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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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oh don't give us that cr@p, your army is full of -
It appears you agree with what I wrote 100%. Our only point of disagreement is the conduct of coalition soldiers.

I don't think coalition forces can commit any of the crimes you've accused them of without severe punishment from their countrymen.

The Taliban, as the people of Afghanistan and Swat know, demand their own judges so they can do whatever they want.

What you discuss, and the stories you've linked to, seem to be empty accusations, mostly from Iranian sources. Haven't you learned better than to trust that stuff?

So the Taliban aren't fighting to protect themselves or the people under their thumb from criminal behavior of coalition troops, either.

Which brings us back to robbery and ego as, if not the Taliban's primary motivations, certainly their primary accomplishments, and the future they envision for those subject to their rule.
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The Taliban, as the people of Afghanistan and Swat know, demand their own judges so they can do whatever they want.

Taliban are not sick minded people like your army! They don't rape women during interrogation to make them confess to crimes they haven't even committed!

No, i disagree with everything you said, that's it, its that simple! If your armed forces can allow rape of Muslim women in Iraq Abu Ghraib and not punish your soldiers then i don't need any silly nonsense from you! You will be defeated in Afghanistan, just watch!

Taliban are not even close to being as cruel as your armies are!

you'll be humiliated just as the Soviet Union was humiliated!
Rather accurate thing to say would be "US does NOT want taliban to be defeated"..... US wants to perpetuate this "catch word"....

Such wars r NOT ment to be won,,, these are profit making moves combined with acheiving other geo-political goals... "Killing many birds with one stone"...

Longer the war goes more profit certain group of ppl make, who happen to be in power too. The day they win, their profits will sharply go down. & the "other" goals ofcourse.

No doubt,US wanted to drag Pakistan into this never ending war , our army leaders are wise and experienced , defeated Russia in same battle field.

Pentagon is in great trouble , just wanted to safe face value of super power and shame of defeat which is inevitable.

Reason is US cant afford long term Gurrilla war with 200000 soldiers , they are afraid of casualties but Afghan love shadat and confident that if they could defeat one super power they could other also.

But they(US) are afraid of Al Qaeda also , MO is the only person could provide assurance that Al Qaeda will not be given heaven in Afghanistan.

Where Al Qaeda shall go , they may move to Nepal,Kashmir,Chechinia,Somalia,Yeman, Lybia then what will be US strategy?

Al Qaeda will remain problem for world peace untill family of world fine any solution of Palestine.

85% US senators are Israel supported , they will never support peace efforts in Palestine against Israel.

Infact WW3 Zoinism vS Islam is taking a startup.
Taliban denied it, but your biased western media doesn't show that!
They can deny it, but after the propaganda campaign followed by an acid attack, everybody thinks they did it. "Denial" in this context means, "We can throw acid and get away with it, just because we said so and nobody can bring us to justice."

I think some undercover American or british soldiers threw the acid on their faces!
Do you think Afghans are stupid? Don't you think that after seven years an Afghan child could tell a Western soldier from a Talib, no matter how they are dressed?
Do you think Afghans are stupid? Don't you think that after seven years an Afghan child could tell a Western soldier from a Talib, no matter how they are dressed?

Lol, don't play your games here, they won't work! Check my previous posts in which there was link to a article that stated how british SAS were dressed up as Iraqi insurgents planting roadside bombs, these same SAS were caught by the Iraqi police after they fired some shots at the police! Later on Iraqi insurgents were blamed for these attacks, but since the event involving SAS, people began to doubt that Iraqi insurgents were planting these bombs that killed mostly civilians!

In Afghanistan there was a incident in which a mans eyes lids were taken out by some "men in masks", Taliban were blamed for this incident! But when Taliban found out they said that they would inquired the local Taliban of that area in which this incident took place, and the local Taliban stated that the same day the guys eyes were taken out they were busy fighting ANA!

Don't play games, especially when your not good at them!
If your armed forces can allow rape of Muslim women in Iraq Abu Ghraib and not punish your soldiers then i don't need any silly nonsense from you!
And if they don't allow rape, etc., what then?

You will be defeated in Afghanistan, just watch!
Somebody out there must find your faith very touching, I'm sure.

