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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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Here you go, you came up with such a great great response. Thanks for that. By the way you guys seriousely need to know more about your next door neigbhour.

Can you enlighten us ? ISAF (kUFAR) supporter:D
Usual ranting, congratulations, you have won the worlds best ranter award

You might want to watch your language

And you say i went down to personal attacks, your getting to emotional already huh "EmoGirl"?

the person who cannot even get the meaning of 'go get a life' is here to educate us wow, Cool, you can call make assumptions but some one hits back they think, hey i was not that cruel :rofl: :yahoo:

lol, no no, that only applies to you

the person who could not not even get the meaning of 'go get a life' is here to tell me bout ranting, yeah sure after all its your specialty, I know

Usual ranting

"The Advisor said, India is using Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan and Afghan security agencies are unable to stop Indian intervention due to absence of centralized government mechanism."

Top Stories | Pakistan Observer Newspaper online edition

TTP and Afghan Taliban are different, both have different cause!

TTP and BLA are being funded through Afghanistan by indian consulates!

again 'My evil is smaller than yours', Taliban has been doing the massacre in the name of religion & now they are using the same religion to use Afghan people so that come back to power, Indian Connection yeah sure its there with TTP but TTP is not what we are talking about TTP got themselves killed & annihilated by our Lions & they are 'almost' history.
For AT man they are no different we have seen their rule & the development that took place in their reign I don't need to comment on that

Neutral source? what neutral source, all sources bash Taliban! i would really be surprised if you give me a neutral source:yahoo:

The problem is, even if i bring down the moon to prove you wrong you still wouldn't believe me! thats because of your ignorance

Here is a NEUTRAL source:

YouTube - Who's voting for the Taliban? - 2009 Afghan Election

This proves all those people wrong who say "Taliban are Pakistanis :"! Taliban are just as much Afghan as Karzai, the only difference is they don't compromise their countries sovereignty

Taliban aint losing this war, no matter how many of you hate (more like obsession) them, their here and their staying!


Can you believe it that person in the video said i will vote for Taliban but still he said they have zero Medical infrastructure, can aperson be more stupid, what medical facalitites wre setup by taliban in their reign, Just give me one example I will be very pleased to know about it.
as for Karazai, I have no doubt that he is incompetent but throwing back the gov to Taliban is no way out, Americans have done a big blunder by letting Karazai do his corruption, If you people love taliban so much i was thinking why not live under their rule, It will fun you know

Again, the usual ranting:blah:! Yes there is a such thing as my evil is smaller than yours, especially since your obsessed with Taliban and them beating women (shows that you do have some love for Taliban;))! But you fail and ignore what other do.

And i never said they beat women, i said that at least unlike the Americans (also known as the angels who never harm a fly) they didn't torture the women;)

once again your own assumptions about me
question & then answer in the same post, Americans do nuisance so do Taliban this do not means you all supporting the nuisance done by Taliban just because they are Muslims, they did harmed women you accept that good

but you were talking about how "Muslims shouldn't use guns" and usual ranting, so i decided to tell you why exactly we use guns, and how peace fails!

yeah right Gun is giving us the desired results, we are now universally 'terrorists', just look at the movement f our own sub continent, Muslims took towards the political process gained educated leaders, the same leaders who were declared infidels by our great mullahs (e.g. Sir Syed Ahmed khan) their enlightment by education produced leaders that eventually lead us to our goal, had Muslims picked up arms & started doing the rampage i don't think we would have got our Pakistan

bye :wave:
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the person who cannot even get the meaning of 'go get a life' is here to educate us wow, Cool, you can call make assumptions but some one hits back they think, hey i was not that cruel :rofl: :yahoo:

I have a life, do you want the details? let me know when your ready?

again 'My evil is smaller than yours', Taliban has been doing the massacre in the name of religion & now they are using the same religion to use Afghan people so that come back to power, Indian Connection yeah sure its there with TTP but TTP is not what we are talking about TTP got themselves killed & annihilated by our Lions & they are 'almost' history.
For AT man they are no different we have seen their rule & the development that took place in their reign I don't need to comment on that

"I think life under the Taliban was very good," said Maria Farah, a mother of five. "If we did not have a full stomach, we could at least get some food and go to sleep, and if we went out somewhere there were no problems. How about now? If we go out, we don't know if we will arrive home or not. If there is an explosion and the Americans are passing, they will just open fire on everyone. The security problems are too much here."

