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The US dollar will be easy to collapse

Well, you know my view. I agree partially with both sides of the debate.

Yes, the USD is propped up primarily due to oil, but America also has tremendous resilience and power projection. They won't go down without a fight and I wouldn't bet against them just yet. They have fairly earned their current stats as the superpower; it was no lucky coincidence and America is capable of miracles.

dev mate didnt know you wre such a diplomat. back to toilet paper or us dollar should i say. It will hit the tipping point within 10 years or so. The only and I mean the only thing that it might be allowed and this in my opinion will be in the gift of chinese if they want to do it and that is it might be allowed to play a part in a basket reserve currency with a much reduced weighting

---------- Post added at 02:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 AM ----------

As long as the Chinese and the Saudis are trading in dollars and buying treasuries the $ will not tank. It will lose more value, but not tank.

sir your assertion if accepted means that americans no longer control their own destiny

---------- Post added at 02:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 AM ----------

No mate you are wrong:

http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/gds20091overview_en.pdf doubt you will read all this but there you go.

This downturn is a systemic failure. The failure is due mainly down to de-regulation and failure to enforce rules. Capitalism is based on supply and demand, as well as risk and reward. If one takes the risk of cheating and gets away with it, he gets a reward, this leads to more cheating (heard about Mr Ponzi). By not properly regulating the system, cheaters got rewards. Multiply this by several million, and you get our current issues. If regulations had been implemented, this would never have happened. Instead, we might have had another mild recession and your cyclic crax would have resulted.

oh and btw where chinese rich want to travel is totally irelevant. very rich people have never been on the whole patriotic and wanted to travel and have homes around the globe,

I thought id put this up again cos that sums it up the west love to say communism has failed but they silence of their system failure speaks volumes
............ back to toilet paper or us dollar should i say. It will hit the tipping point within 10 years or so. ................

There is actually a product like this:


If you PM me your address, I'd be happy to send you some! :D
The present fight is between the dollar and the euro; once the euro is dispatched, the dollar will rise again.

absolute bolloxks. from the land of the fairies currently euro dollar and sterling are on a spiral downward you dont see the difference because for example a layman will see the US dollar quoted against euro and will look at it in terms of up and down against each other. But currently they are both going down. go google nadeem walayat on oracle hes noramlly good on currencies if you want detailed breakdown of why the capitalist ponzi scheme is failed. but dont just tell me your gut feelings. study and come to me with authority and reason. not going away stroking yourself and then coming here talking american propaganda to your daddy

---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 AM ----------

10 years is a veritable lifetime! Me not worried.

i dont care whether you are worried or not I just want you to stop talking twaddkle about economics

---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

10 years is a veritable lifetime! Me not worried.

i dont care whether you are worried or not I just want you to stop talking twaddkle about economics
absolute bolloxks. from the land of the fairies currently euro dollar and sterling are on a spiral downward you dont see the difference because for example a layman will see the US dollar quoted against euro and will look at it in terms of up and down against each other. But currently they are both going down. go google nadeem walayat on oracle hes noramlly good on currencies if you want detailed breakdown of why the capitalist ponzi scheme is failed. but dont just tell me your gut feelings. study and come to me with authority and reason. not going away stroking yourself and then coming here talking american propaganda to your daddy

The deterioration in your language is only one indicator of your mental level.

I will stand by my position regarding the dollar here.


i dont care whether you are worried or not I just want you to stop talking twaddkle about economics

Please allow me to present my thoughts, just as you do as well. I cannot ask you to stop as you are asking me to, for all I intend to do is keep presenting my points of view and let the readers compare the two and form their opinions.

That is called a discussion, right?

I am sure about my positions, for they are not formed lightly.
I think it is difficult to say how much of it is due to systemic structural failures, and how much is due to the poor economic environment that currently exists in the world.

