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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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I'm so tired of hearing that TTP is bad whereas TTA is good.............There can never be a moderate devil, good devil and yeah who can forget, the bad devil !!!!!!!! There is only the devil(Who is Bad, for those who didn't know:cheesy:).
There are two sides, you are either with the left or the right, there is no intermediate option............For God's sake, Condor,Fundamentalist and Silentninja................MAKE UP YOUR MIND !!!!!! Where do you stand ?
Very well and reasonably said, Kakgeta. I see you are one of those Pakistanis who should be running your country's government at the moment. As a Swiss, I feel that it is very unfortunate that most of your fellow countrymen/women here are swept away my misleading conspiracy theories concocted by fundamentalist hardliner so-called fanatics who only aim to dupe the crowds with bold but shallow words. They rise to fame within days of their chest-thumping statements without realizing the dangerous direction they are leading their society into.

For example, in many threads on this forum, most member think that wars or even nuclear conflicts are just a morning walk in a wintery park and therefore kill the entire logic of analyzing a situation, outrightly rejecting what is practical and and what is not possible based on self-praising ideas like religious unity worldwide, strategic alliances that would perennially last based on similar cultures, religions, ideologies, or even one's superiority over another country's military capability because one belongs to a particular faith.

This itself clearly shows that many of them have no military backgrounds or have never even served in any cadet corps lets alone in full-fledged armies to know what is the meaning of even a small skirmish.

It is extremely regrettable that no matter how many foreigners such as myself or Solomon or totach7 or even S-2 explain them to re-think their mindset, they still consider us as "foreign invaders" and refuse to listen to us.
Very well and reasonably said, Kakgeta. I see you are one of those Pakistanis who should be running your country's government at the moment. As a Swiss, I feel that it is very unfortunate that most of your fellow countrymen/women here are swept away my misleading conspiracy theories concocted by fundamentalist hardliner so-called fanatics who only aim to dupe the crowds with bold but shallow words. They rise to fame within days of their chest-thumping statements without realizing the dangerous direction they are leading their society into.

For example, in many threads on this forum, most member think that wars or even nuclear conflicts are just a morning walk in a wintery park and therefore kill the entire logic of analyzing a situation, outrightly rejecting what is practical and and what is not possible based on self-praising ideas like religious unity worldwide, strategic alliances that would perennially last based on similar cultures, religions, ideologies, or even one's superiority over another country's military capability because one belongs to a particular faith.

This itself clearly shows that many of them have no military backgrounds or have never even served in any cadet corps lets alone in full-fledged armies to know what is the meaning of even a small skirmish.

It is extremely regrettable that no matter how many foreigners such as myself or Solomon or totach7 or even S-2 explain them to re-think their mindset, they still consider us as "foreign invaders" and refuse to listen to us.

Thank you for your praise, firstly, the lobby that supports Taliban has seen a rapid decline in numbers here in Pakistan, Even in PDF, you will find that most people who support the Taliban are abroad and therefore unaware of the situation at ground zero.
Secondly, as for the "Foreign Invader" attitude, well that is a consequence of the Arms Embargoes and Economic Sanctions slammed on Pakistan by the US and most European countries back in the 1990s, since time heals all wounds, i hope it will heal this one soon too.
That's because we don't need tanks to protect us, we are willing to protect our nation, even if it means we must lay our lives down!

On the other hand, you "tough" guys :-)rofl:) siting in your high tech weapons can't win a war!

Machines can't fight wars, only men can, men who are willing to sacrifice themselves, not a bunch of nerds controlling predator and reaper drones from thousands of miles away!

The drones blasted Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud into pieces.
War requires an equal contribution of both men and machines.
The drones blasted Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud into pieces.
War requires an equal contribution of both men and machines.

Yeah, they found their targets after killing more than a thousand innocent Pakistanis!

like i said, Machines can't fight wars, only men can!
Yeah, they found their targets after killing more than a thousand innocent Pakistanis!

like i said, Machines can't fight wars, only men can!

PA also killed the civilians, but there is a difference between the casualies caused by TTP and PA.
Yeah, they found their targets after killing more than a thousand innocent Pakistanis!

like i said, Machines can't fight wars, only men can!

Some reports suggest that the drones take off from a base somewhere within Pakistan.If the drones indeed kill so many civilians then why can't the Pak airforce scramble a couple of F-16s and shoot them down.

The CIA operates the drones because they are given permission by Pakistan .So if u want to blame someone blame your own government.

The Pakistani government is indirectly responsible for the deaths of 1000 civilians!!!!
So did ISAF, America ;)

that is my point. what is the differnce then? if you blame ISAF and afghan gov, then you should blame PA as well. By they way, when it comes to afghanistan i dont see why you should complain, you are one of the proxy players.
Some reports suggest that the drones take off from a base somewhere within Pakistan.If the drones indeed kill so many civilians then why can't the Pak airforce scramble a couple of F-16s and shoot them down.

The CIA operates the drones because they are given permission by Pakistan .So if u want to blame someone blame your own government.

The Pakistani government is indirectly responsible for the deaths of 1000 civilians!!!!

Pakistan can not face US war machine , which can fight three countries like Russia at same time.

But US is facing defeat in Afghanistan like Russian , Muslim Ummah should support Afghan Talaban by all means.

Allah is helping Afghan Talaban
like i said, Machines can't fight wars, only men can!

140000 Pak soilders along with 10000 frontier corps(assisted by many machines )fighting against 20000 militias .The battle is still going on and on and on.Imagine the condition of the Pak soilders without the cobras or the F-16s.
that is my point. what is the differnce then? if you blame ISAF and afghan gov, then you should blame PA as well. By they way, when it comes to afghanistan i dont see why you should complain, you are one of the proxy players.

Pakistani public is against US aggression and remain , people like you who support US will have to be answerable for bloodshed in Afghanistan.

Be ready , Allah will catch all of you soon.
Pakistani public is against US aggression and remain , people like you who support US will have to be answerable for bloodshed in Afghanistan.

Be ready , Allah will catch all of you soon.

I dont care what the Pakistanis think about my country? who are you to dictate us what to do and what not? If Pakistanis are happy with the taliban they need to have with them and dont fight them. Allah will catch and punish the murderes and killers.
Why ISAF can not defeat Afghan Talaban in eight years?

May be they have less weapons:lol:

It is not that easy to fight the enemy which hide itself among the civilians. by the way, your army hasnt defeated the taliban either, thanks to american droes otherwise baitullah and hakeemullah might have well been alive.
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