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The US has a backup plan to kill the Iran nuclear deal. It could spark a crisis at the UN.

North Korea has nukes and has ICBMs aimed at US mainland.....still under sanctions.

Those delusional posters on this board that think with nukes and ICBMs sanctions get magically lifted and Iran is welcomed with open arms are living in a fairyland.

Europe and US will just laugh at Iran and say more sanctions because now you built nukes, if you got the balls fire your missiles then we will fire 100 warheads back and turn Iran into a country that no longer exists.

Iran’s bluff would be called and it would just be the next North Korea. Nobody including the Russians or Chinese would shield Iran in anyway because by building nukes Iran will have started a nuclear arms race with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey all racing to build one.

So again, nuclear option has been considered and was deemed useless by upper eachleon of those in power.
North Korea has nukes and has ICBMs aimed at US mainland.....still under sanctions.

Those delusional posters on this board that think with nukes and ICBMs sanctions get magically lifted and Iran is welcomed with open arms are living in a fairyland.

Europe and US will just laugh at Iran and say more sanctions because now you built nukes, if you got the balls fire your missiles then we will fire 100 warheads back and turn Iran into a country that no longer exists.

Iran’s bluff would be called and it would just be the next North Korea. Nobody including the Russians or Chinese would shield Iran in anyway because by building nukes Iran will have started a nuclear arms race with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey all racing to build one.

So again, nuclear option has been considered and was deemed useless by upper eachleon of those in power.

the north korea Iran comparisons again...…..

Iran and North Korea are in completely different UNIVERSE when it comes to geopolitical terms.... North Korea is an isolated hermit cultdom. Whos only geopolitical significance is acting as a Chinese buffer against S. Korea and the US..

north korea exports nothing, excersize zero influence, and generally nobody cares about them and are just content to leave them alone. Trump just exxagerrated the North Korea thing because he thought he could get a deal with them and score some cheap geopolitical points. especially since he ridiculously tore the Iran deal up..

Iran is a regional super power. directly challenging American interests in one of the worlds most strategic real estate. Iran having nukes gives it unlimited defensive depth, and increases Irans negotiating hand.

in mid 2000s Iran offered the US a deal that would keep enrichment at a small research level. The US rejected that, and Iranian progress followed. and in 2015 the US agreed to a deal that let Iran keep 2000~ uranium centrfuges.

Iran with a nuke aimed at Washington DC would completely change their calculations. and might nudge them from seeing Iran as a potential puppet in waiting, to an accepted regional power. \

building nukes in no way weakens Iran. as Iran is already facing the full wrath of western sanctions. after trump leaves in 5 years, a democratic president would offer Iran a deal 10x times better then obamas to keep the nukes under control.

euro people (white people) culturally understand the language of force. it was only 70~ years ago they were slaughtering each other by the tens of millions. don't let this past couple of decades of euro fool you. deep down, they only understand power. if you are weak, you will NEVER be respected. period.
the north korea Iran comparisons again...…..

Iran and North Korea are in completely different UNIVERSE when it comes to geopolitical terms.... North Korea is an isolated hermit cultdom. Whos only geopolitical significance is acting as a Chinese buffer against S. Korea and the US..

north korea exports nothing, excersize zero influence, and generally nobody cares about them and are just content to leave them alone. Trump just exxagerrated the North Korea thing because he thought he could get a deal with them and score some cheap geopolitical points. especially since he ridiculously tore the Iran deal up..

Iran is a regional super power. directly challenging American interests in one of the worlds most strategic real estate. Iran having nukes gives it unlimited defensive depth, and increases Irans negotiating hand.

in mid 2000s Iran offered the US a deal that would keep enrichment at a small research level. The US rejected that, and Iranian progress followed. and in 2015 the US agreed to a deal that let Iran keep 2000~ uranium centrfuges.

Iran with a nuke aimed at Washington DC would completely change their calculations. and might nudge them from seeing Iran as a potential puppet in waiting, to an accepted regional power. \

building nukes in no way weakens Iran. as Iran is already facing the full wrath of western sanctions. after trump leaves in 5 years, a democratic president would offer Iran a deal 10x times better then obamas to keep the nukes under control.

euro people (white people) culturally understand the language of force. it was only 70~ years ago they were slaughtering each other by the tens of millions. don't let this past couple of decades of euro fool you. deep down, they only understand power. if you are weak, you will NEVER be respected. period.
well u both have points but you should consider that Europeans are relatively reluctant to inter an open confrontation with Iran because they can't contain Iran and they have no need to do that as Iran poses no threat to them. but with nuke and the fact that Iran right now can target EU, they will not stay neutral toward a nuclear armed iran. so even if we build it, we should keep it in secret.
well u both have points but you should consider that Europeans are relatively reluctant to inter an open confrontation with Iran because they can't contain Iran and they have no need to do that as Iran poses no threat to them. but with nuke and the fact that Iran right now can target EU, they will not stay neutral toward a nuclear armed iran. so even if we build it, we should keep it in secret.