But I do think that many of these Western economic systems are unsustainable. Their economic engines are currently driven by "debt-fueled consumption"... which is not sustainable in the long term. They need to go back and fix the fundamentals of their economy to create a more balanced system.

western economy is based on ponzi scheme fraud. if you or i did what the banks have been doing we would get locked in jail lol
western economy is based on ponzi scheme fraud. if you or i did what the banks have been doing we would get locked in jail lol

So the Western economies do not have massive industrial production, efficient services sectors, raw materials, massive energy resources, R&D, cutting edge technologies, universities, infrastructure, stable political systems etc. etc. etc. etc. ?

Those are real strengths. There is no Ponzi scheme as you contend here.


For those interested, here is a good article to read:

The deterioration in your language is only one indicator of your mental level.

I will stand by my position regarding the dollar here.

Please allow me to present my thoughts, just as you do as well. I cannot ask you to stop as you are asking me to, for all I intend to do is keep presenting my points of view and let the readers compare the two and form their opinions.

That is called a discussion, right?

I am sure about my positions, for they are not formed lightly.

your thinking is flawed and embarrasing mate. its like talking about calculas to my 2 and 4 year old
For those interested, here is a good article to read:


can i suggest you do some reading mate lol

---------- Post added at 02:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 AM ----------

Any thoughts on this coming revolution in industrial production, that will only boost the dollar?


to be honest mate im going to bed its late here and i would not beable to do justice to it today.
Any thoughts on this coming revolution in industrial production, that will only boost the dollar?


as someone knowledgable in this field, I'd just like to say that 3-D printing will probably not take off. Nanotechnology probably won't either, because current nanotechnology is the same topdown processes we've been doing for the past century and real revolutionary things like directed self assembly are still only dreams, while nanostructured materials are a tiny niche market.
this confed in europe would be bad because its not a full confed. The people under the present system elect leaders and mps parlaiments. However their parliaments have ceded power to central bank where the officials are unelected. So a true confed does not exist and is bad in europe because diferentr countries want to cede different amounts of sovnty. For eample in the present set up clearly germans have more influence cos their economy is the strongest. so the needs of germany which may or may not coincide with the needs of a smaller nation like rep of ireland would be subjugated I hope that clears things up there

The EU is a screwed up concept because it is motivated by a Franco-German desire to raise their global profile and challenge US hegemony. To do so, they were willing to use their mercedes economy to 'pull along' the horse-and-buggy economies of Greece. Portugal, etc. They figured their economies could take the strain and bring these lesser economies up to par. The jury is still out on whether this will work.

The situation with the US is completely different; it started out as a confederation of 13 states united against Old Europe, and they purchased additional territories as they went along.
dev mate didnt know you wre such a diplomat. back to toilet paper or us dollar should i say. It will hit the tipping point within 10 years or so. The only and I mean the only thing that it might be allowed and this in my opinion will be in the gift of chinese if they want to do it and that is it might be allowed to play a part in a basket reserve currency with a much reduced weighting

It's not about being a diplomat. I truly respect America for its achievements. It is an entire continent rich in resources, both natural and intellectual, and they have the capacity to reinvent themselves.

Just because their current policies are unfortunately against Pakistan does not negate the above facts.
It's not about being a diplomat. I truly respect America for its achievements. It is an entire continent rich in resources, both natural and intellectual, and they have the capacity to reinvent themselves.

Just because their current policies are unfortunately against Pakistan does not negate the above facts.

Yes, we have to be realistic. Especially when talking about our strategic rivals.
So the Western economies do not have massive industrial production, efficient services sectors, raw materials, massive energy resources, R&D, cutting edge technologies, universities, infrastructure, stable political systems etc. etc. etc. etc. ?

Those are real strengths.


Real Strengths ? Huh ?

Definitely 15 to 20 years ago, Maybe 5 to 10 years ago , but Certainly Not today .

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. The world is changing...fast .

The reality as we approach 2012 :

1) According to the US Census Bureau ,today , 1 in 2 persons in America is already living at Poverty or Near Poverty levels .

