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This is for every Arab hater and ignorant of reality...

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mmm now Arabs esp . Saudis are licking trump's ***


Aren't you Arab? Or another Shia retard who thinks he's Persian? Why don't you move to Iran if you hate your country so much?

I don't know what it is with you insecure self hating Arab and Pakistani Shia retards who are more like Zorarstain that think they have Iranian ancestry. I don't know what's so fascinating about Persian ancestry. You have to be self hating and insecure loser.

You guys aren't Muslim you worship Persian linage and think people of Persian linage are superior to Prophet Mohammed and Prophet Ibrahim linage. Even Prophets linage are not superior to non prophet linage, but his linage is blessed by God. Meaning of that is something else and requires scholarly input. All that matters is your actions to God and not your linage.

Ahl AlBayt are Sunni Arabs and most of them are in North Africa.
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over aĺl Arab .

we will talk when u get rid of israel .
Just come make us 10 000 nuclear bombs with their means of delivery.. just as a deterrent..and there will be no more Usrael..If you can't then you need to be patient..
Well, I don't have much information about the Saudis but I just know clearly that the king Faisal or any other Saudi king don't have the means to threaten USA. :)

Please read this from Wikipedia entry for Faisal :

The two modern Arab / Muslim leaders who had the most influence not only in West Asia and Africa but also the world, were Jamal Abdul Nasser.

As for oil producers, below is extract from the Wikipedia entry for the OPEC raid / siege of 1975, some months after death of Faisal. This direct action was led by the revolutionary, Carlos ( the jackal ). :

That is all dandy, but it doesn't change what was recorded in history. King Faisal called for OPEC to impose an "Oil Embargo" on the nations which supported and aided the illegal and illegitimate state of israel in the 1973 Arab-israeli War. Here is an excerpt of the records;

The 1973 oil crisis began in October 1973 when the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countriesproclaimed an oil embargo. The embargo was targeted at nations perceived as supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War.[1] The initial nations targeted were Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States with the embargo also later extended to Portugal, Rhodesia and South Africa. By the end of the embargo in March 1974,[2] the price of oil had risen nearly 400%, from US$3 per barrel to nearly $12 globally; US prices were significantly higher. The embargo caused an oil crisis, or "shock", with many short- and long-term effects on global politics and the global economy.[3] It was later called the "first oil shock", followed by the 1979 oil crisis, termed the "second oil shock."

The creation of the state of israel by its surrogate mother, the British Empire, was both illegal and illegitimate. Inacted by the British Colonial Empire, in exchange for the Zionists guaranteeing their (British + allies) victory in WW1 against Germany and it's allies. In 1926, after their victory and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the British formalized this exchange in the Balfour Declaration.

The Arab States opposed the creation of the illegal and illegitimate state of israel, nearly three years after the end of WW2. However, the British continued the export of Ashkenazis (White Skinned Jew/European Jew) to Palestine, unopposed since Arabia, the leader of the Islamic World was under the grip of the British installed, Saudi regime. The Ashkenazis usurped land from the Palestinians on false promises to rent land for farming, doctored documentation signed off by Palestinians who thought the documents were leases to their land. Then came the Ashkenazi Mafia, which began terrorist attacks upon the Palestinians who demanded that the foreigners vacate their land. This kept on escalating as the Ashkenazis were armed, funded, trained and supported by Zionist elites living in Britain, France, America and Netherlands.

When the Arab States took military action, they were under the illusion of invincibility. Unaware or just ignorant to the reality that Zionists (as always) played on all sides (including the Soviets). The israelis had the technological advantage, the intelligence advantage and the support of it's illegitimate parents (America, Britain & France). And in first war, they were crushed comprehensively. The leadership of the Arab States was riddled with Zionist double agents and the illegitimate Saudi regime was more interested in the lavish lives (like the Ottomans), than being responsible to Islam and Muslims.

It was only after the Second Arab-israeli War, did King Faisal call for an Oil Embargo. This crippled America's economic might, because the Bretten Woods Agreement was in tatters. The Bretten Woods Agreement was drawn up after WW2, which made the U.S Dollar as the reserve currency of the Western World, and was backed by Gold. Since most of Europe's Gold was kept for safe keeping in America (physically out of reach of nazi Germany).

