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These Men Heard A Girl ‘Being Raped’ In A Parked Car. How They Reacted Will Leave You Speechless

when nirbhaya happened in Delhi.. both the girl and the boy stayed on the road screaming in pain for help... for 1-2 hrs....may vehicle passed but no one stopped to help...why...
not because they did not wanted to help but because once they put their hand in it then they will be constantly harassed by the police and they will have to go for court and other formalities...and pre judicie of society ...
we need to change our law system and court procedures ...many time helpers become the victim and are abused ... if this social norm will continue then hardly any one will help in such conditions...
when someone act like a hero, society and law need to appreciate it not to blame and harass it...
these videos are rather mode for PR and are utter nonsense , you can see it from the title . Bad news sells .. as for the content its concocted BS. People are far better than this .
So you think this doesnt happen...that they knew the guy dying was recording his death and hence didnt come?

I really cant believe people are justifying how masses ignored a dying man on a street! :blink:
well many people "newly came on the site" so they wouldnt know if he came from some place else!

It doesnt matter and doesnt justify how lightly human life is taken...
There will allways be someone willing and daring to help!
when nirbhaya happened in Delhi.. both the girl and the boy stayed on the road screaming in pain for help... for 1-2 hrs....may vehicle passed but no one stopped to help...why...
not because they did not wanted to help but because once they put their hand in it then they will be constantly harassed by the police and they will have to go for court and other formalities...and pre judicie of society ...
we need to change our law system and court procedures ...many time helpers become the victim and are abused ... if this social norm will continue then hardly any one will help in such conditions...
when someone act like a hero, society and law need to appreciate it not to blame and harass it...
Thank you ...I agree..In Pakistan (from the first few posters) I see it is the same...

There will allways be someone willing and daring to help!
but the experiment speaks otherwise....even a few real situation speaks otherwise...

MY question to the majority is what is keeping people away from helping? Is it lack of humanity, sensitivity

lack of trust in the system is at the top no doubt! but whatelse?

I wrote a story about my cousin (a uni student back then)...A kid was on the road (I forgot the exact story if he was hit by a car or what)...my cousin picked him up and drove him to the hospital...My cousin literally ran him into the emergency only to end up feeling the life of the kid escape in his hands..the kid died in his arms and till date my cousin now a father of 2 cant forget it!

These incidents should make one traumatized or at least knock sense or something...i mean in the West a dog falls in the river and the whole neighbourhood is out to help in any ways!

It seems that A dog in the West leads a better life than a human being in the East!
So you think this doesnt happen...that they knew the guy dying was recording his death and hence didnt come?

I really cant believe people are justifying how masses ignored a dying man on a street! :blink:

I have seen a dozen accidents in real life and i have seen people intervene in all of them , that is just really bad acting and its obvious. I know bad news about India sells , its simply common sense . You can realize its fake ..
Oh ya, Ms. Social Worker (raising awareness) Will not step a foot on YOUR thread again ever...................

I can't tolerate such threads? Let just one Indian open a thread on Pakistan, & you will be the first one to claim that it's a flaim bait :lol: I came 3 pages after with nothing in mind as you are reading it. & when i am replying to someone else, don't know what it bothering you.

As for your other accusations, this VERY DHABHA MAN on the very same place opened a thread like this.................


which raised almost 3-4 lakhs for my dying countrymen. As I said in an another thread, it's not DYING for your country but instead LIVING for it.

P.S. Please don't bother to reply to my post, I am out :wave:
good to know...

as for that someone else I already replied to him in post 18 and it stopped there no idea why you planned to dig it up again..you have a problem with him go elsewhere!

As for the sarcasm! Thank you! This is probably why many dont even bother trying when they know there is no change to bring ...you try you get mocked and attacked!

As for someone opening a thread on Pakistan...if it is social experiments why should I have a problem? Did I open a thread on real rape? real murder? no but on social experiments which your own people are using to raise awareness in your own country....

Instead of being proud that it is being used by someone else (me) to further the msg you attack the thread and question the motives! Shame on you!
I have seen a dozen accidents in real life and i have seen people intervene in all of them , that is just really bad acting and its obvious. I know bad news about India sells , its simply common sense . You can realize its fake ..

My job need lot of travelling.... and i have seen lot of accidents, and i rarely seen anyone unattended.... Yes i remember not doing anything myself in an accident... Because that was soo bad, i became numb, but there was police,ambulance and emergency services on spot
I have seen a dozen accidents in real life and i have seen people intervene in all of them , that is just really bad acting and its obvious. I know bad news about India sells , its simply common sense . You can realize its fake ..
I have not seen bad accidents so maybe I cant tell...then again I am always the eager helper...
i have one question...
how will women react if a man voices is recorded and played in the same fahion...he is being raped , he cries n pain and shout for help .....
will women dare to help this guy or no one will intervene...:undecided:
My job need lot of travelling.... and i have seen lot of accidents, and i rarely seen anyone unattended.... Yes i remember not doing anything myself in an accident... Because that was soo bad, i became numb, but there was police,ambulance and emergency services on spot

Its PR , start with headline which says "OMGZ SHOCKING" , then add some screaming into it , then create a negative content because only negative content sells

I have not seen bad accidents so maybe I cant tell...then again I am always the eager helper...

Watch the video , he claims to have an accident without an accident . Its like he came out of nowhere and started crying
:lol: maybe i should have said "OMG SHOCKING, NOOB INdians "
whatever now go find another thread to troll :enjoy:

EXACTLY what i posted earlier, but AUNTY think that i have a PREJUDICE :D
Here is a copy of what I said to him ...whatever sails your boat!! :enjoy:

If you people keep thinking of such excuses...had someone tried to help him he would have told its an act and moved to the next place...like this other social experiment regarding littering...

Since we are talking about indians- here is some thing to be ashamed of as a human being-

@arp2041 i see you standing idle every where-

@JonAsad yaar take it to some other thread!

Like him questioning my substance in this thread?-
Keep your advice to yourself-
Since we are talking about indians- he is some thing to be ashamed of as a human being-

@arp2041 i see you standing idle every where-
yaar I just posted that...Kiya hoa why are you both on fire today?

The thread is about humanity irrespective of the nationality!
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