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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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That's because we don't need tanks to protect us, we are willing to protect our nation, even if it means we must lay our lives down!

On the other hand, you "tough" guys :-)rofl:) siting in your high tech weapons can't win a war!

Machines can't fight wars, only men can, men who are willing to sacrifice themselves, not a bunch of nerds controlling predator and reaper drones from thousands of miles away!

Yup plenty tough i will admit you couldnt get me to wear a dress.

To evade the allied cordon around the town, some insurgents were donning the head-to-toe burkhas worn by Afghan women, the reports said.

Their leaders are either being captured or killed most of their fighters are running away hate to burst you bubble but not only can the taliban be defeted, they are being defeated.

its not the side winning that puts on a dress and runs away.
This ideology of winning Helmand within a few days or nights will prove to be nothing but a false sense of joy......lessons from the past have shown that the Pashtun tribes will never fully co-operate with the occupying force.......surely history have shown that plenty of times in the past. This sounds more like the brief moment of joy the Soviets felt before their decline.

I just hope British troops are pulled out of this illegal war for which proof has still not been presented to the British public of OBL guilt in 9/11 as promised by Blair before going to war.

The Taliban will just return and continue their geurilla warfare....that is how it is fought with hit and runs. Once they have laid the ground for a second phase t geurilla warfare that is when casualties will mount. Hopefully ISAF will be out by then.
naahhh, you should keep track of yours ;)
I keep track of my arguments just fine. In your case, you failed.

Even your own politicians admit that they made a mistake by leaving Afghanistan after Soviet withdrawal!
Fine...I have no problems with that. But you are still avoiding my question -- After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, who is the BETTER choice for Afghanistan, the infidel West or the more culturally and religiously related muslims? Your own arguments, the ones you forgot, showed that many individual muslims disagreed with you. One of those many muslims are Osama bin Laden. He knows about US involvement in Afghanistan, but even so, he does not feel we infidels have any place in the ME at all, let alone Afghanistan.

The US abandonment of Afghanistan is nothing more than a convenient excuse for muslims like YOU to refuse to own up to your governments' direct involvement and indirect complicity with the West in Afghanistan. If we remained in Afghanistan, we would attempt to reshape the country to our image. Look at how we are vilified in Iraq and Afghanistan today. If our abandonment of Afghanistan is a mistake, the greater one belongs to the muslims and their government.

elaborate please?
What is there to 'elaborate'? This is more tap-dancing on your part. You said that the muslims governments are under US control. That is funny because it is often believe that the US government is under Israeli control. So how is it that there still exist the Israelis-Palestinians conflict. No wonder the world laughs at your loony conspiracy mentality.

I was talking about chemical weapons, stop putting words in my mouth!
And I have shown you that charge to be dubious at best. Let me guess...You have a problem with sources?
its not the side winning that puts on a dress and runs away.

Its also not the side that hides in tanks and apaches! like i said, practice what you preach;)
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I keep track of my arguments just fine. In your case, you failed.

Fine...I have no problems with that. But you are still avoiding my question -- After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, who is the BETTER choice for Afghanistan, the infidel West or the more culturally and religiously related muslims? Your own arguments, the ones you forgot, showed that many individual muslims disagreed with you. One of those many muslims are Osama bin Laden. He knows about US involvement in Afghanistan, but even so, he does not feel we infidels have any place in the ME at all, let alone Afghanistan.

Who is best choice for Afghanistan....a little for that excuse isn't it....if that was the case then you should not have got involved in the first place and left the Soviets to occupy Afghanistan....at least 1.5 million Afghans would not have lost their lives....but that doesn;t mean anything now does it as the US or you think that after training, arming and financing the groups in Afghanistan, your job is done...Soviets are out and no further need to help the country which the US is physically responsible for shaping the way it was......without US involvement this country would not have gone down the path that it did as the Sovoets would still have been on control today.

The US abandonment of Afghanistan is nothing more than a convenient excuse for muslims like YOU to refuse to own up to your governments' direct involvement and indirect complicity with the West in Afghanistan. If we remained in Afghanistan, we would attempt to reshape the country to our image. Look at how we are vilified in Iraq and Afghanistan today. If our abandonment of Afghanistan is a mistake, the greater one belongs to the muslims and their government.

convenient excuse.....yes, please tell the millions died what your excuse really is then........3000 die inthe World Trade Centre and its all upheavels but 1.5 million dead, F it, who cares hey.....If that was your attitude then you should have stayed right out in the first place.
I keep track of my arguments just fine. In your case, you failed.

no, i keep track of my arguments, thank you very much;)

Fine...I have no problems with that. But you are still avoiding my question -- After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, who is the BETTER choice for Afghanistan, the infidel West or the more culturally and religiously related muslims?

