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This is how a Genius speaks.

Genius !!;) This guy speaks like a moron and looks like a moron.I think he`s the smartest in PTI family but still need anyother life time to meet the average sense of any pakistani...

PTI is the party for power hungry people..Period !
Genius !!;) This guy speaks like a moron and looks like a moron.I think he`s the smartest in PTI family but still need anyother life time to meet the average sense of any pakistani...

PTI is the party for power hungry people..Period !

Dumbo little girly boy ,

He used to earn 57 lakh per month on his job. He was the CEO of Engro Group and he took that group to new heights! You can not even get an admission in any good university , let alone getting a decent job (forget about become a CEO lol) ....

Jahil noooners crying babies.
Kashmala is 100% right and what that person (ex Engro executive) is saying PTI is the biggest party which does not even have a single seat in the parliament. the logic is flawed, maybe it will be the biggest party but right now JI is a bigger party than PTI. Also why is that PTI's total animosity is towards PML-N only, nothing with MQM or ANP or PML-Q or PPP their only target is PML-N which is an opposition party at the moment...doesnt make sense.

In my opinion Imran is working on Zardari's Agenda. he maybe clean thats because he was never in any govt. But he gets mad so easily he cant control his emotions, not a good quality for a leader.
Kashmala is 100% right and what that person (ex Engro executive) is saying PTI is the biggest party which does not even have a single seat in the parliament. the logic is flawed, maybe it will be the biggest party but right now JI is a bigger party than PTI. Also why is that PTI's total animosity is towards PML-N only, nothing with MQM or ANP or PML-Q or PPP their only target is PML-N which is an opposition party at the moment...doesnt make sense.

In my opinion Imran is working on Zardari's Agenda. he maybe clean thats because he was never in any govt. But he gets mad so easily he cant control his emotions, not a good quality for a leader.

Dafuk man? PTI people bash Zardari on every program...Call him corrupt , incompetent , and whatnot? Imran calls Zardari's government as THE MOST corrupt government is whole history of Pakistan...what else you demand?
How will PTI get seats magically... PTI only got popular when Lahore jalsa came before PTI was nothing
1st of all seems like this over rated idiot jumped right from Altaf hussian's ideological class.His way of giving out his thoughts are as arrogant as any overachiever idiot.
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