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The Top 10 Armies You Don't Want to Fight.

and how is that?

Thts how:


SSG VS GRU in much superior numbers.
about what well if its related to 65 and 71 then we do know the truth

the objectives of 65 were not meet pakistan lost more land more men more machinery than india hence his words

regarding 71 its result is on the world map i need not say more

When you call skirmishes "wars" than you are very mistaken, but since it inflates your egos than it is fine.
Some one can loose or win battles in a war but it is the ultimate outcome that counts in reality, and only time will tell who have won the war.
They should either put Israel beside the US on the list, or remove it.
India might be dangerous in a 10 to 1 ratio in a war, but on a 1 to 1 or if over powered it is far from being dangerous, than it shouldn't be on list of the top 10.

The US is number one, but it always depends on the situation and foe(s) at hand, in special circumstances it can be defeated even at sea. All the assumption about the US are made as if it moves with all its powers every where it goes, which is false.
It has to keep much of its powers inland to defend itself if attacked, so the projection of its powers is very overestimated and belongs to the "make believe' notion of psycho-warfare.
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