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The war on Iran begins…in Syria

Should Iran 'eliminate Israel from the Earth'?

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I wasn't referring to domestic policies or economy. I agree with you that regarding economy, Erdogan was the best thing that could happen in Turkey. He is doing great in improving Turkey's economy. I was talking about his reginal and foreign policies and you should accept in many cases, it's not working. Syrian case is the worst one among them.

I don't agree with his policy on Syria ,Egypt and Israel. But let's think about it. What is not working for Turkey. What harm did his policies to Turkey..... I'm not a seerer and i can't see the future but it's all good for the time being. Only time will tell.
Him calling us lapdogs and barking is ok?

No it's not ok at all, but who started it first and used this language? You know me, I don't care about nationality in these cases.

I don't agree with his policy on Syria ,Egypt and Israel. But let's think about it. What is not working for Turkey. What harm did his policies to Turkey..... I'm not a seerer and i can't see the future but it's all good for the time being. Only time will tell.

His policies about Iraq, Syria and Egypt are wrong and you really think they are not affecting you negatively?
You are making an enemy out of new Egyptian new leaders and risking to lose an important country in ME.
You are spending millions of dollars for thousands of Syrian refugees while your security has been compromised and you helped to create an AlQaeda hub in your southern border. The worst part is that Erdogan says he is doing all this for humanitarian reasons. A secular country like Turkey is now exporting very extremist rebels to another secular country and only making the situation worse. How has it worked so far?
Your relations with central government of Iraq is not good either for various reasons.
I don't agree with his policy on Syria ,Egypt and Israel. But let's think about it. What is not working for Turkey. What harm did his policies to Turkey..... I'm not a seerer and i can't see the future but it's all good for the time being. Only time will tell.

His problem for turkey is that for gaining shory term benefits and promoying his party intrest he endangered turkey long term security and interests in middle east
You are making an enemy out of new Egyptian new leaders and risking to lose an important country in ME.

I agree with you but sometimes i think, Our relations with Egypt greatly improved because of Mursi-Erdoğan. Now Mursi has gone is it inevitable that Turkey-Egypt relations will go downward because of the new administration ?

You are spending millions of dollars for thousands of Syrian refugees

Turkey didn't start the civil war. It was inevitable to house the refugees. Maybe Turkey's direct interference prolong the war and increased the numbers.

while your security has been compromised and you helped to create an AlQaeda hub in your southern border.

I don't think this was the intention of Turkey. But such an organization formed there. But i don't think that would be a headache for Turkey. Syria-Turkey border is not like the Iraq-Turkey border. We can efficiently control and root out the Cihadists in case they choose to turn on Turkey in the future.

The worst part is that Erdogan says he is doing all this for humanitarian reasons.

That's a huge lie to gain the favor of international community. In Syria his policy related to gas and oil lines from GCC and Israel.

A secular country like Turkey is now exporting very extremist rebels to another secular country and only making the situation worse. How has it worked so far?

His method is extremely wrong but when Syria downed our jet, Erdogan said his government would retaliate "with determination" and take what he called the "necessary steps by determining the time, place and method by itself".

As for the retaliation part it worked and none of the Turkish soldiers had a nose bleed. As for the regime change part, it is not working. But it is still to early to talk for the end.

Your relations with central government of Iraq is not good either for various reasons.

Central government, forbid Turkish firms for exploring and extracting the Iraqi oil. He's trying to retaliate any way he can. So he turned to KRG and participated in their tenders and build a oil line from KRG to Turkey.
It'll affect Iran only by strategically. Probly loose It's only ally that counts to have a large&good force. That's all
I don't agree with his policy on Syria ,Egypt and Israel. But let's think about it. What is not working for Turkey. What harm did his policies to Turkey..... I'm not a seerer and i can't see the future but it's all good for the time being. Only time will tell.

I don't think this was the intention of Turkey. But such an organization formed there. But i don't think that would be a headache for Turkey. Syria-Turkey border is not like the Iraq-Turkey border. We can efficiently control and root out the Cihadists in case they choose to turn on Turkey in the future.

my friend, it doesnt matter what will happen in syria, Erdugan brought all fanatic extremists like al-Q to your south borders. i'm not sure the bodies of these jihadist can cross the border or not. but their opinions will do. you shouldn't forget Turkish people are sunni muslims not shia and these jihadist will Turn your people to new jihadists with Extremist ideas . they will build schools for teaching their opinions and methods and educate children to be like themselves and they will start to spread out more and more in turkey like cancer.

i don't think so turkey can do much things to control and root out them. The USA and Iran after many years with using military forces, building walls and spending millions of dollars cant stop all drug dealers or refugees in the borders with Mexico and Afghanistan.

no one do such things with his country and bring cancer and flame to his land.
It will be unfortunate for Iran to be drawn into the Syria conflict. As far as I am concerned the FSA seem to be a band of blood thirsty thugs, they will show up in some random African country next after their rape and pillage is over in Syria. As far as dictators are concerned that is another story as most people on this forum do not have a leg to stand on, as in one way or another they thrive under strongmen.
I would implore for Iran to stay out. As for Syria.. bad times in the near future. I hope for the best for the common Syrian/Iranian citizen. May peace prevail.
In any way, the old syria where iranians were roaming freely buying muslim to convert to shia jaafari, and buying the hospital, economy,road,compagnie etc etc is definitevely gone.
The next leader will be a sunni, and great chance he hates anything related to iran...be prepared
Turkey, Saudi and Qatar "humanitarian " reasons for aiding Salafi terrorists in Syria is utter bullshit. Its all about the money and it always has been. Qatar is trying to sell its gas to Europe via Turkey and these countries see Iran as a main competitor for the European market, of course countering Iran's influence in the region is another reason for aiding terrorism in Syria, however Turkey wants more active role because of Erdogan's recent consecutive failures in foreign policy, such as: surpassing its people's protests, criticizing his Western allies harshly, and supporting wrong side in Egypt that angered many people in the Arab world, so Turks are trying to win Arabs by getting rid of Bashar, weaken PKK (this might backfire) and get the transit money.

However, its not like Iran didn't let Turkey participate in Iran gas project to Europe, it was actually the Turkey that refused to go on with the project (under the U.S. pressure).

So everyone get their facts straight, no side is innocent, and no one is certainly an angel either!

This is one of the best analysis I have read about Syria in a long time: ?????? - ?BBC ??????? - ??????? ??????? ??? ? ???? ????
On the other hand we are seeing Saudi and Qatari supported terrorists destabilizing Iraq.
These warriors of the "72 virgins way" are so utterly stupid and moron that they let themselves be controlled by people in power. They get blown to pieces so Saudi and Qatar could make big bucks! Its very easy to manipulate people through religious ways! And please don't give me any crap about how this is not the way religion suppose to work, because this is actually the way its supposed to work, through intimidation and fear mongering.
Even Russia has declared she will not get involved in the war.


3 years ago

In any way, the old syria where iranians were roaming freely buying muslim to convert to shia jaafari, and buying the hospital, economy,road,compagnie etc etc is definitevely gone.
The next leader will be a sunni, and great chance he hates anything related to iran...be prepared


Aug 31, 2013

So much irony in these two words, its cant be discribed... mullah zealots going to lecture us, why am i not surprized.

The war in Syria is already won by Turkey and its allies yet these idiots keep denying.



I wonder what all these people say if tomorrow night come and pass and no attack against syria ?

This is JUN 20 , 2016 :D

To all iranian, stop changing the subject, the subject is a coming war of Syria and your defense pact with her. If you have anything about the topic, say so or get lost!

Ok ... Almost 3 years passed !
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