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This is our War

I don't understand what kind of stress can make you go out and shoot children, civilians.

More than stress its racism, bigotry and hate. When you start thinking of another as less a human and hate their guts for their beliefs, that's when this kind of stuff occurs.

Even now American media is putting a PTSD spin on it. Actions of a lone, deranged soldier. Meanwhile there are string of violent acts committed against civilians, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, by US forces and motives aren't PTSD but hate and bigotry.

And this is violence against foreigners. But do you know what happend to this 19 year old Chinese American soldier in Afghanistan? News broke out of Pvt Danny Chen's suicide last November and first it was thought due to stress of the war. Then as days went by, it became clear that Pvt Chen was subject of abuse by his peers.

It was reported during that phase that only two or three other pvts were part of verbal abuse. As story developed and Asian Americans in NY took to the streets and pressure was built more things became clear. Pvt Danny wasn't just subject to verbal abuse but physical, too. It was suggested he was tortured and even his superiors failed to help him.

Racism is a big problem in the US. Some members in the other thread mentioned a high literacy rate that should curb bigotry and racism but we know its totally the opposite.
Unless things change in our own nations..
where single men with pyrite on their shoulders can take a decision that effects 200 million..
We will lose our nukes .. and whatever little is left of our sovereignty.

That change must come where we too can stand up and say NO to the US where we should..
and have them talk to us like two nations and not in a Employer-Employee relationship.

At the same time.. we cannot expect this unless we change ourselves, spewing out hate against the US or its people(who are generally nice) while our leadership is ready to offer themselves up for the night at very little charge to them.. for a profit that is rarely experienced by the people, because if it did .. there would be no hate.
Our people are not those that will normally bite the hands that feed them. But when has that "feed" ever really reached the common man.. his plate?

But Major Nevers.. Template responses are not going to pacify this.
To expect us to fight this war as our own is then foolish...
Only disengagement from the region will end this angst.

Nobody is asking you to shut down USEFP or your NGO's.
We will still have McDonalds.. and KFC.
What we screaming at your face is a simple.. "Yankee go home".
You got into this for all the wrong reasons.. and now need to get out for all the right reasons.
How many more of your soldiers must suffer a "nam"-like breakdown for you to realize that the time has come to go back to the US. To protect the homeland by staying in the homeland.
The alternative will lead to more instability, more innocent people killed by your troops under stress related breakdowns.
More Star-spangled banners burnt .. and More Americans will die.
Killing 200000 more will make no difference to the people of this region or in the M.E.
Because people who have NOTHING to lose anymore.. will not stop.
The United States has a LOT to lose..and is losing it.
Please do not do this to your own families back home.. they are safe now.. dont endanger their safety by claiming to protect it.
stop massacring innocent Afghans target those who produce opium and force children into committing suicide for 72 virgins those guys are the real mofos another thing is Karzai is a puppet i wish the northern alliance still existed they would have made good leadership for Afghanistan
stop massacring innocent Afghans target those who produce opium and force children into committing suicide for 72 virgins those guys are the real mofos another thing is Karzai is a puppet i wish the northern alliance still existed they would have made good leadership for Afghanistan

do you know this is being done under the protection of NATO forces? and Many Northern Alliance Angels are involved in this racket?
American mainstream people are very naive, easily controlled by the mass media itself controlled by the the Zionist lobby, mentally, emotionally and obviously physically(sending them to wars) too .
anywhere Where people are naive and not very well educated makes its an easy target and the playground of the Zionist Machiavelism.
everyone cursing why did US invaded Afghanistan??

what you think US should have done after 9/11???............after the death of 3000 innocents..............It wasnt any poor country like India or Pakistan that was hit!!!!!..........It was a superpower...........and it responded in that way...........but Iraq was a stupidity.

