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This is our War

Did the bot ever replied?- or took part in conversation- i find it useless to even respond-
This is more true for Afghanistan where Nato has raped children, urinated on dead bodies, burned the Quran and gone on killing sprees for sport. In Afghanistan you are definitely the bigger enemy than the Taliban.

2332 Afghans killed last year by the taliban might disagree with your statment.
2332 Afghans killed last year by the taliban might disagree with your statment.

Maybe - although I think that's a total of civilians killed. We have seen that when America shoots, it shoots blind and tries to kill everything that moves - so I don't know how I'd split that pie. America is the invader here, it will always be its fault that the fighting is going on.

132,000 people have been killed if you combine Iraq and Afghanistan. America started these wars, fired the most bombs and bullets in these wars. Numerous incidents of civilian deaths, abuses and killing rampages have come forward where America was at fault. It's safe to assume the bigger chunk of these civilians has been killed by the US, not the rag tag militants running for cover when the US war machine comes.
Every so often we simply fail to realize that the terrorists pose as much of a threat to Pakistan as they do to the U.S. Unfortunately, we allow our differences to gain control and then seek refuge in the blame game. The reality is that these terrorists take full advantage of our differences. The question whether this is our war answers itself when you begin separating facts from fiction. Pakistan has lost thousands of innocent civilians and thousands of security personnel to the acts of terror. The truth is that the threat is still prevalent in the region, and we are suffering at the hands of the same terrorists.

Last month an Associated Press reporter and photographer were allowed to follow Pakistani soldiers on the Kalpani base near the Af/Pak border. These brave soldiers are protecting the frontlines under very harsh conditions. One of the soldiers said: "This is my country. I am a Pakistani. I don't see that anyone who destroys our schools, our masjids (mosques), kills people, is good for my country; if they were working for a better Pakistan, we wouldn't be sitting in this post. The people would be supporting them against us." Another soldier said: "They are the enemy. They are not working for Pakistan. They are telling us that we have to do everything their way."

We must ask ourselves if we are supporting our soldiers by taking the attention off the terrorists by regularly highlighting our differences. We should remind ourselves that those protecting the front lines hold no confusion in regards to who poses the threat to our nations. Therefore, the responsibility of holding the obvious miscreants to account also rests with us. We must bring justice to those killed and fully support our forces in eliminating the threat that continues to haunt the region.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Who are responsble for the making of those terrorists in the first place?

Did the bot ever replied?- or took part in conversation- i find it useless to even respond-

So we are free to swear on his family members and parents :D Let us post some nice comments on his personal page and here. :D
@Asim - America was not even in the region not a very long time back.. Then some idiots thought about taking stupid mission of hitting at the heart of America and Americans.. I am sorry to say that invited all the hell to Taliban/AQ folks and rightfully so. So you can not simply get away by saying America started these wars. The war was started by act of terrorism and will not end until America feel its safe to do so. Also keep in mind, wars does cause civilian causalities that's unfortunate but a bitter fact..
Every so often we simply fail to realize that the terrorists pose as much of a threat to Pakistan as they do to the U.S. Unfortunately, we allow our differences to gain control and then seek refuge in the blame game. The reality is that these terrorists take full advantage of our differences. The question whether this is our war answers itself when you begin separating facts from fiction. Pakistan has lost thousands of innocent civilians and thousands of security personnel to the acts of terror. The truth is that the threat is still prevalent in the region, and we are suffering at the hands of the same terrorists.

Last month an Associated Press reporter and photographer were allowed to follow Pakistani soldiers on the Kalpani base near the Af/Pak border. These brave soldiers are protecting the frontlines under very harsh conditions. One of the soldiers said: "This is my country. I am a Pakistani. I don't see that anyone who destroys our schools, our masjids (mosques), kills people, is good for my country; if they were working for a better Pakistan, we wouldn't be sitting in this post. The people would be supporting them against us." Another soldier said: "They are the enemy. They are not working for Pakistan. They are telling us that we have to do everything their way."