Firstly, during the Afghan Jihad Muslims all over the world had a good view of America because you helped us fight Soviets, but yeah, you do have a point here, Muslims should have helped Afghanistan, but they didn't so i'll admit Muslim countries didn't play their part!

Your own arguments, the ones you forgot, showed that many individual muslims disagreed with you. One of those many muslims are Osama bin Laden. He knows about US involvement in Afghanistan, but even so, he does not feel we infidels have any place in the ME at all, let alone Afghanistan.

i don't care about what Osama or Al-Qaeda have to say, i don't relate myself to people who target 3,000 innocent people, and then use religion to justify it (that's if they really did it).

The US abandonment of Afghanistan is nothing more than a convenient excuse for muslims like YOU to refuse to own up to your governments' direct involvement and indirect complicity with the West in Afghanistan. If we remained in Afghanistan, we would attempt to reshape the country to our image. Look at how we are vilified in Iraq and Afghanistan today. If our abandonment of Afghanistan is a mistake, the greater one belongs to the muslims and their government.

no one asked you people to invade Iraq, you did it on your own will!

Muslims, like i said, don't get me started on them! Zardari and co are Muslims and they have really messed up Pakistan, so who said Muslims are perfect?

What is there to 'elaborate'? This is more tap-dancing on your part. You said that the muslims governments are under US control.

they are, we all know that, you have to be a loony toon in order not to believe that! They all are your servants! They'll do anything America asks them to! I still remember how Saudi King gave Condoleesa Rice (spelling?) a full gold and diamond set, and this is the same condoleesa rise who along with the rest of republican party is responsible for the death of 1 million+ innocent Iraqis! And before you blame Al-Qaeda, don't forget Al-Qaeda only came into Iraq after your invaded it (that's if Al-Qaeda exists)!

That is funny because it is often believe that the US government is under Israeli control. So how is it that there still exist the Israelis-Palestinians conflict. No wonder the world laughs at your loony conspiracy mentality.

its true, it is, because whenever israel feels threatened, America came with a huge yardstick ready to beat the cr@p out of any country that israel feels threatened by!

BTW, America didn't condemn israeli bombardment on Gaza strip, but every other country did!

And I have shown you that charge to be dubious at best. Let me guess...You have a problem with sources?

What sources? do you have any trustworthy sources other than your biased, one sided media?

Their leaders are either being captured or killed

So tell me, how many of their leaders have you killed and captured so far?

You kill/capture one commander, another one will pop out from somewhere!

Remember Mullah Dadullah? The most feared Taliban commander of his time, 2nd to Mullah Omar? he was supposedly killed by NATO, but another Taliban commander replaced him and took up his reputation!

most of their fighters are running away[/B] .

Yep, and they'll live to fight another day, smart move on their part;)!
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no, i keep track of my arguments, thank you very much;)
Suuuurre...You do.:rolleyes:

Firstly, during the Afghan Jihad Muslims all over the world had a good view of America because you helped us fight Soviets, but yeah, you do have a point here, Muslims should have helped Afghanistan, but they didn't so i'll admit Muslim countries didn't play their part!
Very good...!!! So from this admission, we can conclude:

1- That there was a collaborative effort between the muslims and the infidel West out of perceived necessity and mutual benefit, namely the removal of Soviet occupation in Afghanistan but before said removal, Soviet life in Afghanistan should be made as difficult as possible.

2- The fighting was done by muslims, therefore this established the foundation for eventual responsibilities of rebuilding and stewardship of Afghanistan in the event the Soviet would withdraw, which they did.

3- Remember...We invaded Iraq, removed Saddam Hussein as leader of the country and either deconstructed or reformated much of Iraq's governmental institutions in said invasion, therefore it became US responsibilities to rebuild those same governmental institutions to maintain Iraq as a viable political entity. Nothing difficult to understand...If the police apprehend a criminal, not only did the police removed some harm to society, but it also became the police's responsibility to shelter and feed the criminal until other events. Same principle for the muslims fighting in Afghanistan back then. Once the Soviets left Afghanistan, regardless of how the US should or did not behaved in Afghanistan, the bulk of responsibilities, and therefore blame, should be on the muslims', not US. Like it or not, every single muslim country in the ME was a buffer for other muslim countries against the Soviets. Why else was Afghanistan so important for the muslims there?

i don't care about what Osama or Al-Qaeda have to say, i don't relate myself to people who target 3,000 innocent people, and then use religion to justify it (that's if they really did it).
Never said you did or should have. I said that unlike your tap-dancing so far, many individual muslims, and Osama bin Laden is one of them, disagreed with you that the US should be to blamed for the mess in Afghanistan by virtue of their individual efforts to help Afghanistan. Many of them no doubt disagreed with Osama bin Laden.

no one asked you people to invade Iraq, you did it on your own will!