That is a whopping 50% of the American population living a life of shambles , starvation , and utter desperation .

Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income - BusinessWeek

Census data: Half of U.S. poor or low income - CBS News

It is so bad in the States that , even the illegal migrants are leaving the USA en masse !

Yes, The Illegal aliens find that Mexico has a better quality of life !!! ( CNN's Jack Cafferty )

Illegal aliens leaving U.S., returning to Mexico for better life? – Cafferty File - CNN.com Blogs

Number of illegal immigrants in U.S. declining - US news - Immigration: A Nation Divided - msnbc.com

2) Europeans emigrating en masse

Many are even venturing to Mozambique, Angola and Brazil .
(Huh ? Did you say they are migrating to Africa ? Africa ?? Yes, according to the European Foreign Ministry ...it seems that Africa has a better quality of life....at least 100,000 Portuguese citizens seem to think that Angola has a far better quality of life than Europe )

Europeans migrate south as continent drifts deeper into crisis | World news | The Guardian

3) Many Europeans trying desperately to get into Brazil, Argentina , some even working ILLEGALLY there .

Argentina opens doors to migrants, but settling elsewhere is harder | World news | guardian.co.uk

There seems to be a massive disconnect - Why are these people leaving ? Did someone forget to remind these people .... :what:
Don't they know that "Western Economies have massive energy resources, R&D, cutting edge technologies, universities, infrastructure, stable political systems ?"
Then why are they leaving ???

At least there is still hope , some do actually understand the challenges and live in the real world today .

Economy*|*Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

PS : And no, I do not hope to see the US Dollar collapsing. China should continue to prop it up, at least till the US Economy has truly recovered and the budget balanced .

Let's Hope 2012 will be a better year for all !

Real Strengths ? Huh ?

Definitely 15 to 20 years ago, Maybe 5 to 10 years ago , but Certainly Not today .

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. The world is changing...fast .

The reality as we approach 2012 :

1) According to the US Census Bureau ,today , 1 in 2 persons in America is already living at Poverty or Near Poverty levels .

That is a whopping 50% of the American population living a life of shambles , starvation , and utter desperation .

Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income - BusinessWeek

Census data: Half of U.S. poor or low income - CBS News

It is so bad in the States that , even the illegal migrants are leaving the USA en masse !

Yes, The Illegal aliens find that Mexico has a better quality of life !!! ( CNN's Jack Cafferty )

Illegal aliens leaving U.S., returning to Mexico for better life? – Cafferty File - CNN.com Blogs

Number of illegal immigrants in U.S. declining - US news - Immigration: A Nation Divided - msnbc.com

2) Europeans emigrating en masse

Many are even venturing to Mozambique, Angola and Brazil .
(Huh ? Did you say they are migrating to Africa ? Africa ?? Yes, according to the European Foreign Ministry ...it seems that Africa has a better quality of life....at least 100,000 Portuguese citizens seem to think that Angola has a far better quality of life than Europe )

Europeans migrate south as continent drifts deeper into crisis | World news | The Guardian

3) Many Europeans trying desperately to get into Brazil, Argentina , some even working ILLEGALLY there .

Argentina opens doors to migrants, but settling elsewhere is harder | World news | guardian.co.uk

There seems to be a massive disconnect - Why are these people leaving ? Did someone forget to remind these people .... :what:
Don't they know that "Western Economies have massive energy resources, R&D, cutting edge technologies, universities, infrastructure, stable political systems ?"
Then why are they leaving ???

At least there is still hope , some do actually understand the challenges and live in the real world today .

Economy*|*Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

PS : And no, I do not hope to see the US Dollar collapsing. China should continue to prop it up, at least till the US Economy has truly recovered and the budget balanced .

Let's Hope 2012 will be a better year for all !

wow I'm amazed. People have a natural tendency to avoid bad things, after all.

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