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The US world order has ENDED because it has been chellenged by Russia & China


Jul 18, 2021
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There is no world order right NOW but competition for the next world order between 3.. Multipolar SYSTEM can't last long without increasing tensions thru out the years hence someone has to ethablish themselves at the top..

1. The Ukraine issues has shown NATO weaknesses because NATO happen to be an alliance of unwilling allies who are easily intimidated or bullied by Russia this is a major setback for the US

2. Germany, France, Hungary, Bulgaria and Italy have folded clearly because they consider the risk to much for them and could concede and submit

3. Russia now knows it has created division in NATO

4.The only western countries like US, Poland, Ukraine, UK, Canada and Romania are ready to face Russia if things spilover and they understand Russia's gamesmanship whereas the rest in Europe don't understand Russia's gamesmanship.. I think even Putin is surprised to find out that their fundation is shaken to this extent and majority of them are intimidated which is also baffling to me.. I had no idea previously that Russia is feared this much in Europe.. I think it even surprises the Americans themselves to some degree and realize they could lose Europe but there are couple of players they can fall back on and perserve things such as Poland, Ukraine, UK, Turkey, Canada and Romania..

With the Chinese taking over Africa, and now into central America and South America? The US is being hit on multiple fronts.

5.Their biggest worry is the cartels of mexico falling into chinese or russian hands starting an insurgency war. I have seen there has been increased diplomacy between US and Mexico as The cartels has grown extremely strong lately and this worries the US gov't

6. If the Ukraine invasion happens or even a limited one it will be enough to split NATO many will feel unsafe

7. The US wants to make a comeback but it is confused and doesn't know how to approach this

8. Their first goal will be to fortify East Europe because right now they only send 3k that is not enough and I expect more to come from UK and US in the coming weeks
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What you call a US world order was/is something for helpless countries that served US interests. That is fast coming to an end, be prepared for violence and terrorism, the graph is gona rise exponentially.

After 10 years the absence will be felt.. China is a wildcard as they will conduct of some form of adventurism.. Taiwan will fall early 2030s and NATO will likely retreat from EAST europe..

There will be competition for wealth in Iraq as new oil fields will be found there..

But eventually after exiting east europe 10-15 years later the remaining NATO countries will finally fight Russia
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This cold war will be much more difficult because back then they had monoploy over media but not anymore as there are multiple social medias and media news nowadays and won't have monoploy over the news..

Their fate comes down to their allies if they abandon them today it is over but to chose them over the other camp this is where their focus will lay.. If everyone jumped ship the balance will be to significiant against them but no they have some all wheater FRIENDS but not all of them some will jump ship and majority from within EU which is quite surprisingly but they will have enough numbers standing with them
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It ended by over using blacmailing tool on allies now argentina is leaving usa done stupid things

Usa lost it by overblackmailing its allies to please uncle sams interests

Usa lost it by overblackmailing its allies to please uncle sams interests
It ended by over using blacmailing tool on allies now argentina is leaving usa done stupid things

Usa lost it by overblackmailing its allies to please uncle sams interests

Usa lost it by overblackmailing its allies to please uncle sams interests

Argentina isn't exactly politically stable. So causing coups or 'political protests' there is fairly easy for the CIA. But Americans have 3 stronger and more stable allies in South America: Chile, Brazil and Colombia.

They won't mind Argentinians go over the other side. CAATSA coming in 3......2.......1......
This cold war will be much more difficult because back then they had monoploy over media but not anymore as there are multiple social medias and media news nowadays and won't have monoploy over the news..

Their fate comes down to their allies if they abandon them today it is over but to chose them over the other camp this is where their focus will lay.. If everyone jumped ship the balance will be to significiant against them but no they have some all wheater FRIENDS but not all of them some will jump ship and majority from within EU which is quite surprisingly but they will have enough numbers standing with them
I think the biggest question is whether China's BRI will work in promoting development in the non-Western world. We all know that Europe, while still very rich, will basically face economic stagnation and no growth in the future. Economic growth lies in the non-Western world, particularly in Asia and Africa. These countries, with the exception of India, are largely friendly to China or at least try to stay non-aligned. So if China's BRI project successfully promotes economic development in these countries and integrates their economies in supply chains linked to China, then this will greatly empower China's influence as China's "friends" will now stand on equal footing as America's "friends" who are largely just Western Europe, Australia and Japan/South Korea.
I think the biggest question is whether China's BRI will work in promoting development in the non-Western world. We all know that Europe, while still very rich, will basically face economic stagnation and no growth in the future. Economic growth lies in the non-Western world, particularly in Asia and Africa. These countries, with the exception of India, are largely friendly to China or at least try to stay non-aligned. So if China's BRI project successfully promotes economic development in these countries and integrates their economies in supply chains linked to China, then this will greatly empower China's influence as China's "friends" will now stand on equal footing as America's "friends" who are largely just Western Europe, Australia and Japan/South Korea.

You ignore the simple fact that there is a factor that limits any growth for China to develop africa and poor asian countries: the planet earth has finite rescources. If africa and other poor parts of the world get richer, environment would collapse. Climate change would reach levels that would cause unimaginable havoc. Over use of the oceans would collapse food chains.

Its a planet with limited rescources and china is not idiotic, to not know that.
You ignore the simple fact that there is a factor that limits any growth for China to develop africa and poor asian countries: the planet earth has finite rescources. If africa and other poor parts of the world get richer, environment would collapse. Climate change would reach levels that would cause unimaginable havoc. Over use of the oceans would collapse food chains.

