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This is for every Arab hater and ignorant of reality...

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Enough idiocies ..please!

Buddy, I don't know what your problem is, but it is yours to resolve, not mine. So go sort yourself out.
i dont hate arabs but a fact would remain a fact .
arabs should get rid of impotent leaders .

arabs dump Palestine . they have incompetent leadership & useless military.
Arabs got rid of incompetent leaders already.. where have you been in the last decade..?
OK you come fight the US for Palestine..Arabs can't..it is a fact.. nothing to hide here..Can anyone fight the US..Egypt backed by Arabs fought the US proxy in the ME a.k.a Usrael and won the war. Watch the videos again .. but I know your heart is blind..

Buddy, I don't know what your problem is, but it is yours to resolve, not mine. So go sort yourself out.
You should know about subjects before you post idiocies.. so who's problem is that?

arab should get rid of western leash . wither u like it or not , arabs are coward , corrupt and lecher.
The videos must have hurt your feelings a lot! I feel sorry for you.. you must be talking from something far off of logic and good sense.. reality is in these videos..without going back in history..

There is no problem at all.

1. The political system to govern such a country should be Direct Democracy Socialism as defined in the Third Universal Theory that was the system in pre-2011 Libya.

2. For some years, the General People's Congress ( the parliament in such a system ) should have three General Secretaries - one a Muslim, one a Christian, one a Jew. The GS position is the equivalent of a Prime Minister.

Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia and Syria stand opposite to the rest of the Arab League members. There is a proxy war in Syria being waged by GCC.

Which part of my post did you find "ignorant" ??

The highlighted... are you talking about Palestinians or the Arab states ??
All your posts without exception.. maybe you should restrain yourself to Indian matters..
Arabs got rid of incompetent leaders already.. where have you been in the last decade..?
OK you come fight the US for Palestine..Arabs can't..it is a fact.. nothing to hide here..Can anyone fight the US..Egypt backed by Arabs fought the US proxy in the ME a.k.a Usrael and won the war. Watch the videos again .. but I know your heart is blind..

You should know about subjects before you post idiocies.. so who's problem is that?

The videos must have hurt your feelings a lot! I feel sorry for you.. you must be talking from something far off of logic and good sense.. reality is in these videos..without going back in history..

All your posts without exception.. maybe you should restrain yourself to Indian matters..

your ambassador has quite a tongue in India
The highlighted... are you talking about Palestinians or the Arab states ??
over aĺl Arab .

Arabs got rid of incompetent leaders already.. where have you been in the last decade..?
OK you come fight the US for Palestine..Arabs can't..it is a fact.. nothing to hide here..Can anyone fight the US..Egypt backed by Arabs fought the US proxy in the ME a.k.a Usrael and won the war. Watch the videos again .. but I know your heart is blind..

You should know about subjects before you post idiocies.. so who's problem is that?

The videos must have hurt your feelings a lot! I feel sorry for you.. you must be talking from something far off of logic and good sense.. reality is in these videos..without going back in history..

All your posts without exception.. maybe you should restrain yourself to Indian matters..
we will talk when u get rid of israel .
Things have changed buddy.. there are no more dictators in the Arab world
LOL. When was the last election in Bahrain? How long has Bahrain had the same ruling family? Do they represent the majority Shia Bahraini population?
Arabs got rid of incompetent leaders already.. where have you been in the last decade..?

Is that right? Instating an "Oil Embargo" was incompetent leadership? As far as I know, there were no competent leaders in the Arab world. And the one leader showed signs of competent, ended up being assassinated. The current leader is about as intelligent as a donkey, allying himself with Israel and bending over backwards for his Zionist masters.

And fyi, I have been studying history, international relations and monetary economics for decades. As for my location, well that is quite evident, Pakistan!!!

OK you come fight the US for Palestine..Arabs can't..it is a fact.. nothing to hide here..Can anyone fight the US..Egypt backed by Arabs fought the US proxy in the ME a.k.a Usrael and won the war. Watch the videos again .. but I know your heart is blind..

Fight America? Sure, we have been fighting America for the past 19 years. As for Palestine, well first you two idiots (Arab & Persian leaderships) need to get your shit together and stop going at each other's throats like a bunch rabid dogs. Then we can fight and win against israel-america-britain and whoever the hell else wants their asse$ whooped.

You should know about subjects before you post idiocies.. so who's problem is that?

I know about my subject, else I wouldn't bother posting here.

As for the Chechen conflict, I need to read more into, but I'd apply the same logic to it. But I feel like these conflicts were not necessary.

Start here:

The Chechens converted to Islam for Ottoman protection from the Slavs. The Chechens were among the last to be conquered by the Romanovs.

The Russian Slavs were cruel then and are cruel today:


Putin belonged to the KGB, which was considered to be a Slavs Only group. They were maybe worse than the jewish Cheka.

The Russians start their own conflicts. Completely natural for anyone to want out of racist genocidal Russia. Hope the whole thing breaks apart after Moscow aligns with Washington. That is the best time to, what aboutism. What about freedom and democracy.


