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Canada sends fighter jets to eastern-europe

Germany also sends fighter jets and ground troops. It is our duty to show our small NATO members that the strong countries do stand for our promise and not leave them alone.

so you are 100% sure there wont be any fight?
rusty, infertile ones. You dont have balls when you attack weak neighbours, ruin your economy, isolate you hlobally that even china does not support you anymore.

Putin lost ukraine and he knows it. What you see here now is an absolute demonstration of weakness.
they why is NATO pissing in their pants??
never seen rusty balls eh?
u NATO can't live in peace always wanna fiddle.... why did u provoke pro west protests in Ukraine???
to isolate russia right?
now u are playing victim card!!!
you nato are satans of this world!
ps: your nato is not a match for Russia...not in those cold waters!
if a war were to occur...i wish nato cold death!! time get rid of these imperialistic attitude!!
NATO is overrated... they only attack puny countries....
its more of a symbolic iniative...to calm their nerves.... and for a feeling that their assess are covered!!!
Iam not supporting anyone...BUT What Problem India hve with NATO, its strange to me??? Why ur pryaing for NATO death.....
It's a dog and pony show.

Russia can annex all of Ukraine and not a single NATO bullet will be fired because Ukraine is not part of NATO.
True. But their aim isn't to get involved directly either. They will do what they always did. They will arm Ukraine and will see that enough blood is drawn so whatever Ukraine left behind will always remain hostile to Russia and play as a proxy.

Iam not supporting anyone...BUT What Problem India hve with NATO, its strange to me??? Why ur pryaing for NATO death.....
Who told you all indians love US or Nato. Infact some hate US more than Pak :woot: and almost all Indians are Pro-Russians i am one of them too :rofl:
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Yes thats your point is 100% Correct. .... "MOGAMBO khush hoa" :-)
they are Zion imperialistic vampire states sucking all world wealth under the umbrella of Fraud Banksters Monetary system
That is how you like to think Markus. The Russian project in Crimea has been an utter success (from their perspective). The bad news is for eastern Europe as it is not going to stop in Crimea, its only beginning. If Europeans really don't want another conflict at hand, the Germans need to re-arm themselves to avert this situation. If there is a balance of power in Europe a war would be unlikely.

Russia had all ukraine and now only small crimean. If you see that as utterr success, the the maiden voyage of Titanic was also a success, after all her lifeboats were brought to New York, so at least some parts could be re used from White Star line...

Reality is, russia is finished. Putin now has NATO direct at his door in the west and in the east china takes what it wants since years. russia has no future.

we have problem with countries fiddling with others matters...and putting meaning less sanctions...as if they own the world!!!
imperial bastards!

russia invaded a country they have nothing to do with and sanctions? We can sanction who we want. We decide with who we trade with and with who we dont trade. If you act bad and we dont like this, we dont do business. Its that simple.
Russia had all ukraine and now only small crimean. If you see that as utterr success, the the maiden voyage of Titanic was also a success, after all her lifeboats were brought to New York, so at least some parts could be re used from White Star line...

Reality is, russia is finished. Putin now has NATO direct at his door in the west and in the east china takes what it wants since years. russia has no future.

russia invaded a country they have nothing to do with and sanctions? We can sanction who we want. We decide with who we trade with and with who we dont trade. If you act bad and we dont like this, we dont do business. Its that simple.
that wat i was saying.... imperialist bastards nato are....soon ull see end of NATO....
nato cant even war in Afghanistan... you are talking abt Russia... wat!u want to be nuked in your face and *** at the same time???
believe me they have enough nukes for that too!!
ps: wat is titanic shit eh?
that wat i was saying.... imperialist bastards nato are....soon ull see end of NATO....
nato cant even war in Afghanistan... you are talking abt Russia... wat!u want to be nuked in your face and *** at the same time???
believe me they have enough nukes for that too!!
ps: wat is titanic shit eh?

End of NATO? Reality is that NATO is important to protect the civilized world from barbarism. Thats how i see it. The EU and USA need to work closly together to protect our interests.

We can´t do war in afghanistan? We could end it in a second. What we do is securing rescources and this works great.

Nukes? russia would never nuke NATO since it would mean the end of the world. I won´t even comment this nonsense any further.

What is Titanic? An ocean liner. You propably heared about it. It is what russia is today...a wreck. Nations with an income below 12.000 € per year are not our level. Thats how i see it. And i don´t think i must respect countries under our level.

I ask you an easy question, tell me why i should pay respect to poor countries? I´m not a humanist. I believe in power. Beside that, we made russia a western country. Their elite lives european. And we work together on evry aspect.

Look at the middle east. We support the sunni side and russia the shia site in syria for example. They kill each other while we and the russians debate about it and in the end we both profit. :)

After all Russia is european and will always be european. They have no positive feelings towards your people.
feel for poor???
first get urself a decent place to live...try and complete high school.... be careful not get killed by a bully carrying a gun!!!(fashion these day's eh?) then u could talk abt foreign policies and yes respect for poor shit....clearly you are not old enough!
now go play your game boy!

feel for poor???
first get urself a decent place to live...try and complete high school.... be careful not get killed by a bully carrying a gun!!!(fashion these day's eh?) then u could talk abt foreign policies and yes respect for poor shit....clearly you are not old enough!
now go play your game boy!


Game Boy is so 1990th. We have better stuff now buddy. Try a nice IPad Air for example.
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