We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans - Asia, World - The Independent

Can you believe it that person in the video said i will vote for Taliban but still he said they have zero Medical infrastructure, can aperson be more stupid, what medical facalitites wre setup by taliban in their reign, Just give me one example I will be very pleased to know about it.

How do you expect a country that has been sanctioned to build infrastructure?:what:

BTW, i hope you know that Taliban was the first gov in history of Afghanistan that provided computers in its universities!

as for Karazai, I have no doubt that he is incompetent but throwing back the gov to Taliban is no way out, Americans have done a big blunder by letting Karazai do his corruption, If you people love taliban so much i was thinking why not live under their rule, It will fun you know

would love to once they come back into power! You know, a friend of mines once told me that his house in Afghanistan caught fire, his family had to leave home and they had nowhere to go and they desperately needed evacuation, Taliban saved him and his family by bringing in a helicopter and getting them into shelter!

once again your own assumptions about me
question & then answer in the same post, Americans do nuisance so do Taliban this do not means you all supporting the nuisance done by Taliban just because they are Muslims, they did harmed women you accept that good

no no no, don't try to lie now, according to you Taliban are devils and terrorists while America and NATO are angels who were sent down by god to save the poor innocent Afghans who were being ruthlessly slaughtered by Taliban devils for 7 years now!

yeah right Gun is giving us the desired results, we are now universally 'terrorists', just look at the movement f our own sub continent, Muslims took towards the political process gained educated leaders, the same leaders who were declared infidels by our great mullahs (e.g. Sir Syed Ahmed khan) their enlightment by education produced leaders that eventually lead us to our goal, had Muslims picked up arms & started doing the rampage i don't think we would have got our Pakistan

If i had control of world media i would also promote propaganda against America and NATO day and night, but sadly that's not the case, world media is controlled by Jews who are using it to promote their cause against Muslims!

like i said Miss. EmoGirl, i have a lot of things to show you about how American soldiers gang raped and killed a iraqi girl and burned her and her family alive after wards, do you want to see your little angels being naughty?

Below is a link to a picture of what these ********* did to my Muslims sister in Iraq, and your here talking **** about Taliban:

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge | Asian Tribune

But after all Taliban and every other Mujahid and those who are striving for the cause of Allah are devils according to you and people like you, but on the other hand American s are saviours and our brothers who are dying for the truth!:usflag:

and we're not allowed to pick up a gun and fight back because we don't have the right to self defense and determination, is that right?

These savages dishonor my sisters, and you want us to put our guns down?

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I have a life, do you want the details? let me know when your ready?

"I think life under the Taliban was very good," said Maria Farah, a mother of five. "If we did not have a full stomach, we could at least get some food and go to sleep, and if we went out somewhere there were no problems. How about now? If we go out, we don't know if we will arrive home or not. If there is an explosion and the Americans are passing, they will just open fire on everyone. The security problems are too much here."

We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans - Asia, World - The Independent

How do you expect a country that has been sanctioned to build infrastructure?:what:

BTW, i hope you know that Taliban was the first gov in history of Afghanistan that provided computers in its universities!

would love to once they come back into power! You know, a friend of mines once told me that his house in Afghanistan caught fire, his family had to leave home and they had nowhere to go and they desperately needed evacuation, Taliban saved him and his family by bringing in a helicopter and getting them into shelter!

no no no, don't try to lie now, according to you Taliban are devils and terrorists while America and NATO are angels who were sent down by god to save the poor innocent Afghans who were being ruthlessly slaughtered by Taliban devils for 7 years now!

If i had control of world media i would also promote propaganda against America and NATO day and night, but sadly that's not the case, world media is controlled by Jews who are using it to promote their cause against Muslims!

like i said Miss. EmoGirl, i have a lot of things to show you about how American soldiers gang raped and killed a iraqi girl and burned her and her family alive after wards, do you want to see your little angels being naughty?

