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This is for every Arab hater and ignorant of reality...

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Right now the war, if happens, will remain limited to Kashmir. A full blown war will happen in the future between Pakistan and India most probably 5 years from now.

That will be the last and final battle of Hind which has been foretold by the Prophet (SAW) about Muslim armies from Khurasan (present day Pakistan and Afghanistan) capturing Hind for last and final time.

There is no mention of Arabs in the Hadiths in that war.
As for those hadiths, there is one saheeh one:

It was narrated that Thawbaan, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There are two groups of my ummah whom Allah will protect from the Fire: a group who will conquer India, and a group who will be with ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him).”


India had already been ruled by Muslim leaders for centuries in the past and both Pakistan and Bangladesh now have some portions on it.
I'm talking about relatively peaceful states like Egypt, Jordan, etc. It happened and Chechnya and happened in Afghanistan as well. Citizens will get involved in numbers if told so by religious authorities.

Bangladeshi mufti already declared in fard to go on Jihad iconflict

I doubt it dude, they have plenty of volunteers available if they need them. Arabs on other first need to tackle threats of corruption, civil strife, poverty, Iran, Israel, etc.... And end the civil wars/poverty. And even more so should establish a Caliphate and appoint a Caliph. Once you have that in place the Caliph can issue a fatwa and it would have to be obeyed. Especially if its someone like the Mahdi who is divinely appointed.

Going on a conquest in modern day is very costly and very dangerous. And not needed. We should leave the knowledge of prophecies to God. When it comes to us,however, we are responsible for ourselves in meantime and have to make calculated decisions. We do not need full blown war with India. We still don't know if Pakistan will annex their part of Kashmir as well. Or if there is going to be armed rebellion in Kashmir. There are many more options besides war.

Btw, I seen a post in reddit Islam by a kid asking can a Caliph declare Jihad on China for the Uyghur situation. I don't know what is going through peoples minds, but that's the last thing they should be thinking out. It's not a video game and there are many more ways to solve matters besides outwards tension along religious lines. You want to help Uyghurs that's fine, but if you only in it because you think the territory is Turkmenistan than you should not ask about Caliph to help you for nationalist purposes.

India had already been ruled by Muslim leaders for centuries in the past and both Pakistan and Bangladesh now have some portions on it.

Thanks for the info brother.
I doubt it dude, they have plenty of volunteers available if they need them. Arabs on other first need to tackle threats of corruption, civil strife, poverty, Iran, Israel, etc.... And end the civil wars/poverty. And even more so should establish a Caliphate and appoint a Caliph. Once you have that in place the Caliph can issue a fatwa and it would have to be obeyed. Especially if its someone like the Mahdi who is divinely appointed.

Going on a conquest in modern day is very costly and very dangerous. And not needed. We should leave the knowledge of prophecies to God. When it comes to us,however, we are responsible for ourselves in meantime and have to make calculated decisions. We do not need full blown war with India. We still don't know if Pakistan will annex their part of Kashmir as well. Or if there is going to be armed rebellion in Kashmir. There are many more options besides war.

Btw, I seen a post in reddit Islam by a kid asking can a Caliph declare Jihad on China for the Uyghur situation. I don't know what is going through peoples minds, but that's the last thing they should be thinking out. It's not a video game and there are many more ways to solve matters besides outwards tension along religious lines. You want to help Uyghurs that's fine, but if you only in it because you think the territory is Turkmenistan than you should not ask about Caliph to help you for nationalist purposes.

Thanks for the info brother.
Do you support the Jihad in Afghanistan in the 70s or in Chechnya during the 90s?
If it remains in Kashmir, and if Pakistan can successfully capture and hold Indian administered area of Kashmir for prolonged period, they could try negotiating over the territory with international involvement. I don't know how you guys stack up against each other in limited war. Or how the geography is there and who has advantages or not.

As for those hadiths, there is one saheeh one:

It was narrated that Thawbaan, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There are two groups of my ummah whom Allah will protect from the Fire: a group who will conquer India, and a group who will be with ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him).”


We don't know if the event already occurred or it is something else in the end times. And if it is, we can only speculate on how that breaks out and by who and why. But, obviously, it's because of preventing shirk/polytheism that God gives them protection and high status. As God has prevented us from associating a partner with him and warns us of that many times.

India had already been ruled by Muslim leaders for centuries in the past and both Pakistan and Bangladesh now have some portions on it.

There are other Hadiths as well about Muslim armies from Khurasan capturing Hind and then they will return after staying for a while in Hind to Damascus and over there they will find Isa ibn Maryam among them. So from this it is inferred that final battle has not yet taken place.
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Do you support the Jihad in Afghanistan in the 70s or in Chechnya during the 90s?

Before calling everything Jihad, you need to look at context of these conflicts. But, as far as Jihad goes, all Jihad means today in the absence of a Caliphate/Caliph is an individual volunteering in what he believes is considering fighting and dying for the sake of God, in these cases by helping other Muslims under attack. So only God can assess individual case by case, as he is aware of what is in their heart and we aren't.

As for Afghanistan, I hate giving my opinions on these things because they aren't clear. Afghani government was in civil war with the rebels and requested Soviet military assistance. I do not know the nature of that Afghani government or the nature of the rebels. So I can't say if they are good people or not or what their intentions are. Afghanistan is like what Syria is to us currently. Many nations involved for interest purposes. So no, I can't just collectively say one side is doing Jihad or not. I do not agree fully with any party there, and I don't know what their intentions are.

