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This Indian Land Is Chinese Land

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China should reclaim the eastern zones that belong to it , as it clearly lies with in Chinese geological map , and also the similarity of people and culture in those region mean they are closer to Chinese people

I mean china has a good claim even places like Goa were for portugues , I learned that India attacked peaceful portuguese and stole Goa from them - :coffee: I was shocked

And from 8th century to 13th century, due to political developments, India ceased having anything to offer from a Buddhist point of view, and Ladakh began to seek and accept guidance in religious matters from Tibet.

But :toast_sign:in the 16 th century

Deldan Namgyal (1642-1694) had to placate the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb by building a mosque in Leh.However, he later with the help of the Mughal Army under Fidai Khan, son of Mughal viceroy of Kashmir, Ibrahim Khan, successfully defeated the 5th Dalai Lama in the plains of Chargyal, situated between Neemoo and Basgo

The Mugals are the Indian link here :sniper:
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China should reclaim the eastern zones that belong to it , as it clearly lies with in Chinese geological map , and also the similarity of people and culture in those region mean they are closer to Chinese people

I mean china has a good claim even places like Goa were for portugues , I learned that India attacked peaceful portuguese and stole Goa from them - :coffee: I was shocked

well i think u should read more :cheers:

To all my friends in this Forum i want People to see facts as facts and not in the eyes of Nationalism. There are a lot of places to show the spirit of Nationalism.

I can comment on this post but that would deviate me from the topic so sorry my friend u need to google and find some true facts :pakistan::toast_sign:
By the beginning of the 19th century,

the Mughal empire had collapsed, and Sikh rule had been established in Punjab and Kashmir.

However the Dogra region of Jammu remained under its Rajput rulers, the greatest of whom was Maharaja Gulab Singh whose General Zorawar Singh invaded Ladakh in 1834

so in the 18th and 19th century India regained what belonged to it again

King Tshespal Namgyal was dethroned and exiled to Stok. Ladakh came under Dogra rule and was incorporated into the state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1846

In 1947, partition left Ladakh a part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, to be administered from Srinagar.
(this was the most awaited part u can guess why seeing the past few comments)

1948, Pakistani raiders invaded Ladakh and occupied Kargil and Zanskar, reaching within 30 km of Leh. Reinforcement troops were sent in by air, and a battalion of Gurkhas made its way slowly to Leh on foot from south. Kargil was a scene of fighting again in 1965, 1971, and 1999.

In 1949, China closed the border between Nubra and Sinkiang, blocking the 1000-year old trade route from India to Central Asia.

In 1950, China invaded Tibet, and thousands of Tibetans, including the Dalai Lama sought refuge in India.

In 1962, China occupied Aksai Chin, and promptly built roads connecting Sinkiang and Tibet, and the Karakoram Highway, jointly with Pakistan.

In October 1993, the Indian government and the State government agreed to grant Ladakh the status of Autonomous Hill Council. In 1995, the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council was created.

This my friends is the history of Ladhak :cheers: and now tell me how can u say it belongs to tibet ?
in simple condensation of my posts


the rule of Tibet was an Invasion and hence Ladhak was never native to Tibetans nor did the rule of Tibet stand for long :toast_sign:

Comments based on facts are welcome :angel:
China should reclaim the eastern zones that belong to it , as it clearly lies with in Chinese geological map , and also the similarity of people and culture in those region mean they are closer to Chinese people

I mean china has a good claim even places like Goa were for portugues , I learned that India attacked peaceful portuguese and stole Goa from them - :coffee: I was shocked

If we go by your logic of claiming then India will have to claim Srilanka Nepal e.t.c coz all look Indian and follow indian culture :toast_sign:
in simple condensation of my posts


the rule of Tibet was an Invasion and hence Ladhak was never native to Tibetans nor did the rule of Tibet stand for long :toast_sign:

Comments based on facts are welcome :angel:

Currently, the masses of ladhak are still of Tibetian origin. Conqueror comes and goes. One day, India "may" be kicked out and the people there may have their independence.

India amd peoples of ladhak are poles apart!
China should reclaim the eastern zones that belong to it , as it clearly lies with in Chinese geological map , and also the similarity of people and culture in those region mean they are closer to Chinese people

I mean china has a good claim even places like Goa were for portugues , I learned that India attacked peaceful portuguese and stole Goa from them - :coffee: I was shocked

Yea like we went to europe and stole Goa from there and pasted it here...
Currently, the masses of ladhak are still of Tibetian origin. Conqueror comes and goes. One day, India "may" be kicked out and the people there may have their independence.