We must ask ourselves if we are supporting our soldiers by taking the attention off the terrorists by regularly highlighting our differences. We should remind ourselves that those protecting the front lines hold no confusion in regards to who poses the threat to our nations. Therefore, the responsibility of holding the obvious miscreants to account also rests with us. We must bring justice to those killed and fully support our forces in eliminating the threat that continues to haunt the region.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

as an indian and an independent observor i would say there were no bomb blasts in Pakistan before 9/11,,,,there were no blowing up of schools or beheading or kidnapping of soldiers......there was no army in the tribal areas......there was no abbotabad like raid...no naval base like attack...no attack on army head quarters and no salala like massacre of innocent soldiers.
all this started after americans came in afghanistan and when not a single 9/11 hijacker was a Pakistani or Afghan......would you kindly explain once after the first plane crashed in tower one of wtc......why werent your fighter jets scrambled?why did u air defence slept for 15 minutes allowing second plane to hit the tower??....why wasnt your air-chief tried for incompetence and criminal negligence?

@Asim - America was not even in the region not a very long time back.. Then some idiots thought about taking stupid mission of hitting at the heart of America and Americans.. I am sorry to say that invited all the hell to Taliban/AQ folks and rightfully so. So you can not simply get away by saying America started these wars. The war was started by act of terrorism and will not end until America feel its safe to do so. Also keep in mind, wars does cause civilian causalities that's unfortunate but a bitter fact..

yup thats why they are negotiating with taleban now....with an office in qatar and turkey.:lol:
yup thats why they are negotiating with taleban now....with an office in qatar and turkey.:lol:

First of all, you are an obvious Pakistani.. You idiotic name is good enough to figure it out..
@your comment
Ok so what major problem is taken care of now only offshoots are left.. and these talks are to discuss steps to put an end to the war in Afghanistan.. I hope you understand the meaning of it.. Also such talks has been going on since 2010 and we have seen how effective these have been.. Anyways, we will wait and watch what happens next..
First of all, you are an obvious Pakistani.. You idiotic name is good enough to figure it out..
@your comment
Ok so what major problem is taken care of now only offshoots are left.. and these talks are to discuss steps to put an end to the war in Afghanistan.. I hope you understand the meaning of it.. Also such talks has been going on since 2010 and we have seen how effective these have been.. Anyways, we will wait and watch what happens next..

why ....how does my username shows i am a falseflag?

no need for us indians to wait and see....we dont have anything to do with that nation....we dont even share a border with afghanistan...i dont know we are poking our nose in afghanistan....we indians would be the first one to leave afghanistan once we find out nato and america is leaving.....we should mind our own little business.
First of all, you are an obvious Pakistani.. You idiotic name is good enough to figure it out..
@your comment
Ok so what major problem is taken care of now only offshoots are left.. and these talks are to discuss steps to put an end to the war in Afghanistan.. I hope you understand the meaning of it.. Also such talks has been going on since 2010 and we have seen how effective these have been.. Anyways, we will wait and watch what happens next..

no he's not pakistani, mods did IP check on him i think
@Asim - America was not even in the region not a very long time back.. Then some idiots thought about taking stupid mission of hitting at the heart of America and Americans.. I am sorry to say that invited all the hell to Taliban/AQ folks and rightfully so. So you can not simply get away by saying America started these wars. The war was started by act of terrorism and will not end until America feel its safe to do so. Also keep in mind, wars does cause civilian causalities that's unfortunate but a bitter fact..

So what one thousand people died in America so America decides to kill 150,000 plus (counting in Pakistan). Such psycho people should be locked up in a mental asylum then.

9/11 was peanuts compared to what America has done to us all, 9/11 is no excuse.

no he's not pakistani, mods did IP check on him i think

No he was a false flag.
everyone cursing why did US invaded Afghanistan??

what you think US should have done after 9/11???............after the death of 3000 innocents..............It wasnt any poor country like India or Pakistan that was hit!!!!!..........It was a superpower...........and it responded in that way...........but Iraq was a stupidity.

Why didnt US left after defeat of Taliban and victory of northern alliance??

I think last time when US left Afghanistan after defeat of USSR was a blunnder.........that left afghanistan unguarded and extremists took over.........US does not want to repeat it.

