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This is for every Arab hater and ignorant of reality...

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Some scholars like Ibn Katheer believe it already happened. There seems to be one hadeeth considered strong by one scholar(the one I just posted). And two other weak ones. If it is true I believe it already happened as well and don't think it pertains to end times.

Correct brother, I think Muslim world have already been in huge problem with Syrian, Libyan, Yemen, Afghanistan war and also political problem in Egypt, Algeria, and Sudan. We dont want to add more mess with Pakistan and Indian future war.
I agree with you, Pakistan is in strong position with regards to Kashmir. They can arm them if they need to or intervene on other side if need be. However, the recent Indian move of scrapping article 370 is bad and complicates the conflict. It was going its usual course before that but now I am not sure where it will head.

Indian decision is bad indeed, Hinduism is getting more conservative lately but I hope Pakistan stay calm and be patience. I see Imran Khan get a lot of pressure from the opposition to respond the move by some hard retaliation, but fortunately Imran Khan reject the idea. I think all Pakistani should be united and back Imran decision. He is the best leader to deal with this problem.

On the other hand Indonesian government is currently ruled by a nationalist leader, so it is expected to see weak respond coming from my government over Indian decision on Kashmir. Even though in term of Palestinian issue, any Indonesian government are always backing the Palestinian, the latest one is Indonesian condemnation over the Palestinian building demolishing by Israel.
@The SC There is no Arab hater in the Muslim world, what they hate instead Arab regime who oppose their own people just like happening in Egypt, Syria, Algeria, and their support on warlord Haftar in Libya against Libyan people own will.
Things have changed buddy.. there are no more dictators in the Arab world apart from ..maybe Bashar in Syria supported by Russia..Sisi is liked buy the majority of Egyptians (and that's what counts most!), in Algeria it is just an overdue change of government..it is quite peaceful and it worked well for the Algerians so far, the same in Sudan.. Haftar my friend, is the legitimate commander of the Libyan army.. he does not have political ambitions as far as we know.. the current government is pro-MB that no one wants in politics..and they are supported by European countries that do not want to see Libyans prosper again..hence they are going against the best interests of Libya ..
@Tweety Sweetie , doesn't Saudia lick Israeli and American boots ?? :)

How about the so-called Mujahideen of Afganistan in the 80s ?? Were they not puppets of USA government and the British government ?? Wasn't Osama bin Laden trained in Britain ??

As specifically for Israel and Palestine, there is one simple solution. One country.

Will avoid further wars in West Asia.

one tiny problem - who will rule that one country ? @jamahir

@The SC There is no Arab hater in the Muslim world, what they hate instead Arab regime who oppose their own people just like happening in Egypt, Syria, Algeria, and their support on warlord Haftar in Libya against Libyan people own will.

rest of Muslim world is not too much better shape to dictate terms to the Arabs
for all the flaws the Arab world have a functional Arab League and some sense of unity
Ah yes, the Qatari Media parrot, that sings the Zionist tune, full verbatim. No point in showing these videos, the Israelis trounced the pathetic excuse for Muslim leadership. This is because these leaders of Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Saudi regime betrayed Islam and had no Imaan. The same happened with Iraq and Libya a few decades later. Now happening in Syria, again. And the same will happen to any other Muslim country which betrays Islam. Pakistan, beware and tread carefully.

As for the title of this thread, it is highly incorrect. Because Real Arabs were those who followed the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Anything else is just impostors and omunafiqs. The hatred is for the betrayal to Islam. Almost all countries that claim to be Muslim, have betrayed Islam.

Question is, are you Muslim enough to surrender your pathetic ego to God, or remain stuck in that backwater mentality of Jihalah? Videos don't prove anything other than the fact that "Muslims" failed miserably, and the proof that they failed is that there is an illegal, illegitimate, criminal, fascist state of Israel still in existence today.

Now go educate yourself about what our Holy Quran has stated about Zionism, the state of criminal israel and the WARNING our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam gave to the "Arabs" about the time to come.

To my dear Arab brothers listen to these words CAREFULLY because these are the words of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam:

To my beloved Pakistan, this is what your hero Saudi Arabia really is, listen and understand CAREFULLY:


He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam) stayed awake all night, weeping and praying for us, His (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam) Ummah. We Muslims belong to His (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam) Ummah. When will you all wake up and begin to recognize that all knowledge comes from Allah, that the all powerful is Allah and that we as Muslims have the greatest burden of responsibility in standing firm in our Imaan?

