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The US dollar will be easy to collapse

Yes, "specially selected" economists indeed. Think about that for a moment if not beyond you totally. ;)

I have worked in the markets and am a professional. You on the other hand are speaking absolute twaddle and are an imbecile desperatly trying to seek attention . Let me summerise whats gone on so far. You stated that this was just another recession and we go through cycles. I stated it was a systemic failure. you said I was wrong. I explained exactly what happened and gave you good authority. The leading ecomonomists world experts. You deride them. You then try to say things that you think are funny or go off at a tangent about chinese millionaires wanting to live abroad. I explain to you that rich peoplee of all nationalities tend not to be patriotic and like having homes in several countries. You continue with your bull$hit and diahorrea. Whats the matter with you go and see a psychologist, They say a little knowledge is dangerous in your case its fuxin done your head and as a result you are desperate for recognition and in some insecurity. CD and Dev please read all the posts here and make your own mind uo on what i say
My link is a survey about attitudes; you are quoting only those numbers that have actually applied. Big difference.
First of all, the article is about the euro; the dollar is only mentioned as an aside.


Notwithstanding that the journalist in a throw away comment stated what is common knowledge regarding the US dollar.
I have worked in the markets and am a professional. You on the other hand are speaking absolute twaddle and are an imbecile desperatly trying to seek attention . Let me summerise whats gone on so far. You stated that this was just another recession and we go through cycles. I stated it was a systemic failure. you said I was wrong. I explained exactly what happened and gave you good authority. The leading ecomonomists world experts. You deride them. You then try to say things that you think are funny or go off at a tangent about chinese millionaires wanting to live abroad. I explain to you that rich peoplee of all nationalities tend not to be patriotic and like having homes in several countries. You continue with your bull$hit and diahorrea. Whats the matter with you go and see a psychologist, They say a little knowledge is dangerous in your case its fuxin done your head and as a result you are desperate for recognition and in some insecurity. CD and Dev please read all the posts here and make your own mind uo on what i say

Sure. Whatever you say.

I have no comment, since your post says it all already, but more about you than me.
Secondly, the euro was created, not to control Europe, but to counter the USD.


What you say is correct but currency unification means that it becomes impossible to control fiscal policies separatly. For examples interest rates are set by the central bank not by individual countries. Also taxation etc. eg the greeks in return for assistance aremore a less giving away the right to set taxation and other fiscal policies which would bve decided by govts ie elected officials the argument about control comes about because people who would be setting fiscal policies would not for example be subject to election in this case in greece but unelected technocrats sitting elsewhere
I have worked in the markets and am a professional. You on the other hand are speaking absolute twaddle and are an imbecile desperatly trying to seek attention . Let me summerise whats gone on so far. You stated that this was just another recession and we go through cycles. I stated it was a systemic failure. you said I was wrong. I explained exactly what happened and gave you good authority. The leading ecomonomists world experts. You deride them. You then try to say things that you think are funny or go off at a tangent about chinese millionaires wanting to live abroad. I explain to you that rich peoplee of all nationalities tend not to be patriotic and like having homes in several countries. You continue with your bull$hit and diahorrea. Whats the matter with you go and see a psychologist, They say a little knowledge is dangerous in your case its fuxin done your head and as a result you are desperate for recognition and in some insecurity. CD and Dev please read all the posts here and make your own mind uo on what i say

I think it is difficult to say how much of it is due to systemic structural failures, and how much is due to the poor economic environment that currently exists in the world.

But I do think that many of these Western economic systems are unsustainable. Their economic engines are currently driven by "debt-fueled consumption"... which is not sustainable in the long term. They need to go back and fix the fundamentals of their economy to create a more balanced system.
CD and Dev please read all the posts here and make your own mind uo on what i say

Well, you know my view. I agree partially with both sides of the debate.

Yes, the USD is propped up primarily due to oil, but America also has tremendous resilience and power projection. They won't go down without a fight and I wouldn't bet against them just yet. They have fairly earned their current stats as the superpower; it was no lucky coincidence and America is capable of miracles.
Sure. Whatever you say.

I have no comment, since your post says it all already, but more about you than me.

your dishonesty and duplicity says all I need to know about you. were you neglected as a child and are so insecure that you will not accept that milk is white? The only thing you do well is that you have devious command of the english language and you use it to insult pakistan and pakistanis. you sleep with our enmy or should I say lick the boodt sof our enemies.