Muslims, like i said, don't get me started on them! Zardari and co are Muslims and they have really messed up Pakistan, so who said Muslims are perfect?

they are, we all know that, you have to be a loony toon in order not to believe that! They all are your servants! They'll do anything America asks them to! I still remember how Saudi King gave Condoleesa Rice (spelling?) a full gold and diamond set, and this is the same condoleesa rise who along with the rest of republican party is responsible for the death of 1 million+ innocent Iraqis! And before you blame Al-Qaeda, don't forget Al-Qaeda only came into Iraq after your invaded it (that's if Al-Qaeda exists)!

its true, it is, because whenever israel feels threatened, America came with a huge yardstick ready to beat the cr@p out of any country that israel feels threatened by!

BTW, America didn't condemn israeli bombardment on Gaza strip, but every other country did!
Looky here...Nothing you said satisfied the question as to why: If the muslim governments in the ME is under US control and that since the US is under Israeli control, why do we still have the Israelis-Palestinians conflict? Why not just ordered Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt to cut Iran off the region, go in and crack down on the Palestinians so the Israelis can have some peace? Can you explain that instead of tap-dancing around YOUR charge? Fred Astaire you ain't.

What sources? do you have any trustworthy sources other than your biased, one sided media?
Sure is better than your none. Why not show the readership a non-US source that said the US, not Egypt, sold REFINED and PACKAGED biological and chemical weaponry to Iraq? Explain to the readership, in a logical manner and devoid of empty rhetorics, why was it ILLOGICAL to purchase those REFINED and PACKAGED biological and chemical weaponry from Egypt, and instead purchase raw materials which would take months or even years to educate and produce these weapons.
lessons from the past have shown that the Pashtun tribes will never fully co-operate with the occupying force

Afghan Tribe, Vowing to Fight Taliban, to Get U.S. Aid in Return - NYTimes.com

"The leaders of one of the largest Pashtun tribes in a Taliban stronghold said Wednesday that they had agreed to support the American-backed government, battle insurgents and burn down the home of any Afghan who harbored Taliban guerrillas."

It appears these Pashtun people consider the Taliban to be more of a threat then the ISAF.

I just hope British troops are pulled out of this illegal war for which proof has still not been presented to the British public of OBL guilt in 9/11 as promised by Blair before going to war.

In Oct 2004 Al-Jazeera Aired a tape with Osama Bin laden in which he admits he orchestrated 9/11.

Are you a Policeman Gazzi? asking becuase of your avatar.

**the posted video above is not the 2004 broadcast. It is a prior personal video captured in Afghanistan. I posted the 2004 video in a following post.
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Afghan Tribe, Vowing to Fight Taliban, to Get U.S. Aid in Return - NYTimes.com

"The leaders of one of the largest Pashtun tribes in a Taliban stronghold said Wednesday that they had agreed to support the American-backed government, battle insurgents and burn down the home of any Afghan who harbored Taliban guerrillas."

It appears these Pashtun people consider the Taliban to be more of a threat then the ISAF.

In Oct 2004 Al-Jazeera Aired a tape with Osama Bin laden in which he admits he orchestrated 9/11.

YouTube - Osama Bin Laden Admits Planning 9/11 in Meeting with Egyptian Terrorist, taped by Al Qaeda @ 5:30

Are you a Policeman Gazzi? asking becuase of your avatar.

person shown in vedio is not OBL, DARK TAN, SHORT NOSE AND LONGER BEARD? FAKE MOVIE OF CIA:lol:
lol, look who's talking! Excuse me, but i wasn't the one who's calling Taliban women beaters, you don't even know the people and you judge them! So please practice what you preach;)

now youa re going to compare my user name with Taliban what the hell was i to make out of these lines of yours

but your love for the Emo cult (they cut themselves when their depressed) show's that you admire western culture more than Islam!

you went down to personal attacks not me & now you are down to comparison, ranting at its best :rofl:

I i didn't have a life i wouldn't exist! doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that:disagree:

you are kind of retard who is unable to grasp basic points ohh my God who am i talking to :rofl::rofl:

Ranting according to you, but its useful info for me:agree:! I can provide you links to soooo many atrocities done at the hands of NATO, America, and british, just let me know when your ready:azn:

ranting again, when did i said that ISAF, JDAMS & Cruise Missiles have 'Taliban recognition Sensors', but does this means we stop talking about the Atrocities done by Taliban

Whoa, you need to take a chill pill! I never said i support Suicide bombings, neither did i say i justify the killings of innocent Afghans!