India amd peoples of ladhak are poles apart!

well my friend this logic dose not work and to correct u a bit those people who look Tibetan are ppl of Tibet

Since the early 1960s the number of immigrants from Tibet (including Changpa nomads) have increased as they flee the occupation of their homeland by the Chinese. Today, Leh has thousands of refugees from Tibet. They hold no passports, only customs papers. Some Tibetan refugees in Ladakh claim dual Tibetan/Indian citizenship, although their Indian citizenship is unofficial.

:what: hope u got the point

And people in every state of India are very different & you can believe me on that

So finally any more proof to support China's :china: claim ? :welcome:

Am waiting:angel:
you do realize that India is not going to give up any land under its control.

The same way it would be daft of us to expect. China to give up land under its belt.

It simply is not happening and neither government, seeks The Use of Military force to push the issue.

Military's job is to prepare during peace time. so that's what it does prepare for every possible scenario. However unlikely.

Indians have their point of view
Chinese have theirs.

Whatever CCP and GOI come up with in the end is what we are all stuck with.
Currently, the masses of ladhak are still of Tibetian origin. Conqueror comes and goes. One day, India "may" be kicked out and the people there may have their independence.
Some of you may wonder who is going to be the next son or of the Conqueror of China. but we Indians have broken the shackles of slavery from dynasties and empire's long ago. People of India and in it's boundries speak freely and vote for there own successors. Unlike someone in your country is chosen by 1 and only CCP. People of Ladakh have freedom of speech in India, how is that going in ur neck of the woods.

India amd peoples of ladhak are poles apart!

The land of Ladakh, apart from being one of the remotest corners of India, is also quite different from the other regions of India. Just like the geographical features of the area, the people of Leh Ladakh are also quite dissimilar from the rest of the country. Not only their culture, but also their physical appearance comes as very distinct. Despite being an integral part of India, they look more like the people of Tibet and Central Asia.

Originally, Ladakh people consisted of the Dards, an Indo-Aryan race from the Indus and the Gilgit area. However, because of the large-scale immigration of the Tibet people to the Leh Ladakh area, the Dards got overshadowed. Slowly and gradually, Ladakhi people started acquiring the racial characteristics of the Tibetans only. Thus, in eastern and central Ladakh, you will find people with mostly a Tibetan origin.

As you move left, in and around Kargil, the Tibetan influence will lead to a mixed origin. One community in Ladakh stands out from the majority of the people, that of Arghons. It is a Muslim community of Leh that took birth from the marriages between local women and Kashmiri or Central Asian merchants. The people of this community look more like the Indo-Aryans, but, their cultural traits are similar to that of the other Ladakhis.

People of Ladakh don't speak chinese.
The only war between China and India is on this forum or forums such as this. Otherwise, the countries would be developing their economy instead of trying to wage war.
China should reclaim the eastern zones that belong to it , as it clearly lies with in Chinese geological map , and also the similarity of people and culture in those region mean they are closer to Chinese people

I mean china has a good claim even places like Goa were for portugues , I learned that India attacked peaceful portuguese and stole Goa from them - :coffee: I was shocked

Their was a place called GOA in Portugual and India in Britain. but, Britishers and Portuguese thought that these should be placed alongside of China and Pakistan in Asia. So, they pasted these lands on Asian map. :rofl:

peaceful Portuguese

On 12 February 1502, Gama sailed with a fleet of twenty warships, with the object of enforcing Portuguese interests in the east. This was subsequent to the voyage of Pedro Álvares Cabral, who had been sent to India two years earlier. (Swinging far to the west across the Atlantic in order to make use of the pattern of favourable winds, Cabral became the official European discoverer of Brazil.) When he finally reached India, Cabral learned that the Portuguese citizens who had been left by Gama at the trading post had been murdered. After encountering further resistance from the locals, he bombarded Calicut and then sailed south of Calicut to reach Cochin, a small kingdom where he was given a warm welcome. He returned to Europe with silk and gold.