But, what I do consider Jihad is independent volunteers going to help fight off foreign invasion. And I don't agree with Afghani government requesting foreign army to kill their own people. So Jihad in that case to me depends on random individuals across Afghanistan who put politics aside, and just said regardless of the politics there is no justification for foreign army to be here in Muslims lands and therefore I will struggle against it. Whoever in Afghanistan had that mentality, I consider to be doing Jihad and to be a Mujahid. However, can't collectively call that whole conflict Jihad because there were so many internal disputes and foreign nations involved.


So any scholar or ordinary Muslim telling you something different or more than this is misleading you and making a very grave mistake. Don't just throw around the word Jihad just because people happen to be Muslim by name. There are a lot of bad Muslims too. I myself fear God and feel that is the the judgment I can make as I am not a scholar. And feel that is sensible/logical approach. So beware of those on Reddit Islam who see that we can't do any wrong and need to start a conflict with everyone. We need to fix a lot of things in ourselves as we are sadly very hypocritical before we have the legitimacy to say so and is an clear oppressor and we must struggle against them. Right now we have no credibility in most cases. Which should encourage us to be better and not make us depressed or dispute amongst oneselves even further.

As for the Chechen conflict, I need to read more into, but I'd apply the same logic to it. But I feel like these conflicts were not necessary.

There are other Hadiths as well about Muslim armies from Khurasan capturing Hind and then they will return after staying for a while in Hind to Damascus and over there they will find Isa ibn Maryam among them. So from this it is inferred that final battle has not yet taken place.

They are weak hadiths, and some say they come from Syria to India and back. But, we don't know and better not speculate. It might have already happened and isn't necessary. Unless the world enters a very different era and divides itself along populist/religious lines. Allah knows best.
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There are other Hadiths as well about Muslim armies from Khurasan capturing Hind and then they will return after staying for a while in Hind to Damascus and over there they will find Isa ibn Maryam among them. So from this it is inferred that final battle has not yet taken place.

Can you show us the hadith ? And I think there is no point to capture India where majority people there worship deities willingly. I think Pakistan have to focus itself on improving its economy, at least Pakistan should be 1 trillion USD economy in 2030.
Can you show us the hadith ? And I think there is no point to capture India where majority people there worship deities willingly. I think Pakistan have to focus itself on improving its economy, at least Pakistan should be 1 trillion USD economy in 2030.
What about Kashmir?
Can you show us the hadith ?
Check out all the Hadiths related to that war.

And I think there is no point to capture India where majority people there worship deities willingly. I think Pakistan have to focus itself on improving its economy, at least Pakistan should be 1 trillion USD economy in 2030.

We have a Hitler/Nazi government on in our neighborhood who believe in ideology of Hidutva i.e. Greater India(Akhand Bharat) which they believe should be from Myanmar and all the way to Bamyan(present day Afghanistan) and Pakistan is standing tall in front of them.

We won't be going to war, They will be coming to us with war. They have revoked the special status of Kashmir 2 days ago and now if we don't do something about it those Hindus would do a genocide/rape of Kashmiris. And then they will be coming for us as well.

All present events are indicating that a war between Pakistan and India will happen as foretold by Prophet(SAW). It is a question of when only.
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Can you show us the hadith ? And I think there is no point to capture India where majority people there worship deities willingly. I think Pakistan have to focus itself on improving its economy, at least Pakistan should be 1 trillion USD economy in 2030.

Some scholars like Ibn Katheer believe it already happened. There seems to be one hadeeth considered strong by one scholar(the one I just posted). And two other weak ones. If it is true I believe it already happened as well and don't think it pertains to end times.
What about Kashmir?

Just let Kashmir as it is, there are also 200 million Indian Muslim and some millions Chinese Muslim. Do we want to wage war to liberate them all ? As long as they are still allowed to pray and worship Allah I dont think there is a problem. There are also 20 million Christians in Indonesia, do Western countries need to wage war on Indonesia to liberate the Christian ?
Check out all the Hadiths related to that war.

We have a Hitler/Nazi government on in our neighborhood who believe in ideology of Hidutva i.e. Greater India(Akhand Bharat) which they believe should be from Myanmar and all the way to Bamyan(present day Afghanistan).

We won't be going to war, They will be coming to us with war. They have revoked the special status of Kashmir 2 days ago and now if we don't do something about it those Hindus would do a genocide/rape of Kashmiris. And then they will be coming for us as well.

All present events are indicating that a war between Pakistan and India will happen as foretold by Prophet(SAW). It is a question of when only.

If India does try to go for your side of Kashmir then you will be fully within your right to repel them and Muslims would surely assist you. No need to worry about that, Pakistan has them deterred and Modi will probably be dead by the time India thinks it is in position to do that. Which I believe they will never come to that conclusion. It is rhetoric for his base. That has negative connotations on their Muslim population, sadly.
How much Pakistan received for sending militants and $ for the cause?
Just let Kashmir as it is, there are also 200 million Indian Muslim and some millions Chinese Muslim. Do we want to wage war to liberate them all ? As long as they are still allowed to pray and worship Allah I dont think there is a problem. There are also 20 million Christians in Indonesia, do Western countries need to wage war on Indonesia to liberate the Christian ?

I agree with you, Pakistan is in strong position with regards to Kashmir. They can arm them if they need to or intervene on other side if need be. However, the recent Indian move of scrapping article 370 is bad and complicates the conflict. It was going its usual course before that but now I am not sure where it will head.
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