By the time the Second Arab-israeli War was fought, more and more European countries were demanding their Gold returned and were handing in their U.S Dollars for this purpose. Then came the famous incident in the New York Harbor, when under the orders of French President Charles De Gaul, the French Navy Warships (symbolic gesture) were sent to New York with a letter from the French President for the U.S Government to return France's Gold. The result was America unilaterally withdrew from the Bretten Woods Agreement and reneged on its promise to return gold in exchange for the U.S Dollar. Thereby effectively ending America's "Superpower" status. This was the same time the OPEC Oil Embargo was enforced, crippling the Western World which was heavily dependent on Oil as they were in the process of industrialization.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), was founded by five oil producing countries at a Baghdad conference on September 14, 1960. The five founding members of OPEC were Venezuela, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait.[10] OPEC was organized after the oil companies slashed the posted price of oil, but the posted price of oil remained consistently higher than the market price of oil between 1961 and 1972.[11]

In 1963, the Seven Sisters controlled 86% of the oil produced by OPEC countries, but by 1970 the rise of "independent oil companies" had decreased their share to 77%. The entry of three new oil producers—Algeria, Libya and Nigeria—meant that by 1970 eighty-one oil companies were doing business in the Middle East.[12][13]

In the early 1960s Libya, Indonesia and Qatarjoined OPEC. OPEC was generally regarded as ineffective until political turbulence in Libyaand Iraq strengthened their position in 1970. Additionally, increasing Soviet influence provided oil producing countries with alternative means of transporting oil to markets.[14]

Under the Tehran Price Agreement of 1971the posted price of oil was increased and, due to a decline in the value of the US dollarrelative to gold, certain anti-inflationary measures were enacted.[14][15][16]

In September 1973 Richard Nixon said, "Oil without a market, as Mr. Mossagedh learned many, many years ago, does not do a country much good," referring to the 1951 nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, but between October 1973 and February 1974 the OPEC countries raised by posted price fourfold to nearly $12.[17]
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A great socialist revolutionary from South Asia, Bhagat Singh, had said : “I am a man and all that affects mankind concerns me."

So I reject your demand.

But I think you should contain yourself to matters of technology because you don't have understanding of political affairs. :)

And if you still think you are competent with political affairs, give me your opinion on the below solution of mine for the Israel-Palestine conflict. Below points 1 and 2 are by Muammar Gaddafi :

1. The land currently called Israel and the land called Palestine, should combine into one country maybe called Isratin.

2. The political system to govern such a country should be Direct Democracy Socialism as defined in the Third Universal Theory that was the system in pre-2011 Libya.

3. For some years, the General People's Congress ( the national parliament in such a system ) should have three General Secretaries - one a Muslim, one a Christian, one a Jew. The GS position is the equivalent of a Prime Minister.
Gaddafi was a lunatic..it is a well known fact.. and you are proving to be the same! LOL

1- There is no land called Palestine actually.. the combination is already there but does not work as everyone else can see but you and late Gaddafi!

2- That system is already the governance type of the Occupied territories and the Gaza strip by _under -occupation_ Palestinian "Government"..

3- That can be established under Muslim rule, not Usraeli rule..the latter won't accept it..

See why I said your posts are completely off the mark?

your ambassador has quite a tongue in India
And in Germany too! lol
What, you don't like that?
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The whole Syiran attack was a diversion with the main aim to take Mount Hermon with its billions dollars worth of the most sophisticated American Electronic and eavesdropping warfare technologies.. that were handed to the Soviet Union at that time.. and others despite any tank losses..or other sacrifices..

And then the trap..

