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They don’t do a damn thing for us: Trump to Pakistan

By News Desk
Published: November 18, 2018


US President Donald Trump on Sunday lambasted Islamabad by saying that,the country ‘doesn’t do a damn thing for us’ as well as claiming that Pakistan helped shelter the then al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

Trump also defended his administration’s decision to pull hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Islamabad in interview to Fox News.

“You know, living – think of this – living in Pakistan, beautifully in Pakistan in what I guess they considered a nice mansion, I don’t know, I’ve seen nicer,” Trump said, referring to bin Laden and his former compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

The compound was destroyed shortly after the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group forces, in a helicopter raid, killed bin Laden in 2011.

“But living in Pakistan right next to the military academy, everybody in Pakistan knew he was there,” he added. “And we give Pakistan $1.3 billion a year . … [bin Laden] lived in Pakistan, we’re supporting Pakistan, we’re giving them $1.3 billion a year –which we don’t give them anymore, by the way, I ended it because they don’t do anything for us, they don’t do a damn thing for us.”

The United States has canceled $300 million in aid to Pakistan for its lack of decisive action against militant groups.

The cancellation of aid is part of President Trump’s New Year tweet in which he launched a scathing criticism against Pakistan for betraying the US.

“The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!,” Trump tweeted on January 1.


The only good response by Pakistani side which ever came to this old bloody allegation of hiding bin Laden was by Musharraf....

I think Obama himself acknowledged that it was Pakistan who helped US in tracing Bin Laden

You know what Mr Trump, there was not Osama in there. You know that very well that Osama was dead way before this raid, in some Tora bora bombing. We took that blame on our heads just to save your national pride and to pay back the our duty in war on terror. You also know that we handed over dozens of active Al Qaida huys to you.

Now this is all people get in last from USA. You cant kill Talibs in Afghanistan and now you are demanding us those thing.
I think the best answer to you guys is "talk to the hand".
Whereas @$$h0l3s govts in Pakistan (including current) don't hilight or tax US and NATO convoys using Pakistan day and night.
US fought against al qaeda in afghanistan and they killed their chief osama but why the same US is supporting alqaeda branch in syria which is fighting assad? hypocrisy.
he is angry at many people

Pakistan is way down in the list so we dont care much

You forgot France, and China, oh how can I forget Russia, argh I completely missed Latinos...damn the list...it's way too long.

On a serious note, he doesn't like anything, he seems like a complete mental case to me.
Dam ... trump says it .. like it is

White racist red neck insular president .

But why the hell he loves India and Indians

Where is the sanctions post S400 deal.

Man is cartoon yet leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

It's comical and scary

By the way he loves saudi you got thst wrong he loves their $$$$$$$%

He loves india just as a dog loves a bone.
poor guy, lost a case to CNN
I think, I can imagine how he feels
You know that very well that Osama was dead way before this raid, in some Tora bora bombing. We took that blame on our heads just to save your national pride and to pay back the our duty in war on terror.

Who is stopping your present government to make this public

Make your foreign office declare this officially

It is an official U-turn season :p:
Who is stopping your present government to make this public

Make your foreign office declare this officially

It is an official U-turn season :p:
Lol at uturn..now its official and soon may be added to pakistani dictionary.
On topic..dnt underestimate trumph...he may be a cartoon but still has lot of power to bang...multiple countries in one go
Some body should ask him why does he expect another country to do anything at all for the US? What world is he living in? This guys happened the best thing to Pakistan. No aid no strings meaning a more independent foreing policy.
It is now apparent that the US has some other pain but they cannot officially acknowledge it so they keep bringing in the old rhetoric of not doing enough.
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