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These Men Heard A Girl ‘Being Raped’ In A Parked Car. How They Reacted Will Leave You Speechless

I already mentioned that in my post that Pakistan is also going down that road!

Pakistan is already way down that road mate.

So many rapes and honor killings in Pakistan , a genocide of Shia Muslims yet you don't see any mass anger or protests. In Delhi a woman was brutally raped and we Delhiites shook the nation. Pakistani public is much more apathetic to it's ills than India is. Sialkot brothers is a good example. Or for that matter the woman who was stoned to death publically outside Lahore High Court recently. At least in India we are conducting these social experiments to send across a message and create awareness, Pakistanis couldn't have even thought of such a thing. Now they may start of of course, following the trend in India , as always.
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I would do nothing and walkaway, to be honest.

watch and report, watch and report, that's your job if you want to help the police. don't try to be a hero and risk serious injury. The police get paid to put their bodies on the line, you dont.
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