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This is our War

Dear S 19,

Conspiracy theories have not done us any good, and it is our failure to acknowledge the truth that allows our enemies to further their dark and evil agenda through conspiracy theories. All we have to do is evaluate the facts associated with this WOT, and the truth becomes visible. We were attacked on 9/11 and lost thousands of innocent civilians, including women, children and elderly, to the cowardly acts of terror. Those responsible for the attacks were boastfully claiming responsibility for the killings of our civilians. The U.S. did not have a choice but to go after the terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for the massacre and dismantle their network. How do you expect a proud and sovereign nation to react? We were attacked in our own backyard! We had the support of many nations in this WOT, including Pakistan. We admit that our relationship with Pakistan has been tested thoroughly, but it’s our stance against terrorism that still binds us together. We had a common vision, and that was to eliminate the terror groups that were threatening peace and stability in the region. Our officials have repeatedly voiced the importance of Pakistan in winning this war on terror. The U.S desires a safe and stable Pakistan for the sake of the region. We ask everyone to disregard all suggestions that the U.S is aiming to “denuclearize” Pakistan as mere rumors and lies. We are working hard to improve the level of coordination and cooperation that will help us prevent past mistakes from recurring. We aim to build such trust that will help us grow stronger and achieve our common objectives in the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command


So, you wanted revenge---and you attacked----but conveniently---you let all the perforators of 9/11 escape from afg and when there were requests made to drop bombs on the escaping al qaeda and OBL, they were conveniently delayed or never materialized.

If it was revenge that you wanted---then it would have been your millitary who should have rounded them up in the first place and closed all the escape routes. But conveniently---all the major players escaped---you didnot even have any troops in afg ready for high altitude warfare.

Those 40 or so rangers just looked on as the al qaeda was escaping into the passes at tora bora---they asked for help and dinot get any----you know what---if they had any courage and any ballz---they would have gone after the escaping al qaeda---becauswe now they had the oppurtunity to seek justice----big deal if the 40 had laid down their lives in killing the escaping al qaeda---at least their action would have brought some shame to those who delayed the bombings of the pass---.

10 years is too long of a war---10 years of killings---how can it be justified---. Is that why the enemy is called 'bad guy'---because it is easy to kill bad guys and there is no remorse in the end---.

Major---what kind of human beings are american soldiers that they don't tire even after killing for 10 continuous years----all men have souls somewhere---do they ever ask the question---how long these killings would be carried on---or when they go in front of their pastor---he cleanses their souls and justifies the killings as necessary like in doing 'god's work'.

The only soldiers who can kill for so long without remorse are religious warriors---only in the name of religion you can kill for so long.

Sadly---you have failed so miserably in all your endeavours, you have no clue to head which way. Even home seems a far off place.

Have you ever thought what the history books will write about you.
It's funny how people are attacking Mr. Nevers when he is saying the truth and defending Pakistan.
Guru Dutt,

You started to grow fangs.

how did I say anything wrong ...India is the last thing to worry Afghan people...we always wanted a peaceful & coaprative naiburhood to grow without hurdel's it's basic human nature & every body wants that......dosent you or say Pakistan wants that??????

India is only investing in Afghanistan buy building school's, hostpital's & civilian Infra as a goodwill gift to people of afghanistan...what's wrong in it...it is there curropt & incompetent Afghan regieme & Pakistan's establishment who despite knowing Afghan's highly independent charechter still want it as a strategic retreat against India (country which never attacked in its 10000 year old history) and that false bravado is responsible for Afghan misery......how did i offend anybody....its not my nature to offend or degrade anybody all i want on this forum are some good friends to whome i can share what in real world i cant say to even my close one's ..hope you might pardon me iff any of my post was offensive ...Thanks Again .
America is not friend of Pakistan, they hate Pakistan and constantly attack Pakistan period.

I am sure next plan by America design to kill more Pakistanis surprisingly.
Dear S 19,

Conspiracy theories have not done us any good, and it is our failure to acknowledge the truth that allows our enemies to further their dark and evil agenda through conspiracy theories. All we have to do is evaluate the facts associated with this WOT, and the truth becomes visible. We were attacked on 9/11 and lost thousands of innocent civilians, including women, children and elderly, to the cowardly acts of terror. Those responsible for the attacks were boastfully claiming responsibility for the killings of our civilians. The U.S. did not have a choice but to go after the terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for the massacre and dismantle their network. How do you expect a proud and sovereign nation to react? We were attacked in our own backyard! We had the support of many nations in this WOT, including Pakistan. We admit that our relationship with Pakistan has been tested thoroughly, but it’s our stance against terrorism that still binds us together. We had a common vision, and that was to eliminate the terror groups that were threatening peace and stability in the region. Our officials have repeatedly voiced the importance of Pakistan in winning this war on terror. The U.S desires a safe and stable Pakistan for the sake of the region. We ask everyone to disregard all suggestions that the U.S is aiming to “denuclearize” Pakistan as mere rumors and lies. We are working hard to improve the level of coordination and cooperation that will help us prevent past mistakes from recurring. We aim to build such trust that will help us grow stronger and achieve our common objectives in the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

How can anyone trust the US after what happened in the pre Iraq war lies and deceptions, if the invasion of Afghanistan is related to the 9/11 and this was a false flag operation as it appeared in the first days following the bombings than it is lies and deceptions to invade Afghanistan.
Now that your agenda is exposed, what do you expect to get in return?
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