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The two US 12-year-olds stabbed friend 19 times' to prove 'Slender Man' myth was real


Feb 12, 2013
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  • Authorities say the two girls lured another 12-year-old into the woods on Saturday after a sleepover
  • Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier had allegedly spent months planning to kill their friend, whose identity has still not been released
  • One girl said she was sorry and the other regrets the attack
  • The victim survived the attack after crawling out of the woods and waving down a cyclist
  • She is in stable condition, but was 'a millimeter from death' after a stab wound nearly cut a major artery
  • The two girls reportedly handed the knife back and forth because they couldn't decide who would stab their friend while the other held her down

Two 12-year-old girls who are accused of viciously stabbing a classmate 19 times have been identified for the first time publicly since telling police that they plotted for months to commit murder.

Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier face attempted murder charges after attacking their friend, saying that they did so because they wanted to join the cult of the 'Slender Man' after reading about him online.

The girls told investigators they believed the Slender Man was real and they wanted to prove it by slaughtering their friend after inviting her for a sleepover in the Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, Wisconsin.

The two suspects the knife back and forth between them before one girl held the victim down and the other stabbed her 19 times. It is not clear which one held the victim down and which had the knife.

One girl told detectives she regretted it and the other said she was sorry.

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Charged as adults: Morgan Geyser (left) and Anissa Weier (right), both 12, face 65 years in prison after admitting to police that they stabbed a friend, hoping to kill her so they could join the cult of the 'Slender Man'


The Slender Man is a prevalent internet myth that has been a viral sensation since it emerged online in 2009

Geyser and Weier told police they read about the fictional character on a website known as Creepypasta Wiki, where scary stories are submitted by users.

One of the suspects is understood to have told police a user must kill someone in order to climb into the Slender Man's realm.

When the victim escaped in the midst of the assault, her assailants grabbed her and pulled her into the woods and told her to lay down and be quiet, hoping she would bleed out and die, according to court documents.

'I thought, "dear god, this was really happening"

-Suspect Anissa Weier told police about the moment she saw co-conspirator Morgan Geyser flash the knife she was holding in her waistband as they headed to the park to attempt to kill their friend

She eventually crawled out of the woods, covered in blood after being stabbed in the legs, arms and torso. A passing cyclist saw her and called police. The girl was taken to the hospital and is expected to live, despite being stabbed a dozen and a half times.

Surgeons say she was a 'millimeter from death' - one of the stab wounds nearly sliced open a major artery.

'It was weird that I didn't feel remorse,' one of the girls told detectives.

'The bad part of me wanted her to die, the good part of me wanted her to live,' the other girl said.

Both girls are charged as adults with attempted pre-meditated murder. If convicted, they face 65 years in prison and are being held on $500,000 bail each.

The criminal complaint spells out how the Geyser and Weier initially planned to put duct tape over their friend's mouth while she was sleeping and then stab her in the neck as she lay in bed, but then they thought that a bathroom would be a better scene for the crime because it would be easier to clean up after, according to CNN.

Read more: Two 12-year-olds 'stabbed girl 19 times' to prove 'Slender Man' myth was real | Mail Online
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still it is not properly described
See mate my question is, why is it that kids of today are having a hard time differentiating between reality and fiction. I remember back in the 80's and 90's they would have Tom and Jerry shows where they would shoot each other there was smoking and drinking. But today all that is banned because it apparently has negative effect, yet there so many cases of these terrible accidents/crimes done by kids that pop up every now then, and which were almost unheard of when I was growing up.
See mate my question is, why is it that kids of today are having a hard time differentiating between reality and fiction. I remember back in the 80's and 90's they would have Tom and Jerry shows where they would shoot each other there was smoking and drinking. But today all that is banned because it apparently has negative effect, yet there so many cases of these terrible accidents/crimes done by kids that pop up every now then, and which were almost unheard of when I was growing up.
because that time parents also taught them what is right and wrong, now on the name of freedom they can do whatever they want and parents just watch
Well, the blames goes to the parents to some extent. As most of them are working, leaving their kids to day care or kindergarten, or school, not observing in which environment their child is being exposed to, or the kind of friends they have. Another reason might be, a majority of the mother is barely out of their teens, not matured enough to raise their kids.

Just an observation.
because that time parents also taught them what is right and wrong, now on the name of freedom they can do whatever they want and parents just watch
I have couple of friends here, and they were telling me that, they can't even punish their kids when they do wrong because they are scared that the kids might report them to their teachers (it has happened to them once, cops showed up with child services). I mean what kind of parenting are we having these days, where parents have to be afraid of their kids. My parents whooped me real good if I ever stepped out of line. But today you can't even correct your kid when they go out of line. I understand that people don't want to use violent methods to teach kids, but for Christ sake allow the parents to have control over their kids and not the other way around.
Today's American/Western youth are very irresponsible. They are brought up in such an environment where they have the freedom to do everything and anything they want even if it is unproductive and does not contribute towards their future and well being. They lack discipline. And add to this destructive combination the so called "pop culture" that promotes utter garbage and degeneracy which millions of young American minds consume on a daily basis..
Today's American/Western youth are very irresponsible. They are brought up in such an environment where they have the freedom to do everything and anything they want even if it is unproductive and does not contribute towards their future and well being. They lack discipline. And add to this destructive combination the so called "pop culture" that promotes utter garbage and degeneracy which millions of young American minds consume on a daily basis..
few days a teenage obsessed boy killed 9 people and then killed himself.
reason: he did not have any girl friend

WTF! ! !:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Well, the blames goes to the parents to some extent. As most of them are working, leaving their kids to day care or kindergarten, or school, not observing in which environment their child is being exposed to, or the kind of friends they have. Another reason might be, a majority of the mother is barely out of their teens, not matured enough to raise their kids.

Just an observation.
Or the mother/father could be a single parent, which is very common nowadays in America.
I have couple of friends here, and they were telling me that, they can't even punish their kids when they do wrong because they are scared that the kids might report them to their teachers (it has happened to them once, cops showed up with child services). I mean what kind of parenting are we having these days, where parents have to be afraid of their kids. My parents whooped me real good if I ever stepped out of line. But today you can't even correct your kid when they go out of line. I understand that people don't want to use violent methods to teach kids, but for Christ sake allow the parents to have control over their kids and not the other way around.
Yeah, that is very true. I remember growing up going to American schools the teachers would always compliment me and this other Pakistani kid for our good manners and discipline. My history teacher once joked about how he would trade a class full of American students for a class full of Pakistani students any day.

Its really nothing to do with being Pakistani or south Asian, because TBH, a lot of second and third generation Pakistanis/South Asian youth behave no differently from the average American teen. Its a lot to do with raising children with love and discipline, which sadly most American's don't provide for their children due to lack of time or other constraints. And then there's the fear of being reported to the ACS (American Children Services).
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