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There was such a sense of camaraderie between Indian and Pak posters

The OP is clever, gotta admit. The threads purpose is to drive a wedge between Pakistani and Chinese posters and turn this into China bashing thread.

Most Pakistani posters fell for it. I can assure you guys OP has no soft spot for Pakistan no matter what he says. I've seen his post for years, he's the worst kind among politically conscious Indians.

No big deal though, it's just a forum. But India uses media propaganda in real life to create similar effects. It's information warfare that makes you let your psychological guard down.

The OP is clever, gotta admit. The threads purpose is to drive a wedge between Pakistani and Chinese posters and turn this into China bashing thread.
Hindus have holy cows, we have holy China. This obsession with China cannot be healthy. Yes, we get it WMDs in Iraq but this doesn’t make China an angel.

I wish Pakistanis would love their country as much as they love China or Turkey.

That drama aside, Pakistanis are among the most generous people in the world - arguably to our own detriment! When a calamity befalls even our enemy, we will put differences aside and consider the wellbeing of innocents wherever they live. Whether our neighbours actually appreciate our gestures and advice is another matter entirely.

Great post overall! +1

Regarding the quoted part above, I have actually noticed this based on personal experience, both in this forum and real life. Pakistanis get too emotional, too cozy and too friendly when people express some nice gesture towards you, but this opens you up to potential danger both at individual and national scale. Look at the first page of this thread to see how easily the OP rallied all the Pakistanis to gang up against the Chinese with some nice talk about Hindu-Pakistani bhai bhai.

By the way mate, have you read about the Moriori Genocide? There's some lesson to be learned. Don't go soft on enemies that want nothing less than your total annihilation.
Sorry, i tried to be empathetic towards the current suffering of Indians. It is a sad affair of events but i don't really feel much emotion towards these people and their suffering. Do i really need to remind people of how they wished to do unspeakable horrors onto Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Muslims? It is really hard to feel positive towards people who are constantly wishing for your demise. If things were reversed and Pakistan was in the situation India is in, i can bet you a billion bucks the attitude of Indians would be ugly and disgusting.

The chinese people might have a hard time communicating their point of view, but the Indians do the same shit with them as well. So i can totally understand why the chinese would feel less remorse over your suffering. You've made them this way. To the chinese who are hurt by some Pakistanis indirectly or directly hurting your sentiments, please ignore the morons. Like how i know for a fact that there are chinese whom don't like Pakistan or hate it, Pakistan too is a nation built of 200 million, and we're bound to have people who don't like china and distrust it.

When i see the current situation in India, when i see indians cry, I think of the tears the Kashmiri people have cried, the deaths and heartbreaking brutalities they've had to face at the hand of the ignorance of these very people who are crying and kicking for help today. In a way, i think Pakistan is also vulnerable in ending up in a situation like that so i shouldn't poke for fun, but this is Karma for you Indians. For your ignorance, lies, disgusting mentalities and what not. The same Indians who're trying to cozy up to you in this thread are probably the same ones who wouldn't think twice in discriminating against their own ""lower-caste"" countrymen. So do not fall for this.
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Sorry, i tried to be empathetic towards the current suffering of Indians. It is a sad affair of events but i don't really feel much emotion towards these people and their suffering. Do i really need to remind people of how they wished to do unspeakable horrors onto Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Muslims? It is really hard to feel positive towards people who are constantly wishing for your demise. If things were reversed and Pakistan was in the situation India is in, i can bet you a billion bucks the attitude of Indians would be ugly and disgusting.

The chinese people might have a hard time communicating their point of view, but the Indians do the same shit with them as well. So i can totally understand why the chinese would feel less remorse over your suffering. You've made them this way. To the chinese who are hurt by some Pakistanis indirectly or directly hurting your sentiments, please ignore the morons. Like how i know for a fact that there are chinese whom don't like Pakistan or hate it, Pakistan too is a nation built of 200 million, and we're bound to have people who don't like china and distrust it.

When i see the current situation in India, when i see indians cry, I think of the tears the Kashmiri people have cried, the deaths and heartbreaking brutalities they've had to face at the hand of the ignorance of these very people who are crying and kicking for help today. In a way, i think Pakistan is also vulnerable in ending up in a situation like that so i shouldn't poke for fun, but this is Karma for you Indians. For your ignorance, lies, disgusting mentalities and what not. The same Indians who're trying to cozy up to you in this thread are probably the same ones who wouldn't think twice in discriminating against their own ""lower-caste"" countrymen. So do not fall for this.

Also do realize most of the people who are dying have voted overwhelmingly for Modi the butcher of Gujarat.

Indians deserve collective punishment.
Also do realize most of the people who are dying have voted overwhelmingly for Modi the butcher of Gujarat.

