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'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

Lol,what evidence,there's tons of info regarding this incident in the internet.All you have to do is to google the incident and i am sure you'll get all your evidences!But first of all you should provide me any credible evidence regarding RSS's involvement in the murder of Mohd. Ekhlaq and please no sickular link this time:coffee:!!

Now that would be a hard one to find.
vegetarians like hitler??

and what is this "vegan"?? never bothered to read about it because i associate it with yoga-doing dog-loving mba-degreed software-engineer followers of baba ramdev.

look, when a few humans will venture onto mars in the 2020's ( and they will ), unless artificial meat and artificial egg is developed further ( the meat is already available and under experiment ), the little settlement will need to consume vegetables. which is understandable... but holding cultural vegetarianism as a moral authority in india ( with its various economic/social/political oppressions and injustices ) is hypocrisy and foolishness.
Again..not my job to educate someone who doesn't even know the meaning of vegan. Told ya...should have gone to a proper school instead of Madrasa.
I hate to say thus. At this stage, India could benefit from a dictator who is actually bringing true reform to India. Let him or her rule for a few decades without interruption to change India before Revert to democracy.
I dont care if it is a dictator or a democrat. He/she should rid India of these pseudo secular leftist scums
Ultra religious on raise lol.... Minorities are bad for India... even the majority kill them... they shouldn't have raised voice. .. they don't have right to protect their religious beliefs. .. and must follow What Majority especially RSS type religious org says... If any of these minorities protest their rights... they should killed, tagged them as Liberals, Secular.... and finally it is the minorities fault for the under development. ..... meanwhile innocent Majority are real innocent... the babas who claim themselves as god are true gods.... no one has right to talk against them... lolz
THRISSUR, KERALA: Joining an increasing number of writers and poets who have returned honours and given up positions in recent weeks, author Sara Joseph said today that she is returning the Sahitya Akademi Award that she got in 2003.

"There is a growing fear and lack of freedom under the present government," she said.

Condemning the murder of rationalist writer MM Kalburgi and the mob killing of a50-year-old man in Uttar Pradesh's Dadriallegedly over rumours that he had eaten beef, she said, "Writers are being killed, people are being killed, ghazal singers are not being allowed to perform - this is not the free India I have lived in."

"The Sahitya Akademi has remained silent over all of this, when it should have been the first to speak out. I am returning my award in protest," Ms Joseph said.

Joining her, another noted poet from Kerala K Satchidanandan, resigned from his official posts in Sahitya Akademi committees. He had earlier asked the Akademi to pass a resolution against them killing of Mr Kalburgi.

Ms Joseph is the latest to join protest by writers and poets who have resigned and turned down honours in recent weeks. Yesterday,novelist Shashi Deshpande offered her resignation from the Sahitya Akademi General Councildenouncing "growing intolerance" in the country. Urdu novelist Rehman Abbas also returned his 2011 Sahitya Akademi Award on the same day.

Earlier noted writers Nayantara Sahgalandpoet Ashok Vajpeyi had returnedtheir literary honours to protest what they termed as an "assault on right to freedom of both life and expression".

'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

Of course...every freedom has some limit...You can not just need absolute freedom anywhere in this world...If you have freedom for what you want..then in the same way...the Righist Hindu element need freeom for what they want too...Where do you create a middle ground??..

Anyway, Congress patronised all these so called so called communist liberals for decades together..for its own purpose...This is time, India should go away from the threat from all these so called secular liberals, build and appreciate people who at least respect our own roots..
vegetarians like hitler??

and what is this "vegan"?? never bothered to read about it because i associate it with yoga-doing dog-loving mba-degreed software-engineer followers of baba ramdev.

look, when a few humans will venture onto mars in the 2020's ( and they will ), unless artificial meat and artificial egg is developed further ( the meat is already available and under experiment ), the little settlement will need to consume vegetables. which is understandable... but holding cultural vegetarianism as a moral authority in india ( with its various economic/social/political oppressions and injustices ) is hypocrisy and foolishness.

Vegetarianism is good for peace of mind and soul. Non-veg does make people more on violent side. Hitler was a Black Sorcerer on the other hand.An extreme adept at occult.
It is nice to see how an ignorant bigot displays his bigotry step by step, until he is revealed utterly naked in all his disfigurement.

Robi Thakur would never, ever have written about "...the Hindu mind is now without fear..." for the simple reason that he was not a Hindu; he had no need to pander to the priesthood and no need to write flattering things about the Hindus. But an ignorant idiot would hardly know about that, would he?

Obviously the typical Sangh Parivar desire to homogenise all culture into one flat piece of beaten concrete has misled you. The better interpretation of his poem in today's context would be different. Try the PDF.

Since I am banned from replying in the original thread (no doubt your shameless mechanisation), consider this my reply to you on the same thread.

Its more fun to see you exposed for the ignorant bigoted fool you are. Unfortunately for me you have already been stripped and humiliated many times before in this forum, still the pleasure is all mine. :lol:

Christianity and Islam determined to destroy all other Religions: There are two religions in earth, which have distinct enmity against all other religions. These two are Christianity and Islam. They are not just satisfied with observing their own religions, but are determined to destroy all other religions. That's why the only way to make peace with them is to embrace their religions." (Original works of Rabindranath Vol. 24 pages 375, Vishwa Bharti; 1982) :cheesy:

How well do you know Rabindranath Tagore ? :lol:

Make your children strong: The terrible situation of the country makes my mind restless and I cannot keep silent. Meaningless ritual keep the Hindus divided in hundred sects. Sop we are suffering from series of defeats. We are tired and worn-out by the fortunes by the internal external enemies. The Muslims are united in religion and rituals. The Bengali Muslims the South Indian Muslims and even the Muslims outside India-all are united. They always stand untied in face of danger. The broken and divided Hindus will not be able to combat them. Days are coming when the Hindus will be again humiliated by the Muslims.
"You are a mother of children, one day you will die, passing the future of Hindus society on the weak shoulders of your children, but think about their future." (From "Robi Thakur" letter to Hemantabala Sarkar, written on 16the October, 1933, quoted in Bengali weekly `Swastika', 21-6-1999) :cheesy:
Vegetarianism is good for peace of mind and soul. Non-veg does make people more on violent side. Hitler was a Black Sorcerer on the other hand.An extreme adept at occult.

i, a eater of meat and egg, am a peaceable person, calm of habit and inclusive/tolerant of nature... one person called me "as calm as a sufi" ( i don't know what that meant really ), though i would describe myself having the temperament of a cat.
i, a eater of meat and egg, am a peaceable person, calm of habit and inclusive/tolerant of nature... one person called me "as calm as a sufi" ( i don't know what that meant really ), though i would describe myself having the temperament of a cat.

I used to be more aggressive and violent when I was a prolific meat eater. After I reduced meat consumption by drastic levels, my thought processes became more peaceful. I read an article from a psychic from Britain who was into Animal telepathy that meat eating makes people more aggressive. So I tried it and it worked.
I used to be more aggressive and violent when I was a prolific meat eater. After I reduced meat consumption by drastic levels, my thought processes became more peaceful. I read an article from a psychic from Britain who was into Animal telepathy that meat eating makes people more aggressive. So I tried it and it worked.

Its interesting that you would rather listen a British psychic than an Indian Hindu guru for the same matter. Food for thought ?
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