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The U.S. and Pakistan: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

May I remind you that Pearl Harbor was just one military base; you are talking about two. One does not simply attack a superpower and walk away. There are consequences.

America got luck with discovery of nukes at the righ time and if it wasnt fir nukes they couldnt have.stopoed a much smaller country...japan.
Its different now..every other country has nukes..back then it was just USA.
plus its a shame if you are boasting about killing of 200,000 japanese civilians.
so you are saying that its ok fir USA to threaten every other country with their nukes...but same is forbidden fir iran / North korea?
and that all countries should live under fear of USA and dont even think of devising ways of deterring them?
thats medeival slave mindset?
isnt it?

Not really.. If you care about your civilians, why would you go and attack a country a thousand times more powerful than you.. You cant hide behind morals after you initiate the attack..
America got luck with discovery of nukes at the righ time and if it wasnt fir nukes they couldnt have.stopoed a much smaller country...japan.
Its different now..every other country has nukes..back then it was just USA.
plus its a shame if you are boasting about killing of 200,000 japanese civilians.

do u know what japan had done in pearl harbour. they wanted to immediately takeover western powers and could go to any limit for that. 21 massive ships sank in pearn harbour. one doesnt simply attack superpower and is forgiven, expecially pint sized countries like japan. if any country poses threat to america, they will invade it immediately. doesnt matter u have nukes or not. american cities are safe by ABM systems and satellite missile jammers. u cant simply destroy america.
America got luck with discovery of nukes at the righ time ............
plus its a shame if you are boasting about killing of 200,000 japanese civilians.

Firstly, there is a lot of hard work behind what you call "luck", and secondly, I merely mentioned "consequences" without attaching any emotion to that description.

Luck serves those who do not include it in their plans, and any country needs to be mindful of any consequences of attacking another countries military bases. That is all.
Not really.. If you care about your civilians, why would you go and attack a country a thousand times more powerful than you.. You cant hide behind morals after you initiate the attack..

Why you Indians like being advocates for white men on the forum?
so you are saying that its ok fir USA to threaten every other country with their nukes...but same is forbidden fir iran / North korea?
and that all countries should live under fear of USA and dont even think of devising ways of deterring them?
thats medeival slave mindset?
isnt it?

learn to live like india then. we built nukes and missiles. had sanctions for 10 yrs but america eventually was forced to remove sacntions due to economic boom of india. prove that ur worth it and u will get respect. otherwise u wont sorry.
.......... 21 massive ships sank in pearn harbour. ..........

Fact: ALL of the ships that were damaged and/or sunk in Pearl Harbor (except USS Arizona, left for a memorial) were refloated, repaired and took part in WW2. We know how that ended.

Like I said, a lot of hard work goes into "luck"! ;)
Why you Indians like being advocates for white men on the forum?

because when a pint sized country like pakistan talks abt hate for america we have nothing to say but laucgh. india has massive tradw with us and they r investing 500 billion in our country. we need them for now. we keep our interests first.

Fact: ALL of the ships that were damaged and/or sunk in Pearl Harbor (except USS Arizona, left for a memorial) were refloated, repaired and took part in WW2. We know how that ended.

Like I said, a lot of hard work goes into "luck"! ;)

yes but do u think ameica will still forgive japan for what it did?
yes but do u think ameica will still forgive japan for what it did?

Look at the Japanese economic miracle that was built after WW2 with USA's help and protection. There is your answer.
Why you Indians like being advocates for white men on the forum?
Old habits die hard!!
US policy with regards to this region, and to Pakistan in particular, is going to be managed longer term across presidencies, as has been done in the past too.

We are not talking about broad policy shifts but the tenor of the relationship. That fluctuates with prevailing conditions on both sides.

Its gonna get a lot worse. Just you wait and see! Remember, he has now put $10 million for Hafiz Saeed's head. Obama may plan to pluck him out or get him assassinated in order to score brownie points for his re-election.

Doubt it. OBL was a household name, but even that raid fizzled out in the media surprisingly quickly.

HS is a complete unknown to most Americans. A US raid to kill/capture him would barely make it past the 6 o'clock news. Obama would lock in every single Indian-American vote, but it would have little impact otherwise. The cost/benefit ration doesn't seem to add up.
Its gonna get a lot worse. Just you wait and see! Remember, he has now put $10 million for Hafiz Saeed's head. Obama may plan to pluck him out or get him assassinated in order to score brownie points for his re-election.

Just a pressure tactic to force Pakistan to open the NATO supplies.
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