Indians deserve collective punishment.

when hinduvta strong, they mock you, calling you terrorists, beggars, isolated all sorts of names, and calling surgical strike and total dismemberment on you

when they are on the knees due to incompetence, they praise you with a few words, turning your against each other, how clever!
Chinese see us as both a foreign people and an enemy...So our misfortune won't tug at their heart strings ...probably the Chinese would react differently if Vietnam came down with a catastrophe (may it never come to pass)

Pakistanis see us as cousins (may be not brothers but enough adjacency) and enemy...Our misfortune would be too much for them to ignore.......................for heaven's sake, we enjoy their songs and they our movies.....I wonder where there is so much cultural crossover between two bitter enemies

This is how I feel

Nailed it.

We have our differences and I really think when Kashmir is resolved there will be a sea-change in the attitudes even on PDF. We should not let the acrimony of the current geopolitics blind us to the shared heritage and perhaps even a shared future. Just look at the European countries' change of heart about each other; Imran Khan has pointed out that.

Culturally, Indians and Pakistanis are like estranged cousins but both countries still share a lot more with each other than with the Chinese. The reaction in Pakistan about India's Covid catastrophe is genuine and I bet the reaction would not be the same had covid disaster been in China or even Iran or Afghanistan. Geographical and genetic ties between the vast majority of Pakistanis who live close to Indian border and the north Indian can't be wished away. And I say 'vast majority' deliberately.

Anyone trying to form a separate identity for Pakistan tying with Pakistan's western neighbors is simply naïve. That is not how humanity works. Has never worked like that. Much smaller portions of Pakistanis have that deep cultural ties spanning thousands of years with Afghanistan or Iran, let alone with China.

I believe Pakistan is becoming a different identity; something which shares a lot more with north India than other places but still a delightfully different identity.
There is no camaraderie between the good-natured Pakistanis and evil Indians.
Coronavirus is doing to India what internet Hindus do to social media users. I have no sympathy towards Indians, you are reaping what you sowed under Modi's leadership, utter arrogance, and brutal crimes against the Muslim minority. Now feel the helplessness watching your loved ones gasp for air and die slowly and painfully just as the whole of India watched innocent Muslims being lynched and killed in front of their helpless families.

A few days ago - there was a sense of camaraderie between Indian and Pak posters which I haven't seen. From cricketers in Pak on social media to many members like @Imran Khan @Musings @Iltutmish @Indus Pakistan looked at the Covid crisis in India from a humanitarian perspective and rose above differences.

Thanks to multiple Chinese posters now gloating and enjoying the current state of the crisis in India to score cheap points on the dead bodies of Indian citizens (because of a virus that originated and was spread because of the CCP), at least Indian posters must not forget that when it mattered, the average Pakistani stood by us. There might be a few expections, but by and large this is true. For that we should always be thankful.
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a saying,"no good trees bring about bad fruits" & vice versa.
From the OP if he had hates against anyone he is already a bad tree.
So dont believe a bad tree would bring abut good fruits.
Nah, would hardly post here though. Now that I am stuck at home for a while there is only so much Netflix one can watch.

That's good to hear.
So pdf is a choice between Netflix :rofl: helps protect you from COVID I guess. Perhaps India should offer free vaccinations with a PDF account, it would keep us Pakistanis entertained too.
A few days ago - there was a sense of camaraderie between Indian and Pak posters which I haven't seen. From cricketers in Pak on social media to many members like @Imran Khan @Musings @Iltutmish @Indus Pakistan looked at the Covid crisis in India from a humanitarian perspective and rose above differences.

Thanks to multiple Chinese posters now gloating and enjoying the current state of the crisis in India to score cheap points on the dead bodies of Indian citizens (because of a virus that originated and was spread because of the CCP), at least Indian posters must not forget that when it mattered, the average Pakistani stood by us. There might be a few expections, but by and large this is true. For that we should always be thankful.
There can be no long term friendship as long as you dont solve the Kashmir issue, as for the crises time we are always ready to help on humanitarian basis.
There is no camaraderie between the good-natured Pakistanis and evil Indians.
Coronavirus is doing to India what internet Hindus do to social media users. I have no sympathy towards Indians, you are reaping what you sowed under Modi's leadership, utter arrogance, and brutal crimes against the Muslim minority. Now feel the helplessness watching your loved ones gasp for air and die slowly and painfully just as the whole of India watched innocent Muslims being lynched and killed in front of their helpless families.

exactly, just see how mad godi media behave and millions millions of Indians, still at this point, on Twitter/Facebook/Youtube to troll on China and Pakistan
What's happening in India right now can be justifiably called karma. Idiots like @Jackdaws who have been sowing hatred towards China or the Chinese are now experiencing apocalypse inside India. Serves you right i say. By repeating that the virus originated in China despite facts have shown that Covid virus was already present in other parts of the world before China discovered it shows the unlimited hatred he harbors inside his evil soul. Now India is facing the biggest crisis like never seen before as the nation's healthcare system is crumbling for the whole world to see. He should be thankful to China who is willing to extend help to India in this dire situation. To people like that idiot i say let India burn down completely, to reasonable Indians i say may God save India.
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