9/11 - :D
First jet crashed into tower one, second one crashed after so many minutes... was world's best Air Force sleeping?
I think you know very well that what you said is not true. Your invasion of Afghanistan was not to chase some random taliban rats in Afghanistan by deploying 150000 troops. Your aim was to set a pretext and create condition by which you could de-nuclearize Pakistan. Pakistan was the ultimate target. :)

Dear S 19,

Conspiracy theories have not done us any good, and it is our failure to acknowledge the truth that allows our enemies to further their dark and evil agenda through conspiracy theories. All we have to do is evaluate the facts associated with this WOT, and the truth becomes visible. We were attacked on 9/11 and lost thousands of innocent civilians, including women, children and elderly, to the cowardly acts of terror. Those responsible for the attacks were boastfully claiming responsibility for the killings of our civilians. The U.S. did not have a choice but to go after the terrorist organization (Al-Qaeda) responsible for the massacre and dismantle their network. How do you expect a proud and sovereign nation to react? We were attacked in our own backyard! We had the support of many nations in this WOT, including Pakistan. We admit that our relationship with Pakistan has been tested thoroughly, but it’s our stance against terrorism that still binds us together. We had a common vision, and that was to eliminate the terror groups that were threatening peace and stability in the region. Our officials have repeatedly voiced the importance of Pakistan in winning this war on terror. The U.S desires a safe and stable Pakistan for the sake of the region. We ask everyone to disregard all suggestions that the U.S is aiming to “denuclearize” Pakistan as mere rumors and lies. We are working hard to improve the level of coordination and cooperation that will help us prevent past mistakes from recurring. We aim to build such trust that will help us grow stronger and achieve our common objectives in the region.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
That was the only good post in all thread...but i want to add on it...this WOT became Pakistan's war the day their proud General's agreed to help US & WEST to destroy USSR through Afghanistan by aal means nessesarry...as they say once you sell your soul to devil you inevitabally have to give the devil his deu!!!!!!!!!

there are 4 parties here & all have diff reason's to fight

#1 USA & NATO....cause on 9/11 some group of idiot' thought they will bring a great service to ISLAM by giving USA a big blow ...but it was not india but the sole superpower USA & they responded so did there alies ....its another mateer what they got out of it

#2 Pakistan.....cause they had shown over & over again to west that anybody can use its soil for all kinds of mischief across the globe & no matter where ever there some mischief its origins can be traced to the Land of The PURE!!!!+they(miltarry establishment of Pakistan) had a golden egg laying goose (USA & NATO)but dint use it properly and now paying the prise of there greedy game (or say greedy minkey trap in which they are themselfs the victim) by the blodd of more than 35000 pakistanies & over 70-80 billion $ worth loses to its infra not to mntion econmic harakiree...so yes its there war now

#3 Afghan's....to them war is a cottege industry ever since the mongol's invaded this land ????

#4 Opportunists....as they say war is the biggest industry ..this war is no exeption ...but here there are too many vultures..blck market arm's suppliers to Taliban, American Arm's Corportion's which supply to US & NATO forces ,internatinal drug syndicates which get afghan opiom for much less price & big infra development companies & corporation's of USA & WEST which are minting Billion's of $$$ in the name of redevlopment

now it is in interests of Pakistan & Afghanistan & US to kill this monster called Taliban both good & bad other wise more misery is bound to come for Pakistan as Afghan's have nothing to loose & US/WEST is too shrewed & strong for pakistan to handle ...Thanks

this is where india comes in with its ulterior motives and make life more miserable for the poor afghanis-
the mistake the U.S. made was to over-estimate its much vaunted military machine and under-estimated the value of soft power

stop massacring innocent Afghans target those who produce opium and force children into committing suicide for 72 virgins those guys are the real mofos another thing is Karzai is a puppet i wish the northern alliance still existed they would have made good leadership for Afghanistan

Karzai is a member of the northern alliance :rofl:
the mistake the U.S. made was to over-estimate its much vaunted military machine and under-estimated the value of soft power

Karzai is a member of the northern alliance :rofl:

by northern alliance i meant the ones that existed under Ahmad Shah Massoud his younger brother has since taken over the NA. besides Karzai is an independent not part of the NA.
Every so often we simply fail to realize that the terrorists pose as much of a threat to Pakistan as they do to the U.S. Unfortunately, we allow our differences to gain control and then seek refuge in the blame game. The reality is that these terrorists take full advantage of our differences. The question whether this is our war answers itself when you begin separating facts from fiction. Pakistan has lost thousands of innocent civilians and thousands of security personnel to the acts of terror. The truth is that the threat is still prevalent in the region, and we are suffering at the hands of the same terrorists.

