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The Top 10 Armies You Don't Want to Fight.

Before that huge task they should learn about how to tackle small countries like Vietnam.:D

We tackled them the same way USA tackled Iraq: machine gun anyone suspected to be a terrorist. So we turned 180,000 of them into fertilizer on their own land, because they were terrorists and fundamentalists who hated our freedom.
We tackled them the same way USA tackled Iraq: machine gun anyone suspected to be a terrorist. So we turned 180,000 of them into fertilizer on their own land, because they were terrorists and fundamentalists who hated our freedom.

What a 'great' way to address the dead.
What a 'great' way to address the dead.

You Indians said we needed to tackle Vietnam. I'm showing you that we tackled Vietnam the same way USA tackled Iraq, except Vietnam actually did attack China, rather than due to a silly lie for oil.
You Indians said we needed to tackle Vietnam. I'm showing you that we tackled Vietnam the same way USA tackled Iraq, except Vietnam actually did attack China, rather than due to a silly lie for oil.

From what I can tell, the Vietnamese also turned 25,000 Chinese into fertilizer for their now extremely-well-fertilized land~

In comparison, less than 5,000 Americans died in almost 9 years of conflict in both Gulf Wars. Seems to me someone is clearly better than the other! :yahoo:

(The Vietnamese)
You Indians said we needed to tackle Vietnam. I'm showing you that we tackled Vietnam the same way USA tackled Iraq, except Vietnam actually did attack China, rather than due to a silly lie for oil.

I don't care..only thing that bothers me is the way you casually refer to the dead as 'fertilizer' as if they are not humans at all or is that for Chinese, Vietnamese are not worth the dignity of being called a human.
From what I can tell, the Vietnamese also turned 25,000 Chinese into fertilizer for their now extremely-well-fertilized land~

In comparison, less than 5,000 Americans died in almost 9 years of conflict in both Gulf Wars. Seems to me someone is clearly better than the other! :yahoo:

(The Vietnamese)

Yep, US had the advantage of aircraft and helicopters while Deng foolishly grounded our air force.

We still have much to learn about maximizing atrocities with things like pissing on the dead, using fascist symbols, Agent Orange, napalm, white phosphorus and depleted uranium. Learning from the best :usflag:
I don't care..only thing that bothers me is the way you casually refer to the dead as 'fertilizer' as if they are not humans at all or is that for Chinese Vietnamese are not worth the dignity of being called a human.

:lol: you need to be less sensitive. Do you even see the things American neocons, Koreans and other Indians say about us? everyone can talk sh*t about Chinese and say things about us that they could never say about blacks or Jews without being sued or arrested.

I have no problem with Vietnam, Vietnamese or the Vietnamese government. I'm just reminding you of the reality of the war.
:lol: you need to be less sensitive. Do you even see the things American neocons, Koreans and other Indians say about us? everyone can talk sh*t about Chinese and say things about us that they could never say about blacks or Jews without being sued or arrested.

I have no problem with Vietnam, Vietnamese or the Vietnamese government. I'm just reminding you of the reality of the war.

So some random comments from the so called 'neocons' or banned trolls in this forum holds more value than the majority saner people here..good to know that and you are a Premium Member.

Pakistanis & Indians have some much problems between us but as far as I know we never called eachother's dead as fertilizer. Its not about sensitivity but respect for the dead.You may not have to like them, but pls don't disrespect them unless CCp says otherwise.
:lol: you need to be less sensitive. Do you even see the things American neocons, Koreans and other Indians say about us? everyone can talk sh*t about Chinese and say things about us that they could never say about blacks or Jews without being sued or arrested.

I have no problem with Vietnam, Vietnamese or the Vietnamese government. I'm just reminding you of the reality of the war.

Just igonre the Vietnam, we occupied it's captital in the border defensive strike in 1970s. a country not worth to mention. How stupid is a country lauching military invasion even without the ability to defend its own capital??? unbelievable
Guys China steamrolled Vietnamese army in the war. Stop kidding yourselfs if China wanted even Hanoi would be captured in the war. The chinese were stopping the brutal khmer rouge regime.

China is our largest trading partner do we really need to be so hostile towards each other?
Guys China steamrolled Vietnamese army in the war. Stop kidding yourselfs if China wanted even Hanoi would be captured in the war. The chinese were stopping the brutal khmer rouge regime.

China is our largest trading partner do we really need to be so hostile towards each other?

its always best to do a little research before mouthing off
The vietnamese followed a "scorched earth policy" this meant that the chinese troops would end up facing greater losses taking Hanoi.

As everyone said "the road to Hanoi is now open".
Most of Vietnams army had been captured or killed just a few divisons left to protect Hanoi.
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