Taliban are not even close to being as cruel as your armies are!
On this we agree, but with opposite emphasis:

Gen Ghori, the senior commander for Afghan troops in the area, accused the Taliban of taking civilians hostage in Marjah and putting them in the line of fire.

"Especially in the south of Marjah, the enemy is fighting from compounds where soldiers can very clearly see women or children on the roof or in a second-floor or third-floor window," he is quoted by Associated Press as saying.

"They are trying to get us to fire on them and kill the civilians."

As a result, his forces were having to make the choice either not to return fire, he said, or to advance much more slowly in order to distinguish militants from civilians.

Also on Tuesday, US artillery fired non-lethal smoke rounds to disperse Taliban fighters in Marjah - the first time cannons have been used in the fight to drive the militants from their logistical and opium poppy-smuggling base. Commanders refused a Marine request to fire deadly high-explosive rounds because the unit on the ground could not be sure if civilians were at risk.

Whether it's Pakistan or Afghanistan, the Taliban are the Taliban.
Check my previous posts in which -
No. As far as I'm concerned, you lost credibility of judging sources when you resorted to quoting empty propaganda from Press TV and didn't apologize for it when this was pointed out to you.

Why should people listen to or follow you any further? What good could come of it?
This Solomon2 dude says Taliban threw acid on girls faces? ha ha ha?

lol, i hope you know Taliban denied that:

BTW, british troops were caught dressed up as Iraqi insurgents planting bombs in Basra Iraq:

British “Pseudo-Gang” Terrorists Exposed in Basra

This explains who's really behind these bombings in Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan! No wonder Taliban deny most of these bombings!

Taliban denied some of their deadliest attacks in pakistan too(one of them meena bazar), do you agree with the TTP on that claim? The taliban in afghanistan also denied that Mullah Beradar wasnt arrested, but all it came out as false claim.
Taliban denied some of their deadliest attacks in pakistan too(one of them meena bazar), do you agree with the TTP on that claim? The taliban in afghanistan also denied that Mullah Beradar wasnt arrested, but all it came out as false claim.

The bomb blast in Meena Bazar was suspected to have been done by Black Water!

oh, and one more thing, just to let you know, congratulations, your now on my ignore list;)
salam to all,
i think dat pakistan is a islamic country and taliban too.
i doesn't say dat taliban are right but wat they want is right.
islam should be our first mission dat is the teaching of prophet S.A.W
we have to stop those fight and prepare our self for the future "Dajjal" we should be one to resiste and protect a maximum our families.
May Allah Give us Hidayat And forgive our sins.

no, i proved you wrong, if your own well educated countrymen can say Taliban are Afghans and that he supports them then i have achieved my goal here, and that is that i have proved you wrong!

No, you didnt prove me wrong. you are again nervouse and cant give me a logical reply. Is afghanistan a one man country? There are surely supporters of the Talbiban but are they any popular? What can you say about the TTP? they have also got supporters in large numers, does it mean all pakistan want the taliban? you simply dont have reply to that post, accept it and get over it.

All along you have been saying that Talibans are not Afghans and they are working for Pakistan and:blah:, so i decided why not prove him wrong!

Show me a single post of mine to suggest i said the Taliban are not Afghans? Yes, they are serving the intersts of Pakistan but they are afghanistan's nationals. Among the taliban there are other foreign extremists as well, like the central asians, pakistanis, chechens , arabs etc.

Now that i have proved your silly theory wrong, your using your ignorance to make yourself happy by denying the truth!

YOu have proved nothing wrong, you simply dont have the answer.
This thread stands as evidence that I've done no such thing.

this is what you said in your post #246: below:

And if they don't allow rape, etc., what then?

So your saying that they have to rape ^^^? Your justifying it basically.

You'd be my pet SNake, SN. I'd feed you a mouse or frog twice a week or so. I'd show you off to the other neighbors so everyone could see you hiss and know you better.

i think you really need some attention from a therapist!
Reason is US cant afford long term Gurrilla war with 200000 soldiers , they are afraid of casualties but Afghan love shadat and confident that if they could defeat one super power they could other also.

oh yes, we were once fooled by this slogan of shahad in the past and you cant decive us anymore, there are surely a bunch of criminals serving the interests of your country, but people of afghansitan have learned their lessons. you want us to die in the name of shahada and want your own country to be free of the taliban.
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