Start here:

The Chechens converted to Islam for Ottoman protection from the Slavs. The Chechens were among the last to be conquered by the Romanovs.

The Russian Slavs were cruel then and are cruel today:


Putin belonged to the KGB, which was considered to be a Slavs Only group. They were maybe worse than the jewish Cheka.

The Russians start their own conflicts. Completely natural for anyone to want out of racist genocidal Russia. Hope the whole thing breaks apart after Moscow aligns with Washington. That is the best time to, what aboutism. What about freedom and democracy.



Thanks for the vid, although you are saying some pretty strong worded stuff. I personally lack enough knowledge of that region to come to conclusions.
Thanks for the vid, although you are saying some pretty strong worded stuff. I personally lack enough knowledge of that region to come to conclusions.

The Chechens converted over the next few centuries to Sunni Islam, as Islam was associated with resistance to Russian encroachment.


The Turks and Russians were fighting, Chechens held ancient religions, and converted to Islam for protection from the genocidal Russians.

The two Russian wars on independent Chechnya caused the death of 25% of Chechen civilians. That is a genocide. This is the third time the Caucasus were hit with a genocide in the past 150 years at the claws of the Russian Slavs. First was under the Romanovs who want the land and who exterminated much of the countryside. Second genocide happened with forced deportations under the Russian Communists. Third under Yeltsin and Putin's war on independent Chechnya.

Putin's previous employer was the KGB - a notorious Slavs-only club.


The Maykop culture were a Caucasian civilization who were among the first to invent the wheel and metallurgy. They were not from the Steppe, but from the Mountains. What probably happened to them is they taught the serial genociders of the Steppe - metallurgy, and those who they instructed in metallurgy, kicked the Maykop off their land using the same technology that was once sole Caucasian technology. My point is the Slavs have been rapefugees/genociders for the past 26.000 years. This is what they do. And you better have better weapons than them or expect to be wiped out by serial genociders. Tame the genie and you are fine.
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mmm now Arabs esp . Saudis are licking trump's ***

All your posts without exception.. maybe you should restrain yourself to Indian matters..


A great socialist revolutionary from South Asia, Bhagat Singh, had said : “I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me."

So I reject your demand.

But I think you should contain yourself to matters of technology because you don't have understanding of political affairs. :)

And if you still think you are competent with political affairs, give me your opinion on the below solution of mine for the Israel-Palestine conflict. Below points 1 and 2 are by Muammar Gaddafi :

1. The land currently called Israel and the land called Palestine, should combine into one country maybe called Isratin.

2. The political system to govern such a country should be Direct Democracy Socialism as defined in the Third Universal Theory that was the system in pre-2011 Libya.

3. For some years, the General People's Congress ( the national parliament in such a system ) should have three General Secretaries - one a Muslim, one a Christian, one a Jew. The GS position is the equivalent of a Prime Minister.

over aĺl Arab

Well, Bashar al Assad has turned out to be a fine leader ( one who is alive ).

And the one leader showed signs of competent, ended up being assassinated.

Who ??
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King Faisal, until the time he had the Oil Embargo imposed on the Zionist-West. Not after, when he lifted the Oil Embargo and agreed to the Petro-Dollar Deal with America. Had he not done that, America would have crumbled like a house of cards.
Religion and language and race are base of Arab unity but Islamists and nationalists and leftists are in fight brothers at the end all of you are Arab
And I see here Iranians are united Turks are united but Arabs even in this website are fighting with arabs
King Faisal, until the time he had the Oil Embargo imposed on the Zionist-West. Not after, when he lifted the Oil Embargo and agreed to the Petro-Dollar Deal with America. Had he not done that, America would have crumbled like a house of cards.

Well, I don't have much information about the Saudis but I just know clearly that the king Faisal or any other Saudi king don't have the means to threaten USA. :)

Please read this from Wikipedia entry for Faisal :
The 1950s and 1960s saw numerous coups d'état in the region. Muammar al-Gaddafi's coup that overthrew the monarchy in oil-rich Libya in 1969 was especially threatening for Saudi Arabia due to the similarity between the two sparsely-populated desert countries
In the summer of 1969 King Faisal ordered the arrest of hundreds of military officers, including some generals, alleging that a military coup d'état was being planned. The coup was planned primarily by air force officers and aimed at overthrowing the monarchy and founding a Nasserist regime in the country. The arrests were possibly based on a tip from American intelligence.

The two modern Arab / Muslim leaders who had the most influence not only in West Asia and Africa but also the world, were Jamal Abdul Nasser and Muammar Gaddafi.

As for oil producers, below is extract from the Wikipedia entry for the OPEC raid / siege of 1975, some months after death of Faisal. This direct action was led by the revolutionary, Carlos ( the jackal ). :
As Carlos entered the conference room and fired shots into the ceiling, the delegates ducked under the table. The terrorists searched for Ahmed Zaki Yamani and then divided the sixty-three hostages into groups. Delegates of friendly countries were moved toward the door, 'neutrals' were placed in the centre of the room and the 'enemies' were placed along the back wall, next to a stack of explosives. This last group included those from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and the UAE.
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