Unless the Arabs have all magically turned in to indians over the last 48 hours, We Pakistanis DO NOT hate them. In fact, as long as you're not indian, Pakistanis hate NO-ONE. Just for the record, PAKISTANIS DO NOT HATE ANY NON-INDIANs.............spread the word........8-)
LOL. When was the last election in Bahrain? How long has Bahrain had the same ruling family? Do they represent the majority Shia Bahraini population?
That is a monarchy.. do all Shia in Bahrein want a change? go revise events.. there was a group _proven to be loyal to Iran_ who tried to stir trouble but they did not succeed.. you only seek to change a government system if you are suppressed or discriminated against and that is not the case..
That is a monarchy.. do all Shia in Bahrein want a change? go revise events.. there was a group _proven to be loyal to Iran_ who tried to stir trouble but they did not succeed.. you only seek to change a government system if you are suppressed or discriminated against and that is not the case..
One question: who is the longest serving Prime Minister in the world?
Unless the Arabs have all magically turned in to indians over the last 48 hours, We Pakistanis DO NOT hate them. In fact, as long as you're not indian, Pakistanis hate NO-ONE. Just for the record, PAKISTANIS DO NOT HATE ANY NON-INDIANs.............spread the word........8-)
The post was intended for Arab haters and ignorants about the Arab world, on PDF and in real life.. Never thought that Pakistanis hated Arabs..but I can see some complexes here from very few immature Pakistanis..who might feel being targeted by the title of the thread!!!?

One question: who is the longest serving Prime Minister in the world?
Real answer: Khalifa in Bahrain. Autocratic monarchy. Not to even mention they are minority Sunni regime in a Shia country. Not to mention as well inviting a foreign country (KSA) to shoot democratic protestors.

Disgusting dictatorship, the worst in the region along with KSA and some of the Central Asian Stans.
Real answer: Khalifa in Bahrain. Autocratic monarchy. Not to even mention they are minority Sunni regime in a Shia country. Not to mention as well inviting a foreign country (KSA) to shoot democratic protestors.

Disgusting dictatorship, the worst in the region along with KSA and some of the Central Asian Stans.
I knew who you intended, but you got your answer in the other post.. just repeating your question doesn't make much sense.. and besides that, Bahrain is almost part of KSA..like it or not.. try to go protest like that in front of Buckingham palace..

That is all dandy, but it doesn't change what was recorded in history. King Faisal called for OPEC to impose an "Oil Embargo" on the nations which supported and aided the illegal and illegitimate state of israel in the 1973 Arab-israeli War. Here is an excerpt of the records;

The creation of the state of israel by its surrogate mother, the British Empire, was both illegal and illegitimate. Inacted by the British Colonial Empire, in exchange for the Zionists guaranteeing their (British + allies) victory in WW1 against Germany and it's allies. In 1926, after their victory and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the British formalized this exchange in the Balfour Declaration.

The Arab States opposed the creation of the illegal and illegitimate state of israel, nearly three years after the end of WW2. However, the British continued the export of Ashkenazis (White Skinned Jew/European Jew) to Palestine, unopposed since Arabia, the leader of the Islamic World was under the grip of the British installed, Saudi regime. The Ashkenazis usurped land from the Palestinians on false promises to rent land for farming, doctored documentation signed off by Palestinians who thought the documents were leases to their land. Then came the Ashkenazi Mafia, which began terrorist attacks upon the Palestinians who demanded that the foreigners vacate their land. This kept on escalating as the Ashkenazis were armed, funded, trained and supported by Zionist elites living in Britain, France, America and Netherlands.

When the Arab States took military action, they were under the illusion of invincibility. Unaware or just ignorant to the reality that Zionists (as always) played on all sides (including the Soviets). The israelis had the technological advantage, the intelligence advantage and the support of it's illegitimate parents (America, Britain & France). And in first war, they were crushed comprehensively. The leadership of the Arab States was riddled with Zionist double agents and the illegitimate Saudi regime was more interested in the lavish lives (like the Ottomans), than being responsible to Islam and Muslims.

It was only after the Second Arab-israeli War, did King Faisal call for an Oil Embargo. This crippled America's economic might, because the Bretten Woods Agreement was in tatters. The Bretten Woods Agreement was drawn up after WW2, which made the U.S Dollar as the reserve currency of the Western World, and was backed by Gold. Since most of Europe's Gold was kept for safe keeping in America (physically out of reach of nazi Germany).