When Pakistan? When will you wake up? Have you no love for your beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam)? Have you no soul left in you? Are you all that lost that coming back to Islam is a foregone conclusion?

When will you learn the meaning of Imaan in Allah? When will you learn that victory will not come to you without Allah? Have you not seen what Muslims achieved when they were strong in Imaan? They conquered Sham, Yemen, Persia Egypt, Andalusia and Jerusalem with Imaan. And when they had no Imaan, they were single handedly and comprehensively defeated by the tiny satanic state of Israel.

When will you wake up?
Who are you to judge the Imaan of Arabs with your obvious ignorance and BS?

@Tweety Sweetie , doesn't Saudia lick Israeli and American boots ?? :)

How about the so-called Mujahideen of Afganistan in the 80s ?? Were they not puppets of USA government and the British government ?? Wasn't Osama bin Laden trained in Britain ??

As specifically for Israel and Palestine, there is one simple solution. One country.

Will avoid further wars in West Asia.
What an ignorant post!

arabs shouldn't lick the israeli boots
Are you hurt somewhere with these videos? Because your comment is totally opposed to what you see..

Do they have honour to bring after reporting to Palestine?
They are waiting for you to show them honour..
That's the point i was trying to tell him don't create rift between us and any friends which we can possibly get going to need all in future""why make enemies when you can have friends"" never any personal attack u can ask him but still i will disengage with him as u said.Its time for all of us to use our heads not to influence by propaganda and control emotions for greater cause i.e. Kashmir
Bro can we not fight among ourselves please? Leave him be.
Who are you to judge the Imaan of Arabs with your obvious ignorance and BS?

I do not need to judge the Imaan of Saudi regime who is the creation of Zionist British Empire. Read the history books and do some research, instead of interpreting things in your head. Read the post again, ignorance is certainly visible here in you.
I do not need to judge the Imaan of Saudi regime who is the creation of Zionist British Empire. Read the history books and do some research, instead of interpreting things in your head. Read the post again, ignorance is certainly visible here in you.
Enough idiocies ..please!
Read the title again..:lol:
i dont hate arabs but a fact would remain a fact .
arabs should get rid of impotent leaders .

@Tweety Sweetie , doesn't Saudia lick Israeli and American boots ?? :)

How about the so-called Mujahideen of Afganistan in the 80s ?? Were they not puppets of USA government and the British government ?? Wasn't Osama bin Laden trained in Britain ??

As specifically for Israel and Palestine, there is one simple solution. One country.

Will avoid further wars in West Asia.
arabs dump Palestine . they have incompetent leadership & useless military.
Just let Kashmir as it is, there are also 200 million Indian Muslim and some millions Chinese Muslim. Do we want to wage war to liberate them all ? As long as they are still allowed to pray and worship Allah I dont think there is a problem. There are also 20 million Christians in Indonesia, do Western countries need to wage war on Indonesia to liberate the Christian ?

Very logical analysis...if religion will be basis for nationality and people to wage war then half of the countries in this world will be in civil war..
Are you hurt somewhere with these videos? Because your comment is totally opposed to what you see..
arab should get rid of western leash . wither u like it or not , arabs are coward , corrupt and lecher.
one tiny problem - who will rule that one country ? @jamahir

There is no problem at all.

1. The political system to govern such a country should be Direct Democracy Socialism as defined in the Third Universal Theory that was the system in pre-2011 Libya.

2. For some years, the General People's Congress ( the parliament in such a system ) should have three General Secretaries - one a Muslim, one a Christian, one a Jew. The GS position is the equivalent of a Prime Minister.

rest of Muslim world is not too much better shape to dictate terms to the Arabs
for all the flaws the Arab world have a functional Arab League and some sense of unity

Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia and Syria stand opposite to the rest of the Arab League members. There is a proxy war in Syria being waged by GCC.

What an ignorant post!

Which part of my post did you find "ignorant" ??

arabs dump Palestine . they have incompetent leadership & useless military.

The highlighted... are you talking about Palestinians or the Arab states ??

The whole Syiran attack was a diversion with the main aim to take Mount Hermon with its billions dollars worth of the most sophisticated American Electronic and eavesdropping warfare technologies.. that were handed to the Soviet Union at that time.. and others despite any tank losses..or other sacrifices..

And then the trap..

You posted this crap...
Did u even watch the videos.
1st video...limited war.. gain 15km and stop.
What jahil bedouin spear chucking mentality is that?
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