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The Un-Intended Eye Opener Of 27th Feb:---

Agreed...an ominous sign for the indians is their rising unemployment and the removal of the preferential status of indian goods in the american markets. trump's way of telling the indians that you can't even handle a country 1/6th your size, how the hell would you handle america's worst nightmare, CHINA! uncle sam has had it with the overweight and feminine india!
American CEOs are ruthless with the workers (read "slaves") if they fail to keep their part of the bargain...
They have forgotten what PAF pilots did in actual combat. They have blinders on, will ignore facts, and provide lip service. Even if they want to, bear might (most probably) won't allow.
They could have run to the Bear asking for halt of engines, just the way they ran to good 'ol unca sam

The thing is that only the Paf is a known commodity in the world air forces---good---bad---terrible or superstars---.

What this shakeup of the 27th has done to the world powers is---what if the Paf spreads its wings and influence other air forces of the region---.

Guys---this might be felt as a little trembler on the " local scale "---but the fact is that the effects of its monstrosity are far reaching and extremely deep---.

Paf's performance has shaken up the world---. Now---what if the Iraqis or the Syrians or some other countries decide to gop for the full effects of the paf's indoctrination---the consequences would be really really tough for some nations---.
yeah but it's not that easy for countries like iraq and syria. their entire military culture from the top ranking generals all the way down to the foot soldier would have to change 180°.
And US nightmare getting worse day by day.Their always said about chinese products ""its all copy so can't compete with original""(today make an international arms sales post with figures) now what they have to say .China is moving ahead no surprise one clear example 5G technology from where china copied it ??no American orIndian able to answer me yet :lol:
Agreed...an ominous sign for the indians is their rising unemployment and the removal of the preferential status of indian goods in the american markets. trump's way of telling the indians that you can't even handle a country 1/6th your size, how the hell would you handle america's worst nightmare, CHINA! uncle sam has had it with the overweight and feminine india!
Yes and No.

I have three points in mind.
1. Was GPS guided weapon was used or LGB?
2. GPS Signal can be jammed or lost, so a targeting pod is back up.
3. Can the GPS guided weapon be "controlled" to change trajectory (if required) by Targeting pod by over riding coordinates during its flight after release, which could make the pod necessary.

1. No comment
2. GPS, given it's vulnerabilities, usually has INS back up.
3. Yes
Didn't Pakistani forces switch to BeiDou Navigation Satellite System a couple of months ago. I remember reading the news..
I was thinking to discussed it after that indian siyappa conclude but @MastanKhan is right.27th proves to be kinda butterfly effect not only region may be to international geo-political strategic situation
yaar I have been asking this question and no one is telling me :(
Which Pod is used by the Strike package if they used one in the first place ? Chinese / Turkish /American ?

@Khafee @Oscar @messiach @Tps43 @Signalian @The Eagle
Are you talking about the self protection pods? If so, then I'm pretty sure it's Turkish. Mirages have western sensors and avionics so not compatible with the Chinese ECM pods and the americans haven't supplied any to us. Goes to show ya, the Turkish pods made a fool out of the best the Russian and isreali systems deployed during the attack.

If my assumption is correct, then thank you Turk brothers.
And US nightmare getting worse day by day.Their always said about chinese products ""its all copy so can't compete with original""(today make an international arms sales post with figures) now what they have to say .China is moving ahead no surprise one clear example 5G technology from where china copied it ??no American orIndian able to answer me yet :lol:


China would be way behind if it was not for AM Latif and his team---. The US should not have pis-sed off pakistan with sanctions---.

You had to listen to Latif's interview to understand the conviction in his cause---and to deal with the chinese---who are very head strong and to charm them and tame them to do his bidding and to think the way that he thought of a design problem and its solution is an eye opener.
Imagine on 26 Feb if enemy attacks our airbases?? PAF was too late on 26th Feb, Even enemy announced they will take revengue of pulwama attack and it was sure they will do it from Kashmir side.
I believe there are serious holes in our defense system. Enemy will never announce or tell that they will attack
During Israel arab conflict, Israel sent their soldiers on holidays, just to make impression , clouds of war is over. So did surprise attack.
Considering Rafale, Induction of S400 system, what is our planning for next 5 years. ? I fear we don't have answer.
Today enemy is roaring due to our defensive strategy.
While I agree , next day response was extraordinary , but still we were not able to cross LOC as India did with 12 mig2000. Why? due to defensive strategy.
Current events leaving few question , Are we ready to Counter Surprise attack?

To go 4, 5 KMs with your jets in enemy territory is not a very big achievement.
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