic component....
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I was commenting on Tshering's assertion that Indian women love more then white women. And that because of it, there's peace and quiet in the marriage.
I know but you think some compromise or little patience in marriage is good or bad thing irrespective of whether you working women or house women andAsian or western ? I dont think any marriage is perfect but you always need some effort and compromise to make it work otherwise you will end up lonely for the rest of your life if your goal is to achieve perfect partner or perfect marriage because there is none
I know but you think some compromise or little patience in marriage is good or bad thing irrespective of whether you working women or house women andAsian or western ? I dont think any marriage is perfect but you always need some effort and compromise to make it work otherwise you will end up lonely for the rest of your life if your goal is to achieve perfect partner or perfect marriage because there is none

Some people just aren't ready for compromise. And then it's better that each go their own separate way. Better then insisting in a fail marriage in my opinion.

You have this tricky balance to catch:
1.) finding someone who you like
2.) making them like you
3.) account for your changing personality over the years
4.) account for partner's changing personality over the years
5.) account for unforeseen stimuli from the environment- ie when you are arguing with your Ms and there's a silent period in your relationship a hot lady in the caffe is returning flirts

And there's more, i'm just to lazy to list, so it's no wonder the divorce rate is what it is, in a society where both parties can afford to be financially independant.
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I know but you think some compromise or little patience in marriage is good or bad thing irrespective of whether you working women or house women andAsian or western ? I dont think any marriage is perfect but you always need some effort and compromise to make it work otherwise you will end up lonely for the rest of your life if your goal is to achieve perfect partner or perfect marriage because there is none
Why should anybody compromise in marriage. That day and age should be past.
If husband or wife things marriage is beyond repair or they made a mistake, they should be able to rectify it and if the solution is divoce, so be it.
Its so much better than clinging to each other just for sake of kids.
In India, women remain dependent financially/emotionally so they wont leave the husband. Another issue is second marriage is very difficult (among hindus at least) for both men and women. So people are scared of divorce.
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