euros were never ever neutral towards Iran. its become abundantly clear as day light how they toe the US line 100%. even though they put their signatures and integrity on the line by signing a deal with Iran. Open US bullying has prevented them from implementing it.. They really have no pride in themselves.....

if anything an Iranian nuke might be the jolt in the rearside they need to act a little more independently to Washington. by realizing that blindly following the US is hurting their own national security.

Negotiating from strength has been a hallmark of Iranian policy for thousands of years... When Roman Emperor Julian the apostate invaded Iran with a massive 80-90k roman army.. Shapur didn't negotiate or engage them. He methodically wore the Romans down, Blocked their escape path. Killed Julian, surrounded the Romans and when they were at his complete mercy, and could be slaughtered at a flicker of his finger, He sent in his ambassadors to "negotiate" one of the most humiliating terms Iran ever imposed on Rome.
euros were never ever neutral towards Iran. its become abundantly clear as day light how they toe the US line 100%. even though they put their signatures and integrity on the line by signing a deal with Iran. Open US bullying has prevented them from implementing it.. They really have no pride in themselves.....

if anything an Iranian nuke might be the jolt in the rearside they need to act a little more independently to Washington. by realizing that blindly following the US is hurting their own national security.

Negotiating from strength has been a hallmark of Iranian policy for thousands of years... When Roman Emperor Julian the apostate invaded Iran with a massive 80-90k roman army.. Shapur didn't negotiate or engage them. He methodically wore the Romans down, Blocked their escape path. Killed Julian, surrounded the Romans and when they were at his complete mercy, and could be slaughtered at a flicker of his finger, He sent in his ambassadors to "negotiate" one of the most humiliating terms Iran ever imposed on Rome.
well Europeans are closer to Americans in any aspects, they will not side with us in any case. but the point is to understand it is unnecessary to provoke them. nukes are last resort options, so better to save it for that case.
well i agree that you should negotiate with enemy from higher ground but i don't think we are at the same position that shapour was, not yet. we should not escalate with that critical slope.
Elam e vosol kard yani baeh ghavaneen keshvar vasl shod!!!!!!
no it don't mean that . it only mean its recieved by parliament head
- پیشنهاد نمایندگان و تقدیم طرح

نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی در موضوعات مختلف می‌توانند با تدوین پیشنهاداتی "طرحی" را برای "قانون شدن" مطرح کنند. بر همین مبنا باید هر نماینده یا گروهی از آنها برای تصویب یک قانون، روند را طی کنند.

اما طبق ماده 131 آیین‌نامه داخلی مجلس، نمایندگان برای ارائه هر طرح به هیئت رئیسه مجلس، حداقل باید امضای 15 نفر از وکلای ملت پای یک طرح را کسب کنند. در صورتی که این تعداد از نمایندگان، طرح را امضا کنند، موضوع به هیئت رئیسه ارجاع می‌شود.

2- اعلام وصول طرح و ارجاع به کمیسیون‌های تخصصی مجلس

بعد از تحویل یک طرح توسط نمایندگان مجلس به هیئت رئیسه، این هیئت بررسی‌های اولیه درباره آن را آغاز و کمیسیون تخصصی آن را نیز مشخص می‌کند. پس از آن، با تائید هیئت رئیسه، طرح مذکور در صحن اعلام وصول می‌شود.

این طرح‌ها پس از ارجاع به کمیسیون‌هاى ذی‌ربط، چاپ و توزیع و نسخه‌اى از آن توسط رئیس براى وزیر یا وزیران مربوطه ارسال مى‏‌شود. امضاءکنندگان طرح‌هاى قانونى حق دارند در کمیسیونی که در طرح در آن مطرح است، براى اداى توضیح حاضر شوند.

3-بررسی در کمیسیون و ارائه گزارش به هیئت‌رئیسه مجلس

پس از اعلام وصول یک و ارجاع به کمیسیون تخصصی، این کمیسیون با دعوت از کارشناسان و طراحان به بررسی طرح می‌پردازد و پس از بحث و بررسی‌های لازم، کلیات و سپس جزئیات طرح ارائه شده، به رای اعضای کمیسیون گذاشته می‌شود.

