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'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

But the tiny minority of Majority. ... doing more harm.... even killing other real minority and using power is really a problem. .
Who are these people ?? Never heard or Read of them ever !!

Didn't hear them in 1969, 80, 84, 89-91, 93, '02, '13. and tons of others incidents. One lynching (which has no religious angle) on a stolen Cow and India isn't free. EPIC retards..!!

Gasp ..............Blasphemy !!!!!! :frown:


They are the mighty guardians of our morality and conscience, without whom we will degenerate into ............. hindooos.

BTW .... India lost its freedom the day Modi was elected to power. :P
She returned the award.... how about returning 2 million INR which she got with award? i guess she is mum on that.

Everybody is working overtime hard all so called secular forces... CONg, AAP, This new chutiya Hardik, everyone to show continuously that BJP is not a good govt. I hope BJP opens up and bit and shows restraint or control otherwise, they will end up losing as they lost in 2004.... Such acts even if of LIBERALS and LEFTISTS, will always show BJP in bad light
THRISSUR, KERALA: Joining an increasing number of writers and poets who have returned honours and given up positions in recent weeks, author Sara Joseph said today that she is returning the Sahitya Akademi Award that she got in 2003.

"There is a growing fear and lack of freedom under the present government," she said.

Condemning the murder of rationalist writer MM Kalburgi and the mob killing of a50-year-old man in Uttar Pradesh's Dadriallegedly over rumours that he had eaten beef, she said, "Writers are being killed, people are being killed, ghazal singers are not being allowed to perform - this is not the free India I have lived in."

"The Sahitya Akademi has remained silent over all of this, when it should have been the first to speak out. I am returning my award in protest," Ms Joseph said.

Joining her, another noted poet from Kerala K Satchidanandan, resigned from his official posts in Sahitya Akademi committees. He had earlier asked the Akademi to pass a resolution against them killing of Mr Kalburgi.

Ms Joseph is the latest to join protest by writers and poets who have resigned and turned down honours in recent weeks. Yesterday,novelist Shashi Deshpande offered her resignation from the Sahitya Akademi General Councildenouncing "growing intolerance" in the country. Urdu novelist Rehman Abbas also returned his 2011 Sahitya Akademi Award on the same day.

Earlier noted writers Nayantara Sahgalandpoet Ashok Vajpeyi had returnedtheir literary honours to protest what they termed as an "assault on right to freedom of both life and expression".

'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award
Wonder what was she thinking while teacher's hands were chopped off in the name of religion in Kerala, or when midday meal was banned to diprive poor kids or continues political killings by ideologues in her own state? Selective outrage seems to be flavour ever since sickulars were thrown out of power at the centre.
Who are these people ?? Never heard or Read of them ever !!

Didn't hear them in 1969, 80, 84, 89-91, 93, '02, '13. and tons of others incidents. One lynching (which has no religious angle) on a stolen Cow and India isn't free. EPIC retards..!!
:lol: exactly
Lame attempt..:lol: I'm not talking about one item off the menu...but the whole menu.

Who are these people ?? Never heard or Read of them ever !!

Didn't hear them in 1969, 80, 84, 89-91, 93, '02, '13. and tons of others incidents. One lynching (which has no religious angle) on a stolen Cow and India isn't free. EPIC retards..!!
It was a free country even during emergency. All of a sudden you create a deliberate atmosphere & then cry foul. Like the one where church goers throw stones at church & suddenly all the blame goes to non church goers. There'll be many more friendly fire moments in the offing.
Lame attempt..:lol: I'm not talking about one item off the menu...but the whole menu.

1. i don't know the case you are talking of.

2. i don't see how can anyone justify removal of eggs in a country beset with malnutrition and unscientific and wasteful diet that has done nothing to improve people brains in 68 years.
sarah joseph ki choti behen ...ab dekhna yeh bhi kuch return karegi

1. i don't know the case you are talking of.

2. i don't see how can anyone justify removal of eggs in a country beset with malnutrition and unscientific and wasteful diet that has done nothing to improve people brains in 68 years.
If you don't know about the case he is talking about why jump in with a silly argument in the first place.
On dadri case. The man who was killed his son is in indian air force. Its a shame that RSS does not fight in muslim majority areas where actual cow slaughter happens, but rather in majority hindu areas where muslims are much in minority.

Not impressive at all.
Why every time there's an incident like people like you are quick to point out the role of RSS in the incident even though further investigations have proved that the RSS has seldom been involved in these kinds of dastardly acts!!If you go by this logic then the North Indian Catholic Church or The Missionaries of Charities or the Council of Baptist Churches of North India should be accused every time a Hindu person gets killed by a Christian,isn't it!Btw did you remember the deliberate murder of Swami Laxmanananda by some Christian members of the CPI(Maoist)!!
So what man. He fulfilled the needs of his people and After that he lived life king style. Unlike our politicans who live king style and do nothing.
what up with this stupidity man? so just cuz u are a muslim u wud rather like India to be ruled by nutjobs like gaddafi, saddam or al assad instead of a democratically elected government? no offence but ur kind will prolly prefer Baghdadi ruling from delhi than modi, right?
what up with this stupidity man? so just cuz u are a muslim u wud rather like India to be ruled by nutjobs like gaddafi, saddam or al assad instead of a democratically elected government? no offence but ur kind will prolly prefer Baghdadi ruling from delhi than modi, right?

I am a christian.
Force conversion and now killing those who slaughtring Cow.... i think Mody terrorist PM sud attack on every country who slaughter Cow all day long...
Hate promots when u chose terrorist PM
Miyan,the entire world knows and acknowledges the fact that there is only one country in this planet where everyone is a terrorist from a 2 year old child to an elderly person and believe me that country ain't India:lol::lol:!!
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