About situation of Pakistan.......well what can be said..........Monsters are hard to control.........they can start bitting their masters.
it took very long time for them to understand that they are in state of war .........not with India but with this monster not at their borders but at their own home.
Now its not US war ........it has become Pakistans war .
And Good men dies in war..........we should honor them and continue progressing from the point they left.
So what one thousand people died in America so America decides to kill 150,000 plus (counting in Pakistan). Such psycho people should be locked up in a mental asylum then.

9/11 was peanuts compared to what America has done to us all, 9/11 is no excuse.

That's totally wrong way of looking at it. 9/11 was a kind a big tsunami for America. It not only killed 3000+ people but also sent the economy of the nation down the drain and it impacted lives of millions.. It was a one of the biggest attack in recent time and that too on a super power.. Psychological impact of it was humongous. There were very bright chances of nuclear strikes at few places but saner minds did not let that happen at least. A war was started and America responded in kind. The causalities on the other side was always expected to be high considering who they were fighting with..

You can not simply blame America for the whole issue. There were many players/party to this including Pakistan as well.. You guys had to simply pay the price for part played in the promotion of Wahabi culture in your border region and across the border in Afghanistan..
That's totally wrong way of looking at it. 9/11 was a kind a big tsunami for America. It not only killed 3000+ people but also sent the economy of the nation down the drain and it impacted lives of millions.. It was a one of the biggest attack in recent time and that too on a super power.. Psychological impact of it was humongous. There were very bright chances of nuclear strikes at few places but saner minds did not let that happen at least. A war was started and America responded in kind. The causalities on the other side was always expected to be high considering who they were fighting with..

You can not simply blame America for the whole issue. There were many players/party to this including Pakistan as well.. You guys had to simply pay the price for part played in the promotion of Wahabi culture in your border region and across the border in Afghanistan..

I didn't blame America for starting the war, I blamed it for a never ending blood thirst. All that you have said America faced with just 3000 deaths, we have faced many times over by 150,000 deaths.

It has to end.
I didn't blame America for starting the war, I blamed it for a never ending blood thirst. All that you have said America faced with just 3000 deaths, we have faced many times over by 150,000 deaths.

It has to end.

I agree to this,It has to end but all the countries in the region should help Afghanistan to stabilize so that it does not become battle ground again in future.
I didn't blame America for starting the war, I blamed it for a never ending blood thirst. All that you have said America faced with just 3000 deaths, we have faced many times over by 150,000 deaths.

It has to end.

That was the only good post in all thread...but i want to add on it...this WOT became Pakistan's war the day their proud General's agreed to help US & WEST to destroy USSR through Afghanistan by aal means nessesarry...as they say once you sell your soul to devil you inevitabally have to give the devil his deu!!!!!!!!!

there are 4 parties here & all have diff reason's to fight

#1 USA & NATO....cause on 9/11 some group of idiot' thought they will bring a great service to ISLAM by giving USA a big blow ...but it was not india but the sole superpower USA & they responded so did there alies ....its another mateer what they got out of it

#2 Pakistan.....cause they had shown over & over again to west that anybody can use its soil for all kinds of mischief across the globe & no matter where ever there some mischief its origins can be traced to the Land of The PURE!!!!+they(miltarry establishment of Pakistan) had a golden egg laying goose (USA & NATO)but dint use it properly and now paying the prise of there greedy game (or say greedy minkey trap in which they are themselfs the victim) by the blodd of more than 35000 pakistanies & over 70-80 billion $ worth loses to its infra not to mntion econmic harakiree...so yes its there war now

#3 Afghan's....to them war is a cottege industry ever since the mongol's invaded this land ????

#4 Opportunists....as they say war is the biggest industry ..this war is no exeption ...but here there are too many vultures..blck market arm's suppliers to Taliban, American Arm's Corportion's which supply to US & NATO forces ,internatinal drug syndicates which get afghan opiom for much less price & big infra development companies & corporation's of USA & WEST which are minting Billion's of $$$ in the name of redevlopment

now it is in interests of Pakistan & Afghanistan & US to kill this monster called Taliban both good & bad other wise more misery is bound to come for Pakistan as Afghan's have nothing to loose & US/WEST is too shrewed & strong for pakistan to handle ...Thanks
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