The us dollar will hit the tipping point in the next 10 years as a result america will go bust and not be able to look after traitors and quislings.
Well, you know my view. I agree partially with both sides of the debate.

Yes, the USD is propped up primarily due to oil, but America also has tremendous resilience and power projection. They won't go down without a fight and I wouldn't bet against them just yet. They have fairly earned their current stats as the superpower; it was no lucky coincidence and America is capable of miracles.

The present fight is between the dollar and the euro; once the euro is dispatched, the dollar will rise again.
The us dollar will hit the tipping point in the next 10 years as a result america will go bust......................

10 years is a veritable lifetime! Me not worried.
Well, you know my view. I agree partially with both sides of the debate.

Yes, the USD is propped up primarily due to oil, but America also has tremendous resilience and power projection. They won't go down without a fight and I wouldn't bet against them just yet. They have fairly earned their current stats as the superpower; it was no lucky coincidence and America is capable of miracles.

Most probably correct. :tup:
Secondly, the euro was created, not to control Europe, but to counter the USD. It is the financial equivalent of the political entity called the EU, both of which were a (failed) Franco-German attempt to counter US dominance. That is why Britain has been reluctant on both counts.


britain has been reluctant cos its never wanted continental europe to be strong. also they have empathy with america and other english speaking countries. They sometimes see themselves as 53 state of america and think that they have a special relationship. a assertion that americans have only paid lip servise to in the last 15 years so much that cameron on his first visit to america after getting elected made a point to state that although allies he did not follow blair and think they were "special"

The second reason that they havent gone in was partially accidental and because there has ben reluctance to devolve power away from westminster in that they wanted to retain the right to set interst rates , fiscal policies etc. Other than that both lamont and his predecessor lawson chancellors tried to shadow the euro with sterling which lamont failed miserably by betting against the markets in the early 90s

They think that they are lucky becasue they can manage to print money and get away with it which is stuoid really cos every country that has tried that has ended up with worthless currency. America of course is different in that they have the privelidge of the reserve currency
Finally, the articles's premise is flawed. By their logic, all confederations are bad since they cede sovereignty; all fifty states in the US should go their separate ways to exercise more "sovereignty". Clearly, there are significant benefits to a unified currency for a confederation.

this confed in europe would be bad because its not a full confed. The people under the present system elect leaders and mps parlaiments. However their parliaments have ceded power to central bank where the officials are unelected. So a true confed does not exist and is bad in europe because diferentr countries want to cede different amounts of sovnty. For eample in the present set up clearly germans have more influence cos their economy is the strongest. so the needs of germany which may or may not coincide with the needs of a smaller nation like rep of ireland would be subjugated I hope that clears things up there
It says:

"About 46% of Chinese whose assets exceed 10 million yuan are considering a departure abroad."

Everyone "considers" their options. I myself have considered moving overseas before, and recently I was considering moving to one of the bigger mainland cities like Shanghai.

But in the end I love Hong Kong too much. :P

So just because someone is "considering" moving doesn't mean that they are likely to actually go. Most people have thought above moving to another location at least a few times in their lives.

but cd rich indians go to uk, rich english go to switzerland it has no relevance this imbecile cheng has thrown a red herring to justify why the US dollar is not in trouble. we dont need to explain the travel or lkiving of rich people on this thread anyway. Thats how deep his knowledge and thinking are. hes probably read some western rag which has extrapolated xyz and drawn conclusion that is not ness true
this confed in europe would be bad because its not a full confed. The people under the present system elect leaders and mps parlaiments. However their parliaments have ceded power to central bank where the officials are unelected. So a true confed does not exist and is bad in europe because diferentr countries want to cede different amounts of sovnty. For eample in the present set up clearly germans have more influence cos their economy is the strongest. so the needs of germany which may or may not coincide with the needs of a smaller nation like rep of ireland would be subjugated I hope that clears things up there

One can never build a stable currency with hopes of displacing the dollar on that impractical foundation. Just ain't gonna happen.

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

.............America of course is different in that they have the privelidge of the reserve currency

Thank you for admitting that reality. :D
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