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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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It is not that easy to fight the enemy which hide itself among the civilians. by the way, your army hasnt defeated the taliban either, thanks to american droes otherwise baitullah and hakeemullah might have well been alive.

Afghan Talaban are civilians not a regular army , you are right army can not defeat whole nation.
Afghan Talaban are civilians not a regular army , you are right army can not defeat whole nation.

Whole nation? where did you get that from? If you mean that the taliban have the capability of disruption, death and destruction, then TTP is as lethal and effective as Afghani taliban. does it mean the whole pakistani nation is behind the TTP?
Whole nation? where did you get that from? If you mean that the taliban have the capability of disruption, death and destruction, then TTP is as lethal and effective as Afghani taliban. does it mean the whole pakistani nation is behind the TTP?

TTP are terrorist not mujahdeen , campare apple with apple:lol:
TTP are terrorist not mujahdeen , campare apple with apple:lol:

That is a Pakistanis point of view which sees everything through their proxy lenses under the cover of religion and brotherhood, but Afghan point of view is a world apart different.
Whole nation? where did you get that from? If you mean that the taliban have the capability of disruption, death and destruction, then TTP is as lethal and effective as Afghani taliban. does it mean the whole pakistani nation is behind the TTP?

TTP is a Creation of India, Isreal and our frnd USA ,,, to creat a Civil war in Pakistan do u not know this fact ? even every pakistani knows that..

Massage for our Dear Enemy :
we are ready for every thing we are ready for die.. :) :pakistan:...
my dear ENEMY r u ready for this ??
be ready for every thing coz it is a begning for GAZW-E-HIND (Whole South Asia) :sniper:

and just wait for remove a currpt Leadership of Pakistan which is not represent our nation .......... :)

That is a Pakistanis point of view which sees everything through their proxy lenses under the cover of religion and brotherhood, but Afghan point of view is a world apart different.

You & hazara Afghan which are less then 10% of total Afghan population , your point of view has no value
TTP is a Creation of India, Isreal and our frnd USA ,,, to creat a Civil war in Pakistan do u not know this fact ? even every pakistani knows that..

Massage for our Dear Enemy :
we are ready for every thing we are ready for die.. :) :pakistan:...
my dear ENEMY r u ready for this ??
be ready for every thing coz it is a begning for GAZW-E-HIND (Whole South Asia) :sniper:

and just wait for remove a currpt Leadership of Pakistan which is not represent our nation .......... :)


TTP the creation of India and afghani taliban the creation of pakistan. TTP destroy pakistan and afghani taliban destroy afghanistan. if you dont allow ttp why should we cheer for afghani taliban.
you are kind of retard who is unable to grasp basic points ohh my God who am i talking to

Usual ranting, congratulations, you have won the worlds best ranter award:victory:

You might want to watch your language

And you say i went down to personal attacks, your getting to emotional already huh "EmoGirl"?:lol:

ranting again, when did i said that ISAF, JDAMS & Cruise Missiles have 'Taliban recognition Sensors', but does this means we stop talking about the Atrocities done by Taliban

lol, no no, that only applies to you

Taliban will bring peace, Damn right ehh!!!
so on that basis the Taliban Rule in Pakistan was absolutely justified, I don't need to tell you what kind of 'Rule' they have but no you will again come & say me its all western propaganda, Sorry My bad

Usual ranting

"The Advisor said, India is using Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan and Afghan security agencies are unable to stop Indian intervention due to absence of centralized government mechanism."

Top Stories | Pakistan Observer Newspaper online edition

TTP and Afghan Taliban are different, both have different cause!

TTP and BLA are being funded through Afghanistan by indian consulates!

BS, Mullah Mouth Piece giving his good deeds from his own mouth give me a neutral source, If they were so good to the people of Afgh we would not have seen so many Afghan people complaining

Neutral source? what neutral source, all sources bash Taliban! i would really be surprised if you give me a neutral source:yahoo:

The problem is, even if i bring down the moon to prove you wrong you still wouldn't believe me! thats because of your ignorance

Here is a NEUTRAL source:

This proves all those people wrong who say "Taliban are Pakistanis blah blah blah"! Taliban are just as much Afghan as Karzai, the only difference is they don't compromise their countries sovereignty:guns:

Taliban aint losing this war, no matter how many of you hate (more like obsession) them, their here and their staying!