YouTube - Iraq War - The rape and murder of Abeer Qassim Hamza

Below is a link to a picture of what these ********* did to my Muslims sister in Iraq, and your here talking **** about Taliban:

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge | Asian Tribune

YouTube - Iraqi women rape by the forces of order

But after all Taliban and every other Mujahid and those who are striving for the cause of Allah are devils according to you and people like you, but on the other hand American s are saviours and our brothers who are dying for the truth!:usflag:

and we're not allowed to pick up a gun and fight back because we don't have the right to self defense and determination, is that right?

These savages dishonor my sisters, and you want us to put our guns down?

YouTube- A letter from sister Fatima from Abu Graib Prison in Iraq!

Stop glorifying Terrorists and Terrorism :angry:
The Japanese of WWII thought the same. What happened is that they accepted defeat with honor.
look here what the brave American liberators are doing in iraq

according to the video, iraqi women were forced to strip in front of male guards and were raped:

So where were the women's rights groups? where was CNN? where was BBC? Where was RAWA?

I mean their always there when Taliban "beat" women? where did they disappear now? lunch break?

Aren't these the same propaganda channels that show Muslims as terrorists? But how come they didn't show any of the info and videos i posted above?
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But your own well educated countrymen support return of Taliban, you might want to check the video on post #203

Dear Silent,

I just watched the video and listend to what mr Wahaj said, here i noted a few things:

He will vote for the Taliban

Fine, if he votes for the taliban not a problem, but are the taliban ready to participate in political process? will he vote in battlefield? My gov have always called upon them to come and join the political process, instead of killing listen to each other, but do the taliban do that? Have i ever said in this forum that all the taliban must be killed and dont want them? Havent I everytime said that afghans wont have a problems with the taliban if they lay down their weapons despite the fact that they have committed very very seriouse crimes against afghans.

2-He complained about healthcare, education, no medical equipment, no pathalogyst, no radaiation(or whatever) etc.

May I ask what was the situation of the education and healthcare during the taliban? How many pathalogyst we had that time? they closed down every single female school and boys school was nothing but an open entertaining building for the school kids. we shouldnt forget that they barred every women from working as well as barring them from going to the University.

3-He said there is no national leader:

But how come Mullah Omar is a national leader? he killed people of other areas becuse of different prejudice, he masacared thousands of shias, i dont understand how come he is a national leader, i consider Karzai a milion times more national leader than him(he is a the leader of the killers).

4- He said Mullah Omar and Gulbudin are Afghans:

Nothing new, we all know that. Baitullah and Hakeemullah were also pakistanis, why did you guys kill them with the help of americans?

7-He said that the taliban ruled Afghanistan for 7 years:

So what? Musharaf also ruled pakistan for several years, was his gov legitimate in the eyes of pakistains? secondly the Taliban in AFghanistan ruled alot of part of the country on gun point, how come the taliban gov becomes legitimate and present gov not legitimate? despite the fact taht this gov have elected parliament besides it and it was elected itself despite all the problems in general elections but the taliban ruled on gun point, it simply doesnt add up.

8-ARe the taliban terrorist:

We dont have to listen to americans what they say, cant we see it ourselves how much of a terrorist the talian are? didnt we see the masacar of civilians in the past by them? dont we see it now? is it a rocket science to figure out if they are terrorist or not?

9-He(this docotr) will call for national reconciliation if he becomes presedent:

That is what our gov is doin, but the taliban are not listending. What do you think what this calls for negotiona is, isnt it national reconciliantion?

One more thing i need to add: Look at him how he is talking in favour of the taliban in broaday light and in an interview with a newspaper, i am asking him if he could do the same thing during the taliban rule and praising the taliban's oppositon? Everybody knows he couldnt, he would have had his head chopped off by the taliban.
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"The London newspaper further noted “graphic nature of some of the images may explain the US President Obama’s attempts to block the release of an estimated 2,000 photographs from prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan despite an earlier promise to allow them to be published.”

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge | Asian Tribune

And Obama wants to improve America's image in Muslims world? lol, yeah right, get outa here with that cr@p!
The Japanese of WWII thought the same. What happened is that they accepted defeat with honor.

If you use 100 A bombs, mujahdeen will never accept defeat , Afghanistan is recent example , mujahdeen are ready to fight for more then 100 years .