I want peace in Afghanistan just as much as anyone who is tired of this war! But seriously do you think peace can be brought through war? Do you think Taliban will be defeated militarily?

If so, then your out of your mind because it will only cause more damage and collateral damage in both Afghanistan and Pakistan!

Reconciliation is more like it! Negotiating with Taliban will bring peace, not war! If you don't believe then go ahead, because history has proven it that war has always lead to the defeat of the occupier!

Taliban will bring peace, Damn right ehh!!!
so on that basis the Taliban Rule in Pakistan was absolutely justified, I don't need to tell you what kind of 'Rule' they have but no you will again come & say me its all western propaganda, Sorry My bad

Again, stop putting words in my mouth! I never was comparing "Evil with Evil" (what's the difference?), my point was that western media doesn't highlight all the violence and human rights violations going on across the globe, but for some reason they are obsessed with Muslims countries!

They will because we provie them with all the reasons in the world to do more & more propaganda against us, we are such stupids that they insult our Prophet (PBUH) instaed of protesting peacefully we in Pakistan destroyed property wroth 2 Billion Rupees in one day in the name of Namos-e-Risalat, I hope you have not forgotten that, what a super super way to protest huh!!
We claim ourselves to be followers of Religion of peace & we can't even follow this code even on our soil, Don't you think they will malign us

Yeah, gun isn't the way out, but when your land is illegally occupied, and the U.N doesn't do cr@p to help you, then yeah you have to resist with the gun!

If we were strong in education, health & if common man was satisfied with the so called greater Taliban Gov & if they would have got something in their Skulls this massacre was not there, I am not putting all Blame on Taliban US & NATO all of them has got its share in the mess we are in

Wow, OMG, i'm astonished about your lack of knowledge about Taliban!

I hope this isn't too much to read:

"And you have criticized us for violating women's rights; now, who knows what happened before us. Only some symbolic schools, or symbolic posts were given to some women in the ministry, and that was called the restoration of women's rights. I can see some Afghans living here, and they will agree with me, that in the rural areas of Afghanistan, women were used as animals. They were SOLD actually. The first thing we have done is to give the self-determination to women, and it happened not in the history of Afghanistan. Throughout the history of Afghanistan, during all the so-called civilized kings or whatever, they didn't give this right to women, so women were sold. ! They didn't have the right to select their husbands, or to reject their husbands. First thing we have done is to let them choose their future

Truth about Taliban & Buddha statues

You might also want to check this out, an actual interview of Taliban envoy before the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, its the story from the Talibans POV: http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/43309-interview-taliban.html

BS, Mullah Mouth Piece giving his good deeds from his own mouth give me a neutral source, If they were so good to the people of Afgh we would not have seen so many Afghan people complaining

I think a person should understand Islam in order to convert to it! For example, when a person converting to Islam recites the Kalima Sherrif he first has to understand its meaning, same goes for when a person converts he must understand Islam!
Well, yeah it is, if you don't believe me then search it up for yourself!

On the day of judgment you will be responsible for that kid going astray from the path of Islam!

Thats the problem, me & you think our religion is the best & other think their religion is the best, Now if some Muslims go out preaching Islam & are killed what will be your reaction?
Those Koreans feed Afghans with what ever Intentions is another issue but you are indirectly saying that Killing them is justified because they were preaching their religion

At least they didn't torture the women!

didnt i told you there is nothing like 'My evil is smaller than yours' you are accepting that they did atrocities against women, Hmm Good, remember this ok

We, what we? You mean you? Appeasement isn't going to solve anything!

Tell me, what wrong did those 1 million+ innocent iraqi children do to America to deserve dying from being sanctioned? 1 million+ iraqi infants dies of malnutrition, but what was their fault?

like i said, we didn't do **** to these occupiers, they invaded our lands, and you want us to be nice? lol, got to be joking right:rofl:?

I am not talking about Iraq here, its a different Issue you can have a different Thread on that
person shown in vedio is not OBL, DARK TAN, SHORT NOSE AND LONGER BEARD? FAKE MOVIE OF CIA:lol:
This has been dealt with in depth by Dr Sangeen Shah in his encounter with S-2 on his introductory thread.
Its a complete waste of time going thru it all over again.
To Gambit: The countries you mention in the ME are not Muslim countries. You are not focused upon a healthy debate

You're intent upon mischief making.

No, he's jealous that his country is being occupied, torn up, destroyed, and its being used by foreign and regional powers for their own gains!

You are right, but that is not jealouy, it is anger.

While Pakistan, despite it hardships has come out stronger than before! Every challenge we face makes us stronger!

I do really hope that pakistan gain its stability back, there is no ill wish for pakistani people and their country. But at the moment i highly doubt if you have come out of your problems, let alone being stronger.
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