Thats the problem, me & you think our religion is the best & other think their religion is the best, Now if some Muslims go out preaching Islam & are killed what will be your reaction?
Those Koreans feed Afghans with what ever Intentions is another issue but you are indirectly saying that Killing them is justified because they were preaching their religion

Keep religion out of this, save this for a different thread;)

didnt i told you there is nothing like 'My evil is smaller than yours' you are accepting that they did atrocities against women, Hmm Good, remember this ok

Again, the usual ranting:blah:! Yes there is a such thing as my evil is smaller than yours, especially since your obsessed with Taliban and them beating women (shows that you do have some love for Taliban;))! But you fail and ignore what other do.

And i never said they beat women, i said that at least unlike the Americans (also known as the angels who never harm a fly) they didn't torture the women;)

I am not talking about Iraq here, its a different Issue you can have a different Thread on that

but you were talking about how "Muslims shouldn't use guns" and usual ranting, so i decided to tell you why exactly we use guns, and how peace fails!
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You & hazara Afghan which are less then 10% of total Afghan population , your point of view has no value

Here you go, you came up with such a great great response. Thanks for that. By the way you guys seriousely need to know more about your next door neigbhour.
TTP the creation of India and afghani taliban the creation of pakistan. afghani taliban destroy afghanistan. why should we cheer for afghani taliban.

But your own well educated countrymen support return of Taliban, you might want to check the video on post #203
But your own well educated countrymen support return of Taliban, you might want to check the video on post #203

yes i would when i go home cuz i cant view any videos from my work computer.
TTP is a Creation of India, Isreal and our frnd USA ,,, to creat a Civil war in Pakistan do u not know this fact ? even every pakistani knows that..

Massage for our Dear Enemy :
we are ready for every thing we are ready for die.. :) :pakistan:...
my dear ENEMY r u ready for this ??
be ready for every thing coz it is a begning for GAZW-E-HIND (Whole South Asia) :sniper:

and just wait for remove a currpt Leadership of Pakistan which is not represent our nation .......... :)

Why don't u just add MI6 ,KGB,Bundesnachrichtendienst,Centro Nacional de Inteligencia,Sigurnosno-obavještajna agencija into the list of organisations trying to destabalize Pakistan.
TTP the creation of India and afghani taliban the creation of pakistan. TTP destroy pakistan and afghani taliban destroy afghanistan. if you dont allow ttp why should we cheer for afghani taliban.

they are destroying Afghanistan ?? ooo what a jok my frnd do u know know who has F-12 , F-22 , and other ... which can destroy every innocent family and Country as well..

who attacked on Afghanistan :) USA or TALIBAN ,,,
9/11 was not done bye TALIBAN ,,,
even in TALIBAN's Govt there was not any drug do u not know ,,, :)
my frnd if i will come to u and want to kill u what will u do ..
ovisly u'll kill me m i wrong ... so AFGHAN TALIBAN doing SAME coz they are also a Human bean just talk to them coz what they did with U.S.S.R remember every think ,,,,
i m not any offical or a big man in PAKISTAN ,,,
but Just Student of B.COM and doing Little job

but i can see the fact n hope u have nice place rather then me ...
but u cant see fact


we are muslim ...
we want to live with peace and dignity ... but just let live us with that,
hope brother :) u'll not mind my talks

and sorry for my ENGLISH :) it is poor i know :)
Afghan Tribe, Vowing to Fight Taliban, to Get U.S. Aid in Return - NYTimes.com

"The leaders of one of the largest Pashtun tribes in a Taliban stronghold said Wednesday that they had agreed to support the American-backed government, battle insurgents and burn down the home of any Afghan who harbored Taliban guerrillas."

It appears these Pashtun people consider the Taliban to be more of a threat then the ISAF.

In Oct 2004 Al-Jazeera Aired a tape with Osama Bin laden in which he admits he orchestrated 9/11.

YouTube - Osama Bin Laden Admits Planning 9/11 in Meeting with Egyptian Terrorist, taped by Al Qaeda @ 5:30

Are you a Policeman Gazzi? asking becuase of your avatar.

**the posted video above is not the 2004 broadcast. It is a prior personal video captured in Afghanistan. I posted the 2004 video in a following post.

Thomas, sorry to burst your bubble matey but many Arab media have refuted the translations in that video and many others. It was shown on Sky News where it was challenged by a speaker from Pakistan and Sky News admitted fault and never broadcast it again.

Afghan loyalties will change like the weather......they know the US forces will push in, they will show that they are working with them but never share anything about the Taliban or anyone else knowing full well that a geurilla campaign will eventually get them packing.
Why don't u just add MI6 ,KGB,Bundesnachrichtendienst,Centro Nacional de Inteligencia,Sigurnosno-obavještajna agencija into the list of organisations trying to destabalize Pakistan.

coz i don't have as much time what u have :) ask to any pakistani u'll hear same answer :) my brother
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