Its a planet with limited rescources and china is not idiotic, to not know that.

So you're saying that Africa should stay poor while Europe stays rich, because otherwise the earth can't be sustained?

That is nonsense, Africa will strive to develop and become rich and China will help it. Reason being is that a rich Africa is more in China's interests than a hostile Europe which is too biased to ever treat China fairly.

Europeans have never given a damn about environmental protection when they consumed most of the resources of the world, but now you care? Because Africa is growing?

Africa is just starting it's growth trajectory, it will be one of the greatest growth stories in this century, trust me.
So you're saying that Africa should stay poor while Europe stays rich, because otherwise the earth can't be sustained?

That is nonsense, Africa will strive to develop and become rich and China will help it. Reason being is that a rich Africa is more in China's interests than a hostile Europe which is too biased to ever treat China fairly.

Europeans have never given a damn about environmental protection when they consumed most of the resources of the world, but now you care? Because Africa is growing?

Africa is just starting it's growth trajectory, it will be one of the greatest growth stories in this century, trust me.

Im saying exactly that. Planet earth is a closed system. Not evry place can be as rich as Europe, North America or Japan, China. You may not like it, but thats the core issue nobody can change.

Africa will not develop, because climate change will simply wipe out any progress. Its a self eating process, so when you raise industrialisation in africa, large areas become uninhabitable, with extreme weather, heat and desertification. Lake chad is a good example for that.

You can rant about it all you want, its like ranting about gravity. The fact remains that evry rise in CO2 will systematicly destroy any progress made in Africa. The continent already is the worst hit by climate change now.

Right now we see a trajecty...downwards. hunger was never as bad as now. East africa and even kenya face extreme draughts.

At same time other regions get swallowed by extreme floods like lake victoria.

And there is no indication that will change, infact climate change speeds up. China knows that as well.
Im saying exactly that. Planet earth is a closed system. Not evry place can be as rich as Europe, North America or Japan, China. You may not like it, but thats the core issue nobody can change.

Africa will not develop, because climate change will simply wipe out any progress. Its a self eating process, so when you raise industrialisation in africa, large areas become uninhabitable, with extreme weather, heat and desertification. Lake chad is a good example for that.

You can rant about it all you want, its like ranting about gravity. The fact remains that evry rise in CO2 will systematicly destroy any progress made in Africa. The continent already is the worst hit by climate change now.

Right now we see a trajecty...downwards. hunger was never as bad as now. East africa and even kenya face extreme draughts.

At same time other regions get swallowed by extreme floods like lake victoria.

And there is no indication that will change, infact climate change speeds up. China knows that as well.
Africa can develop if more renewable energies are introduced and it is able to be more efficient in its agricultural sectors. Let's talk again in 20-30 years, you will see that Africa will experience massive growth in the coming decades.
You ignore the simple fact that there is a factor that limits any growth for China to develop africa and poor asian countries: the planet earth has finite rescources. If africa and other poor parts of the world get richer, environment would collapse. Climate change would reach levels that would cause unimaginable havoc. Over use of the oceans would collapse food chains.

Its a planet with limited rescources and china is not idiotic, to not know that.
I can't say much about Africa but the poorer Asian countries are already being developed by China. They are being linked directly to the Chinese economy via electrical grid, high speed rail and road. There are direct currency swaps, internet connections and interchangable industrial standards in place. They are connected in all the ways that matter - electricity, money, data, people, businesses and products. Laos and Cambodia are finally being developed. Vietnam's economic performance is essentially tied to China's at this point.

I predict the ASEAN countries linked to China (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) will all hit 50% Chinese GDP/capita within 10-20 years.
Africa can develop if more renewable energies are introduced and it is able to be more efficient in its agricultural sectors. Let's talk again in 20-30 years, you will see that Africa will experience massive growth in the coming decades.

Growth is africas biggest problem amigo. Its extreme population growth eats up evrything achieved. And as we see now climate change devastates them like no other place on the planet.

The agricultural sector you speak about is right now getting worse there evry year, beside chinese investments. Plants dont grow with no water and they also dont grow under mass floods.

2021 marks the worst hunger crisis Africa ever faced and when we look 2022 it appears to get even worse since now also Kenya is affected.
You ignore the simple fact that there is a factor that limits any growth for China to develop africa and poor asian countries: the planet earth has finite rescources. If africa and other poor parts of the world get richer, environment would collapse. Climate change would reach levels that would cause unimaginable havoc. Over use of the oceans would collapse food chains.

Its a planet with limited rescources and china is not idiotic, to not know that.


Set spiritual values for the society in general.
Create good living conditions for the human.
Perpetuate waning wisdom of ancient sages.
Let the world be peaceful forever.
----HengQu 4 ideals.
(I hope my translation is correct)

These are ideals that our ancestors fought for 5000 years.
We Chinese have always believed that all people, whether Africans, Europeans or Asians, have the right to live a rich life. The world must become equal and decent. If it doesn't want to be decent, we'll help it be decent.
Africa can develop if more renewable energies are introduced and it is able to be more efficient in its agricultural sectors. Let's talk again in 20-30 years, you will see that Africa will experience massive growth in the coming decades.
People look down on Africans so they won't take you seriously

But over time as they slowly sort out Thier issues rise of Africa is inevitable

Not sure if they'll become Europe (many countries will reach that level but not most of Africa) or something but can potentially reach Latin America level of devalopment in atleast 50 years
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