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‘They killed our mates, we want vengeance’

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@notorious_eagle : Dude whats the latest ?

Talked to my source close to the 12th. Guns have been ringing non stop since the last 2 days, but both sides have refrained from infiltration and engaging in close quarter so thats a good sign. There were suggestions to put the 12th on 'Red Alert' but that suggestion was immediately shot down by the commander as that would equate to partial mobilization. The IA Brigade Commander has called for a flag meeting which is likely going to take place in a couple of hours, hopefully things cool down and matters are settled in an amicable manner. But as a contingency plan; observation and check posts have been bolstered with additional men, patrols have increased and additional QRF teams have been deployed. To sum it up, level of observation and surveillance has been increased. I am sure the same is true for the IA side too.

On Topic: After reading the feedback from our Indian friends, it does appear that the consensus among the Indian public is that they want blood and are willing to accept casualties. Lets see what the GOI and Indian General Staff decide.
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On Topic: After reading the feedback from our Indian friends, it does appear that the consensus among the Indian public is that they want blood and are willing to accept casualties. Lets see what the GOI and Indian General Staff decide.

Consensus on PDF does not equate to consensus of Indian public in general. For one thing, only a small fraction of the Indian public knows or cares about defence and security affairs. The Indians on PDF are (as one would logically expect), a lot more belligerent and "right-wing" (in one sense of the term) than the general public. The fact that they would come participate in a defence forum and talk about defence affairs is proof of that. Only the more belligerent among the public would engage in discussions on defence related issues. Just like you wouldn't judge the mood of the Indian public based on reading BR, you shouldn't do it on the basis of reading PDF either. The Indian public has a lot more issues to think about than the death of a jawan. If you look at any local news channel, as opposed to the handful of national news channels, this issue would only occupy a very insignificant amount of airtime, and mostly regional/local issues are being reported and discussed.

Indians here might be baying for blood, but that is not what is on the minds of most Indians presently. My parents (both quite well informed in general) had not even heard about this incident until I spoke to them yesterday about it.

The only time that I can remember when the Indian public at large was baying for blood and asking for war was during the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai. That time the public really wanted India to go to war. But then, in the public mind, there is a difference between the murder of two jawans somewhere in the far flung border outposts, and the deaths of hundreds of ordinary men, women and children in front of their eyes in the cities they all live in and love. Rest assured, the Indian public won't be baying for blood over this incident, no matter what impression you get from reading PDF or watching our national media channels.
Talked to my source close to the 12th. Guns have been ringing non stop since the last 2 days, but both sides have refrained from infiltration and engaging in close quarter so thats a good sign. There were suggestions to put the 12th on 'Red Alert' but that suggestion was immediately shot down by the commander as that would equate to partial mobilization. The IA Brigade Commander has called for a flag meeting which is likely going to take place in a couple of hours, hopefully things cool down and matters are settled in an amicable manner. But as a contingency plan; observation and check posts have been bolstered with additional men, patrols have increased and additional QRF teams have been deployed. To sum it up, level of observation and surveillance has been increased. I am sure the same is true for the IA side too.

On Topic: After reading the feedback from our Indian friends, it does appear that the consensus among the Indian public is that they want blood and are willing to accept casualties. Lets see what the GOI and Indian General Staff decide.

Mobilizing 12 Div alone wouldn't help. In any case at that level the entire formation must be on 'stand to' so little else is needed / can be done at that level. First lines must be issued and so on..

Sanity I am sure will prevail, things may just get a trifle worse before they get better though.
dont cheerlead for pakistan.......look closely at BD border and you will see who's hands are tied.

Take care of your inability first then point fingers.

An irrelevant reply proves that the 'tied hands' is an excuse. The truth is india's might is against puppet states like Bhutan and Bangladesh. Against a mighty adversary the indian lion behaves like a mouse.

An irrelevant reply proves that the 'tied hands' is an excuse. The truth is india's might is against puppet states like Bhutan and Bangladesh. Against a mighty adversary the indian lion behaves like a mouse.

Have to agree with what you said!!!! This should serve has stern reminder to all Indians how the political state has displayed impotency time and again

An irrelevant reply proves that the 'tied hands' is an excuse. The truth is india's might is against puppet states like Bhutan and Bangladesh. Against a mighty adversary the indian lion behaves like a mouse.

And yet the "mighty adversary" has never taken an inch of our territory, have they? Though most of them want Kashmir, it is very much with us. That's what our forces are paid to do - defend our land - and they do that just fine. The "mighty adversary" has been reduced to random acts of violence, like murdering and mutilating a soldier once in a while. Your cheerleading skills are commendable, but so are the work of our forces.
India killed two, Pakistan killed 2. Scores are already settled.

No need to get all worked up.


But what bothers me is the way Indian troops were mutilated. I thought Pakistani Army was professional than this? :/

The thing is I won't mind even if Pakistani Army killed 10 soldiers that day but what I care about is how bloody unprofessional their Army is.

And this is not the first incident and such incidents are a decade old.You can't bloody expect anything professional from them.They are only good at killing democracy and butchering killed people..bloody cowards.