Once he had reached the northern parts of the Indian Ocean, Gama waited for a ship to return from Mecca and seized all the merchandise on it. He then ordered that the hundreds of passengers be locked in the hold and the ship - which was named Mîrî, and which contained many wealthy Muslim merchants - to be set on fire.[13] When Gama arrived at Calicut on October 30, 1502 the Zamorin was willing to sign a treaty.[14]

Gama assaulted and exacted tribute from the Arab-controlled port of Kilwa in East Africa, one of those ports involved in frustrating the Portuguese. His ships engaged in privateer actions against Arab merchant ships, and then destroyed a Calicut fleet of twenty-nine ships. Following that battle he extracted favorable trading concessions from the Zamorin, returning to Portugal in September 1503.

In 1510, the Portuguese defeated the ruling Bijapur kings with the help of a local ally, Timayya, leading to the establishment of a permanent settlement in Velha Goa (or Old Goa).

The Portuguese converted a large portion of their subjects in Goa to Christianity. The repeated wars of the Portuguese with the Marathas and the Deccan sultanate, along with the repressive religious policies of Portuguese led to large migrations of Goans to neighbouring areas.

In 1510, Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque attacked Goa at the behest of the local cheftian Thimayya. After losing the city briefly to its former ruler, Ismail Adil Shah, the Muslim king of Bijapur, Albuquerque returned in force only three months later, on November 25, with a fleet fully renovated. In less than a day they took possession of Goa from and his Ottoman allies, who surrendered on 10 December. It is estimated that 6000 of the 9000 Muslim defenders of the city died, either on the fierce battle in the streets or drowned while trying to escape.
Their was a place called GOA in Portugual and India in Britain. but, Britishers and Portuguese thought that these should be placed alongside of China and Pakistan in Asia. So, they pasted these lands on Asian map. :rofl:

peaceful Portuguese

On 12 February 1502, Gama sailed with a fleet of twenty warships, with the object of enforcing Portuguese interests in the east. This was subsequent to the voyage of Pedro Álvares Cabral, who had been sent to India two years earlier. (Swinging far to the west across the Atlantic in order to make use of the pattern of favourable winds, Cabral became the official European discoverer of Brazil.) When he finally reached India, Cabral learned that the Portuguese citizens who had been left by Gama at the trading post had been murdered. After encountering further resistance from the locals, he bombarded Calicut and then sailed south of Calicut to reach Cochin, a small kingdom where he was given a warm welcome. He returned to Europe with silk and gold.

Once he had reached the northern parts of the Indian Ocean, Gama waited for a ship to return from Mecca and seized all the merchandise on it. He then ordered that the hundreds of passengers be locked in the hold and the ship - which was named Mîrî, and which contained many wealthy Muslim merchants - to be set on fire.[13] When Gama arrived at Calicut on October 30, 1502 the Zamorin was willing to sign a treaty.[14]

Gama assaulted and exacted tribute from the Arab-controlled port of Kilwa in East Africa, one of those ports involved in frustrating the Portuguese. His ships engaged in privateer actions against Arab merchant ships, and then destroyed a Calicut fleet of twenty-nine ships. Following that battle he extracted favorable trading concessions from the Zamorin, returning to Portugal in September 1503.

In 1510, the Portuguese defeated the ruling Bijapur kings with the help of a local ally, Timayya, leading to the establishment of a permanent settlement in Velha Goa (or Old Goa).

The Portuguese converted a large portion of their subjects in Goa to Christianity. The repeated wars of the Portuguese with the Marathas and the Deccan sultanate, along with the repressive religious policies of Portuguese led to large migrations of Goans to neighbouring areas.

In 1510, Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque attacked Goa at the behest of the local cheftian Thimayya. After losing the city briefly to its former ruler, Ismail Adil Shah, the Muslim king of Bijapur, Albuquerque returned in force only three months later, on November 25, with a fleet fully renovated. In less than a day they took possession of Goa from and his Ottoman allies, who surrendered on 10 December. It is estimated that 6000 of the 9000 Muslim defenders of the city died, either on the fierce battle in the streets or drowned while trying to escape.

At that time, was India divided into many princely states? Wasn't it. So there was not a country that the Portugese took Goa from except the local ruler. On the other hand, India took Goa by force, which at the time was a Portugese territory. As Portugal was not capable of defending that territory, India was successful in taking it over.
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