نتیجه رأی‌گیری و جمع‌بندی نظرات کارشناسی اعضای کمیسیون، طی گزارشی مکتوب، توسط هیئت‌رئیسه کمیسیون به هیئت‌رئیسه مجلس تقدیم می‌شود. هیئت‌رئیسه مکلف است با در نظر گرفتن فوریت طرح‌های در دست اقدام، رسیدگی به آن را در دستورکار مجلس قرار دهد.

4-بررسی و رأی‌گیری در صحن مجلس

پس از تصویب در کمیسیون تخصصی طرح مذکور در نوبت صحن علنی پارلمان قرار می‌گیرد تا در زمان تعیین شده مطرح شود.

بررسی و تصویب کلیه طرح‌های که از سوی کمیسیون به هیئت‌رئیسه عادی در صحن علنی پارلمان یک‌شوری خواهد بود به‌ جز مواردی که در این آیین‌نامه داخلی پارلمان نحوه رسیدگی به آن مشخص شده و یا به تشخیص هیئت‌رئیسه، بررسی آنها به‌صورت دو شوری ضرورت داشته باشد.

5-یک شوری یا دو شوری

رسیدگی یک شوری یعنی اینکه کلیات و مفاد طرح یا لایحه در یک جلسه رسیدگی می‌شود، روال تصویب به این شرح است: ابتدا کلیات طرح به بحث و رای گذاشته می‌شود و چنانچه کلیات تصویب شد مجلس بلافاصله وارد مفاد آن می‌شود؛ اما در رسیدگی دو شوری، ابتدا کلیات بررسی و تصویب می‌شود و پس از تصویب کلیات، طرح یا لایحه مذکور به کمیسیون‌های تخصصی برای رسیدگی ارجاع می‌شود که این مهم به طرح‌های فوریت‌دار اختصاص دارد. چراکه طرح‌ها می‌تواند با قید سه، دو یا یک‌فوریت، بسته به میزان ضرورت و فوریت، به مجلس تقدیم شوند.

5-اعلام نظر شورای نگهبان

طبق ماده 199 آیین‌نامه داخلی مجلس، پس از تصویب یک طرح در مجلس، هیئت‌رئیسه مصوبه را به شورای نگهبان ارجاع می‌دهد.

شورای نگهبان مکلف است ظرف ده روز نظر خود را درباره طرح به مجلس اعلام کند. اگر نظر شورای نگهبان تائید مصوبه مجلس بود، مصوبه شکل قانون می‌گیرد اما اگر نظر شورای نگهبان بر اصلاح مصوبه بود، نظر شورا به کمیسیون تخصصی ارجاع داده می‌شود. کمیسیون تخصصی پس از بررسی نظر شورای نگهبان، اعلام نظر می‌کند. گزارش کمیسیون و نظر شورا در صحن مجلس بررسی و به رأی گذاشته می‌شود. اگر مجلس نظر شورای نگهبان را تمکین کرد، مصوبه اصلاح‌شده، مجدد به شورای نگهبان ارجاع تا به تائید نهایی برسد اما اگر مجلس بر نظر خود باقی ماند، مصوبه مجلس برای تائید به مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام ارجاع می‌شود.

6-ابلاغ به رئیس‌جمهور

پس از آنکه شورای نگهبان مصوبه مجلس را مغایر با شرع و قانون تشخیص نداد و آن را تصویب کرد، طرح مذکور برای ابلاغ به رئیس‌جمهور بار دیگر به رئیس مجلس ارجاع داده می‌شود و رئیس مجلس آن را امضاء و برای اجرا، به دولت ابلاغ می‌کند.

7-ابلاغ برای اجرا

پس از امضاء رئیس مجلس بر طرحی که تبدیل به قانون شده است، این طرح در اختیار رئیس‌جمهور قرار می‌گیرد تا برای اجرا به دستگاه‌های مختلف ابلاغ شود. رئیس جمهور نیز 15 روز فرصت دارد این ابلاغ را انجام دهد. در صورتی که این کار صورت نگیرد رئیس مجلس می‌تواند شخصا اقدام به ابلاغ طرح کند.

its just the beginning of the second stage , it even did not discussed in the specialized committee
You right! So let's hope it's stops there because I sure as hell don't trust this going all the way to Rohini's Desk!

Don't worry, such nonsense will never pass. Those parliamentarians that proposes such a thing frankly should get punished.
Don't worry, such nonsense will never pass. Those parliamentarians that proposes such a thing frankly should get punished.

I think Iran's media should be responsible for naming exactly every idiot that brought this up and every idiot that agrees to vote for it. I think their constituents should know exactly who these traitor are! It's flat out treason because they don't simply stop at nukes they are trying to make enriching above 20% result in a prison sentence which basically prevent Iran from even producing 20% fuel rods let alone anything more capable that could result in a more compact reactor for propulsion....
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