There is no third option for muslim if attacked by enemy shaheed or Gazi
Dear Silent,

I just watched the video and listend to what mr Wahaj said, here i noted a few things:

He will vote for the Taliban

Fine, if he votes for the taliban not a problem, but are the taliban ready to participate in political process? will he vote in battlefield? My gov have always called upon them to come and join the political process, instead of killing listen to each other, but do the taliban do that? Have i ever said in this forum that all the taliban must be killed and dont want them? Havent I everytime said that afghans wont have a problems with the taliban if they lay down their weapons despite the fact that they have committed very very seriouse crimes against afghans.

2-He complained about healthcare, education, no medical equipment, no pathalogyst, no radaiation(or whatever) etc.

May I ask what was the situation of the education and healthcare during the taliban? How many pathalogyst we had that time? they closed down every single female school and boys school was nothing but an open entertaining building for the school kids. we shouldnt forget that they barred every women from working as well as barring them from going to the University.

3-He said there is no national leader:

But how come Mullah Omar is a national leader? he killed people of other areas becuse of different prejudice, he masacared thousands of shias, i dont understand how come he is a national leader, i consider Karzai a milion times more national leader than him.

4- He said Mullah Omar and Gulbudin are Afghans:

Nothing new, we all know that. Baitullah and Hakeemullah were also pakistanis, why did you guys kill the with the help of americans?

7-He said that the taliban ruled Afghanistan for 7 years:

So what? Musharaf also ruled pakistan for several years, was his gov legitimate in the eyes of pakistains? secondly the Taliban in AFghanistan ruled alot of part of the country on gun point, how come that gov becomes legitimate and present one not despite the fact taht this gov have elected parliament besides it and it was elected itself despite all the problems in general elections.

8-ARe the taliban terrorist:

We dont have to listen to americans what they say, cant we see it ourselves how much of a terrorist the talian are? didnt we see the masacar of civilians in the past by them? dont we see it now? is it a rocket science to figure out if they are terrorist or not?

9-He(this docotr) will call for national reconciliation if he becomes presedent:

That is what our gov is doin, but the taliban are not listending. What do you think what this calls for negotiona is, isnt it national reconciliantion?

One more thing i need to add: Look at him how he is talking in favour of the taliban in broaday light and in an interview with a newspaper, i am asking him if he could do the same thing during the taliban rule and praising the taliban's oppositon? Everybody knows he couldnt, he would have had his head chopped off.

either way, he wants Taliban back, now don't feel ashamed and embarrassed just because your own well educated countrymen proved you wrong!
You know, we should open up a separate thread for the atrocities committed by America, israel, NATO, and india!
Can you enlighten us ? ISAF (kUFAR) supporter:D

Please, I appreciate if you dont do personal attacks in the future, i havent done anything like this to you and i expect the same thing from you. I only support my country and people and nobody else, even and even if i do such a thing, it shouldnt be your bussines as you are not my countryman.

You & hazara Afghan which are less then 10% of total Afghan population , your point of view has no value

With regards to your above statment, Afghanistan's population is roughly made up of around 40% Pashtoon(largest ethnic group), Tajiks around or little bit below 30%(second largest) and then comes hazars and uzbeks which are around 15 and 10 each. Now, if you claim that the Pashtoons are all supporting the taliban(which is itself a wrong notion) then 60% of Afghanistan is opposing the taliban which is making it majority of the population against the taliban, but even that is wrong because it will be an insult to the poor pashtoons to say they are all supporters of the taliban beause they are not.

The last thing: dont try to ethnicize the issue of AFghanistan any further, it will be pakistan to lose more than afghanistan, if ethno nationalism goes further in Afghanistan the pashtoons will seek even harder for the durand line.
If you use 100 A bombs, mujahdeen will never accept defeat , Afghanistan is recent example , mujahdeen are ready to fight for more then 100 years .
What are they fighting for?

Not for peace - there would be no conflict without the Taliban.

Not for justice - the people of Swat learned that.

Not to liberate their country - the coalition forces aren't colonialists, and everyone expects they will depart once there is peace.

Not for national prosperity - international aid, schools, and peaceful markets will bring that.

Not for Islam - otherwise the Taliban wouldn't be blowing up mosques.

Not for honor - for there is no honor in throwing acid at girls.

So what is left? Fighting for ego and robbery, that's all, right? And for that, you think the Taliban will fight for more than 100 years?
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