And the same is the breed in PDF "think tank" that blindly supports these butchers and claims funny things like 40 soldiers would be involved in a patrol and use their imagination to back it up.

I have been saying from the bloody first day that a section would be involved.Please don't try to comment on the techniques used by the IA.Keep your professional comments to your Army only.

I like this line "prove that they were beheaded"...nice how about proving your Army comprises of animals who are unprofessional and don't follow the soldier's code.

There is no fcking difference between Taliban and their so called professional Army
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The indian media are shooting themselves in the foot by blowing up the "beheading" issue.

This will backfire as far as india is concerned.
Fresh firing by Pak troops at 8 Indian posts: Report

NEW DELHI: There has been fresh firing by Pakistani army at eight Indian posts in the Krishna Ghati and Sona Gali sectors of Jammu and Kashmir, Times Now reported.

The firing started around 4:30pm on Friday evening, Times Now said.

Hold sanctity of LoC, India tells Pakistan

Earlier in the day, India told Pakistan that it had only resorted to "controlled response" to the "unprovoked" firing by Pakistani army on Thursday along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir.

This was conveyed by Indian high commissioner Sharat Sabharwal, who was called in by the Pakistan Foreign Office and served a demarche by foreign secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani over Thursday's incident in Battal sector of the LoC, which the Pakistan army said had resulted in the death of a soldier.

"The Indian high commissioner was called to the Foreign Office where he met Jilani and issued a note verbale on an incident which is said to have occurred on January 10," official spokesperson in ministry of external affairs said. He also said Pakistan is claiming that one of their soldiers was killed in the incident.

The high commissioner told Jilani that there was "unprovoked firing from Pakistan (along the LoC) in Mendhar sector and there was a controlled response from our side," the spokesperson said.

The Indian envoy also stressed the need for holding the sanctity of LoC and adherence of the Simla Agreement to sort out bilateral issues, he said.

On Pakistan refusing to allow trucks from India carrying goods to cross LoC trade point in Poonch district, the spokesperson said "our officials are in talks."

As many as 25 trucks carrying goods, mostly vegetables, from India were not allowed to cross the LoC and enter ****************** Kashmir at Chakan-Da-Bagh, according to officials of the Trade Facilitation Center (TFC) at Poonch on Thursday.

The spokesperson also reiterated India's position that it was "capable" of resolving the issue bilaterally and rejected role of the UN or any third party.

He also noted that DGMO's of both the countries were in "regular touch".

There have been three violations of the nine-year-old ceasefire along the LoC in the past five days.

The Indian Army said two of its soldiers were killed in a cross-border raid by Pakistani troops on Tuesday while another Pakistani soldier died on Sunday.

The clashes were among the most serious violations of the truce that was put in place in late 2003.

Fresh firing by Pak troops at 8 Indian posts: Report - The Times of India
Tempers are running high among soldiers deployed along the LoC in Rajouri and Poonch, where Pakistan soldiers brutally murdered two Indian army personnel on January 8. They want the political leadership to take an immediate decision, allowing them to seek revenge through an all-out offensive.

So Basically India does not train their soldiers enough to keep control of their sentiments...
How soldiers can have "Anger" ?

Imagine such angry emotionally unstable soldier sat on the switch of an Indian Nuclear asset....

Now now,who's Nuclear Assets are insecure?
So Basically India does not train their soldiers enough to keep control of their sentiments...
How soldiers can have "Anger" ?

Imagine such angry emotionally unstable soldier sat on the switch of an Indian Nuclear asset....

Now now,who's Nuclear Assets are insecure?

control your imagination :rolleyes:

regiment soldier dont control nuclear command
On Topic: After reading the feedback from our Indian friends, it does appear that the consensus among the Indian public is that they want blood and are willing to accept casualties. Lets see what the GOI and Indian General Staff decide.

The only consensus I notice is of television channels deciding that their ratings will get a boost if this is played up. The Indian army will likely do whatever they feel needs doing about the beheading but is likely to go about it without much fanfare. The television drum beating is pointless and is essentially a diversion which carries some risk of fanning the flames further. However it is unlikely to last very long and things will probably come back to some type of normalcy soon. Reading too much into some comments made in the heat of the situation is unlikely to show clearly the whole picture & is more likely to give a completely different impression from what is the actual situation. No one is about to risk the whole of the Indo-Pakistan relationship on this incident however unfortunate.
So Basically India does not train their soldiers enough to keep control of their sentiments...
How soldiers can have "Anger" ?

Imagine such angry emotionally unstable soldier sat on the switch of an Indian Nuclear asset....

Now now,who's Nuclear Assets are insecure?

That just demonstrates your lack of understanding of how nuclear missiles or bombs work. There are enough safeguards in any country's nuke arsenal to ensure that a rogue soldier cannot set one off. Things like the fissile part and the delivery mechanism being geographically separated until the last moment, chains of command having to be followed through encrypted channels etc etc.
Revenge is a dish best served cold bide your time and let things cool down and after you can hit when the time comes
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