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The Un-Intended Eye Opener Of 27th Feb:---


The reaction what I wanted was---I did not get it---. I don't blame most of you guys---because it took me awhile to get to it---.

The issue here is all about the power positioning in the south china seas---. pakistan was just considered to be a stepping stone---an irksome neighbor living on the flanks---.

If the powers to be were successful in containing the chinese air power---as they thought they had---china would be done and dusted---.

But this scenario has made paradigm shift in what the chinese were expected to have and what they have in stock---.

@NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM @Hakikat ve Hikmet
It's what must be bothering some quarters most!!!!
i am tempted to quote the following

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” ― Sun tzu, The Art of War

and there are many more from the book which can be quoted, we gave everyone a nasty (for some not so nasty) surprise, world was taken aback by the audacity of daylight raid, our own nation who have been chest thumping for ages with memories of the likes of Minhas, Raffiqui and Middlecoat now have stories to tell to their grand kids and China sitting there with a big grin on face knowing that practically their weapon systems do achieve desired results.

Hopefully we will not let our guards down and our egos touch the seventh sky, our enemy is hurt and wants to seek revenge, snakes are dangerous when they feel threatened and Modi is the most poisonous one out there

I have heard they also tried to come from sea but were diverted back and i wouldn't be surprised if their next theater of war would be using the sea, our navy unfortunately is our weakest link in the three forces (relatively)

The Paf may not have intended for it to have happened like it did---but the results of that day's---day light strike and skirmish over kashmir has many a powers shook up---concerned---and looking for answers---answers that may not be easy to find and consequences no easy to confront---.

The first major combat of two equally well equipped air forces of the world has some shocking results for the major powers to analyze and assess---.

The myth of the israeli / french / russian technology on one side---and on the other side---chinese technology with ruthless and brutally efficient Paf brains behind that technology in operation.

The Paf---after living all thru those years on sanctions---and as Air Marshall Latif quoted Gen Mushhy " we went with pockets full of money and no one would sell us the fighter aircraft---"---the Paf had a grudge against the claimed powers to be---they were mad as hell---mad as a hornets nest disturbed in the dark of the night---continuously being blamed for every wrong that was done in india by the indians themselves on their own---.

The indians came by choice---at a time and place of their chosing---openly threatening the pak military---and yret they had to trun tail.

In return---Pakistan's response of retaliation at a time and place of their own chosing was not taken seriously---and there were many who had reservations about it---.

But when pakistan struck back---the strike was made in the light of the day---for the world and the public to see---it was masterful---it was tectful---it was ruthless and it was brutal---.

Nobody in the world---no military power in the world expected that kind of retaliation by the pak military---.

And as they say---" success has many fathers---and defeat is an orphan---"---suddenly the indian air force felt like it had been orphaned by its very own---. Indian Prime minister after reviewing the losses---had the realization dawn on him that his aircraft were not capable of defending the motherland untill and unless he did not have the most modern Rafales---.

that was just one small part of the picture---. The bigger and the larger part of the picture was the Pakistan / China fighter / China EW package and china weapons broke the spell of the modern israeli / russian / french EW package---made it go to sleep and spun their own magic in chinese and pakistani and made the enemy fall from the skies---.

This was unexpected---was not a part of the picture---was not supposed to happen---was not allowed to happen---but it did---.

The unexpected successful exposure of the unknown newer weaponry into the air combat field by the Paf has had an eye popping effect in many a leading nations of the world---. The weapons system that was known to be below par and docile turned out to be a monster---.

i would not be surprised if mother China was equally surprised by the effectiveness of its weapons---.
The Anglo Saxon unmatched prowess at tech is a myth in the modern world, it may have been true post the renaisance period yet in the world of today most of their tech giants are full of asians. The brains as they say have long shifted to the east and it is natural as true of every civilization, it only shines till the day it becomes content. The western civilization has become content.

The east only needed an economic powerhouse for that brain to shine. China provided that, many of the Chinese weapons maybe better than thier Euro counterparts and in some areas at par with Yankee weapons.