Last month an Associated Press reporter and photographer were allowed to follow Pakistani soldiers on the Kalpani base near the Af/Pak border. These brave soldiers are protecting the frontlines under very harsh conditions. One of the soldiers said: "This is my country. I am a Pakistani. I don't see that anyone who destroys our schools, our masjids (mosques), kills people, is good for my country; if they were working for a better Pakistan, we wouldn't be sitting in this post. The people would be supporting them against us." Another soldier said: "They are the enemy. They are not working for Pakistan. They are telling us that we have to do everything their way."

We must ask ourselves if we are supporting our soldiers by taking the attention off the terrorists by regularly highlighting our differences. We should remind ourselves that those protecting the front lines hold no confusion in regards to who poses the threat to our nations. Therefore, the responsibility of holding the obvious miscreants to account also rests with us. We must bring justice to those killed and fully support our forces in eliminating the threat that continues to haunt the region.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Maj David Nevers - Nice propaganda, how many innocent Afghans did you kill today?

When are you going to acknowledge that it was actually a team of US Soldiers that went on a drunk killing spree instead of putting all the blame on one US soldier and making out as though he was a 'rogue'?
by northern alliance i meant the ones that existed under Ahmad Shah Massoud his younger brother has since taken over the NA. besides Karzai is an independent not part of the NA.

makes no difference.....northern alliance will also be history

though i'd be very very careful about repeating the old mistakes of siding with one faction over the other. Afghans need national reconciliation and dialogue -- and that will take place once the environment is conducive and allows for that. One pre-condition is likely going to be a withdrawal of all foreign boots from the country.

and independent or non-independent, Karzai rose through the ranks as he was in the NA. This is an undeniable fact. Unfortunately, when it comes to human rights records and all --- taleban and NA are 2 opposite sides of the exact same coin
We were attacked on 9/11 and lost thousands of innocent civilians, including women, children and elderly, to the cowardly acts of terror.

And now you have killed thousands of innocent civilians, including women, children and elderly, in cowardly acts of terror, so should the cycle repeat? It was wrong to conduct war in response to 9/11. Political decisions should have been sought. Arab springs have shown us that there is a possibility of nations rising up in support of democracy, Afghanistan would have done the same eventually, same for Iraq - which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks or WMD.

In fact you're still at it. You are still killing, you killed over a dozen people in Pakistan on March 14, 2012. It has to end. You need to leave this region. Quit Afghanistan, Quit Pakistan and forget Iran. You have an ally in India, make your bases there. Afghanistan and Pakistan are going to fight back till you leave. Enemy #1 US forces, Enemy #2 Taliban.
Major Nevers,

Sir, a lot of Pakistanis, myself included -- were in a total state of shock and utter sadness as the tragic events of 9/11 unfolded.

like the nameless, faceless, defenceless Afghan, Iraqi, Pakistani civilians that have been killed in these past years in acts of terrorism or aggression (not just by foes but by friendlys too) -- the same sympathy ought to go towards the victims of those who perished on those aircrafts and in those buildings

their only crime?

being at the wrong place at the wrong damned time

how does a purely military approach help quell the spreading of these radical groups? my personal observations tell me that if anything -- a purely militarily-run and military-centric approach has been DISASTROUS! More so for you because you are perceived as an occupier. In our case, we've had succecces simply because winning hearts and minds was easier for us -- despite our much fewer financial and other resources (we are not a rich country)

Afghanistan has suffered and most certainly, Pakistan has suffered. To make matters worse, we are constantly villified in the western media. The smear campaigns and the blame-games must end immediately.
The best outcome would be for the US to leave after Afghanistan stands on its own feet, with a strong defense capability, perhaps funded by its mineral resources.

Americans have been saying that they want to build the Afghan army, but the execution is lagging.
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