By the time the Second Arab-israeli War was fought, more and more European countries were demanding their Gold returned and were handing in their U.S Dollars for this purpose. Then came the famous incident in the New York Harbor, when under the orders of French President Charles De Gaul, the French Navy Warships (symbolic gesture) were sent to New York with a letter from the French President for the U.S Government to return France's Gold. The result was America unilaterally withdrew from the Bretten Woods Agreement and reneged on its promise to return gold in exchange for the U.S Dollar. Thereby effectively ending America's "Superpower" status. This was the same time the OPEC Oil Embargo was enforced, crippling the Western World which was heavily dependent on Oil as they were in the process of industrialization.
Arabs were not organised, neither were they well armed for that conflict in 1948 and most of them were colonised..


Compare this to Western backed Usraelis


Arabs were not organised, neither were they well armed for that conflict in 1948 and most of them were colonised. Compare this to Western backed Usraelis.

And when they were organized, and used unilateral sanctions on the Zionist West, what happened then? The lure of trillion dollar windfall by signing to the Petro-Dollar, got to them. By signing on the Zionist-American agenda (Petro-Dollar), they basically saved the Zionist-American superpower from crumbling to a pile of rubble. America would have collapsed long before the Soviet Union and the world would've been better without them. The Arab leadership essentially gave America a blood transfusion with the Petro-Dollar and the Parasitic-Cancer which is Zionism, kept on feeding on America, growing ever powerful to the point, that until the turn of the century American military and economic might was unchallenged.

It is only today, that China and Russia have risen up and are challenging America. Rest assured, this was not due to the incompetent leadership of the Muslim World (Pakistan, Turkey and Iran included), nor because of the pseudo invincible Zionists. Rather as a result to balance the scale of power on this planet.

Today, the Muslim World must recognize that without unity, without "Hikmah" and without our "Deen" we are incapable of deciphering who is true to Allah and whom we can establish alliances with. Because if we continue on the path of utter ignorance. Then I am afraid that the Muslim world will again fail miserably.

We are in our own way toward success.
Real answer: Khalifa in Bahrain. Autocratic monarchy. Not to even mention they are minority Sunni regime in a Shia country. Not to mention as well inviting a foreign country (KSA) to shoot democratic protestors.

Disgusting dictatorship, the worst in the region along with KSA and some of the Central Asian Stans.

Why's a friggin Iranian terrorist like you concerned about people of Bahrain? You just went pro-Iran Shia to takeover so Iran can takeover their economy and bring maximum benefit to Iran. You are hypocrite, why you don't care about Syrian Sunni majority and the Assad regime which brought Iran and Russia to kill demonstrators?
And when they were organized, and used unilateral sanctions on the Zionist West, what happened then? The lure of trillion dollar windfall by signing to the Petro-Dollar, got to them. By signing on the Zionist-American agenda (Petro-Dollar), they basically saved the Zionist-American superpower from crumbling to a pile of rubble. America would have collapsed long before the Soviet Union and the world would've been better without them. The Arab leadership essentially gave America a blood transfusion with the Petro-Dollar and the Parasitic-Cancer which is Zionism, kept on feeding on America, growing ever powerful to the point, that until the turn of the century American military and economic might was unchallenged.

It is only today, that China and Russia have risen up and are challenging America. Rest assured, this was not due to the incompetent leadership of the Muslim World (Pakistan, Turkey and Iran included), nor because of the pseudo invincible Zionists. Rather as a result to balance the scale of power on this planet.

Today, the Muslim World must recognize that without unity, without "Hikmah" and without our "Deen" we are incapable of deciphering who is true to Allah and whom we can establish alliances with. Because if we continue on the path of utter ignorance. Then I am afraid that the Muslim world will again fail miserably.

We are in our own way toward success.
Nope, they saved the world.. there is a lot more to that .. there are even books specialised on that subject of Petro-Dollar.. otherwise it would have been Gold.. and who controls its price and has most of it?

Well, Bashar al Assad has turned out to be a fine leader ( one who is alive ).
it isnt assad but russia and russian interest

Just come make us 10 000 nuclear bombs with their means of delivery.. just as a deterrent..and there will be no more Usrael..If you can't then you need to be patient..
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