The future is Chinese and Pakistan finds itself in a Israel like position, a life and death ally of a global economic and military powerhouse.

I can easily predict that in the next decade Pakistan will find acess to a class of weaponary that will simply be unavailable to the Indians, India maybe a strategic ally of the Yankees but it is not their Israel, they will never give away their best goodies to them.

Couple top of the line weapons with Pakistani martial instinct and u get something legendary.
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No more reason to give them until they prove(sorry re approved) their worth as check 27th events from the eye of westerner if they not able to contain an regional air force how they gonna do anything against China one of super power??
The Anglo Saxon unmatched prowess at tech is a myth in the modern world, it may have been true post the renaisance period yet in the world of today most of their tech giants are full of asians. The brains as they say have long shifted to the east and it is natural as true of every civilization, it only shines till the day it becomes content. The western civilization has reached that point in the past 3 decades.

The east only needed an economic powerhouse for that brain to shine. China provided that, many of the Chinese weapons maybe better than thier Euro counterparts and in some areas at par with Yankee weapons.

The future is Chinese and Pakistan finds itself in a Israel like position, a life and death ally of a global economic and military powerhouse.

I can easily predict that in the next decade Pakistan will find acess to a class of weaponary that will simply be unavailable to the Indians, India maybe a strategic ally of the Yankees but it is not their Israel, they will never give away their best goodies to them.

Couple top of the line weapons with Pakistani martial instinct and u get something legendary.

The thing is that only the Paf is a known commodity in the world air forces---good---bad---terrible or superstars---.

What this shakeup of the 27th has done to the world powers is---what if the Paf spreads its wings and influence other air forces of the region---.

Guys---this might be felt as a little trembler on the " local scale "---but the fact is that the effects of its monstrosity are far reaching and extremely deep---.

Paf's performance has shaken up the world---. Now---what if the Iraqis or the Syrians or some other countries decide to gop for the full effects of the paf's indoctrination---the consequences would be really really tough for some nations---.

PLAAF & PAF have a very strong working relationship. IF PAF can do this, what can the PLAAF deliver.....:angel:

On the Iraqi's - I read a book written by a USAF Gen in charge of Allied Air Forces in the 1st Gulf War, and he said something like this: "the Iraqis had been trained by the Soviets, French & Pakistanis. It is the Pakistani training we hoped wouldn't kick in." I'm recalling this from memory, so armchair generals and keyboard warriors, kindly don't hound me if I'm a word off or two.
My friend, the Chinese haven't yet even opened their wings, and people are already loosing their minds.

Did I hurt your feelings?
Lol he thinks secular hitler, stalin or mao wanted to listen to people with open minds lol, little gits like these are practically jahils, they dont know the first thing about philosophy, sociology and most importantly history, they are slaves who learnt the world secular, it sounded good so now they worship it....just ignore this brain sore.
No more reason to give them until they prove(sorry re approved) their worth as check 27th events from the eye of westerner if they not able to contain an regional air force how they gonna do anything against China one of super power??
Agreed...an ominous sign for the indians is their rising unemployment and the removal of the preferential status of indian goods in the american markets. trump's way of telling the indians that you can't even handle a country 1/6th your size, how the hell would you handle america's worst nightmare, CHINA! uncle sam has had it with the overweight and feminine india!
@MastanKhan It was over-confidence, over-exuberance & over-dependance on flankers that killed them. India definitely require rafael or an equivalent fighter in a short time frame. Desperate situation & nowhere to hide. Series of thunderous mistakes in v quick succession. Bilkul dhabar-dhooz kaam ho gia.

FC1 were not carrying any pods (this is my assessment). Mirages.

yaar I have been asking this question and no one is telling me :(
Which Pod is used by the Strike package if they used one in the first place ? Chinese / Turkish /American ?
@Khafee @Oscar @messiach @Tps43 @Signalian @The Eagle
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