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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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salam to all,
i think dat pakistan is a islamic country and taliban too.
i doesn't say dat taliban are right but wat they want is right.
islam should be our first mission dat is the teaching of prophet S.A.W
we have to stop those fight and prepare our self for the future "Dajjal" we should be one to resiste and protect a maximum our families.
May Allah Give us Hidayat And forgive our sins.

Yes, you are right Tehreke Taliban Pakisan is good and what they want is right. we should support them all.
The bomb blast in Meena Bazar was suspected to have been done by Black Water!

oh, and one more thing, just to let you know, congratulations, your now on my ignore list;)

Yes, ignoring was the only choice you had, because you were left with no answer to my posts.

by the way taliban also denied the attack on that military mosque, remember what they said when they opend fire on the kids and prayers? Enke Nasal Ko Khatam Kardo(sorry for my bad urdo). and yes, they also dendied the killing of Benazir Bhutoo that your governments have strongly accused them of engineering that attack.
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Not at all. I'm asking you that if coalition forces don't allow these crimes what objection do you have to what they are doing. And I maintain that the crimes you value so highly either aren't being committed by the coalition or that justice is meted out when they do.

No, they did really happen, your ignorance just doesn't want you to believe!

So once again, the Taliban do not fight for justice.

Yes they do, but according to you, rapists and child killers do give justice!
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You & hazara Afghan which are less then 10% of total Afghan population , your point of view has no value
Whatever be his ethnicity, he is an Afghan national and has full right to decide what is right for his country. Technically speaking, if you blame the ISAF for imperialism, you as a person(and a country) are equally to blame as you are imposing your own whims upon Afghanistan a sovereign country just because you wish to use their country as a method to keep a watch over an enemy that is on your opposite border.

Its funny you call ISAF and NATO as imperialist when you yourself are hell-bent on imposing yourself on Afghanistan. If he doesn't agree with you, it is his right and you have no right to force another sovereign country to do your bid.
You know, we should open up a separate thread for the atrocities committed by America, israel, NATO, and india!
And what about the atrocities committed by your country on your minorities? Or are you telling the world that Pakistan is the most angelic righteous and religious country in the world that everyone is envious of and is conspiring against?

Your country is no different from any of these countries. Do you have an idea of how many militants have been frolicking around in your entire neighbourhood using your territory? And yet you say all those words of an innocent, neutral country. Look at your own image and then talk about other countries. Your country is equally guilty of similar things as what you blame all these countries for.

Please stop commenting based on listening to self-obsessed foolish crowd-pullers and look at the situation with your own eyes and mind. You will find a very different picture. The reason why I am saying this is because funny Mr. Fundamentalist is so paranoid of Western countries and non-Muslims that he even refuses to acknowledge an Afghan's view of his own country.

How would you feel if say NATO bullied you the way you start to make policies for Afghanistan? I am not demanding the "Muslims will fight like Lions" answer from you but just how would you as a Pakistani citizen feel? You think as if USA and Europe want to oppress the world and you are their sole liberator.

Look at South Korea and Japan today. Both have seen USA's involvement directly in their wars in the form of Korean war and World War II. Today, these countries are two of the most developed countries in the world. Their economies rank in top 10 and their prosperity is an envy even to some European countries. Science, medicine, technology, infrastructure....they have everything material AS WELL AS their culture and their faith of Buddhism. None of these nations use English and if a foreigner visits these countries, he or she HAS to learn their language, culture, customs and traditions. Do you see Koreans and Japanese begging NATO to spare their lives? Tell me what Taliban has done as compared to any of this?

After Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, Japan was reduced to rubbles. Today you go to Hiroshima and see the change. This is the answer to your "sanctions" issue that you argued with Emo in another post. Japanese are here today because of their own pursuit of knowledge, dedication, hardwork, patience, perseverance and will. Can Taliban even achieve one millonth of this?

You seem to spew so much venom against USA for nuclear bombing Imperial Japan; do you know if the USA had not done that and Axis had won what would have happened? Italy, Nazis and Japanese would have conquered entire world. Most of you non-white "non-Aryans"would be sent into concentration camps and those who survive would be speaking Japanese, Italian and German. So read some history for goodness sake before spitting venom.

The videos that you have posted are a part of every war that takes place. Soldiers are humans and human vice sometimes takes over some of those who are not able to control their minds. Should you be reminded of the war crimes perpetrated by Pakistani trooped on the Bangladeshi women during that war? Or do you still want to live in denial of your soldiers and people being God-gifted angels?

War crimes are a tragedy and unfortunately since we are all humans, such evil happens always around the world. The best that can be done is to punish those who are guilty as individuals rather than blaming an entire nation for it and pray that such horrors don't happen to other innocents.

Besides, how would you know that the woman has spoken truth about her rapes? Do you think it is not easy for a bunch of savage-militants to rape her and threaten to kill her family if she doesn't lie about her rape in front of the camera? Or did you see the video while it was being filmed?

You get to see half of these videos because US and other NATO troops allow the cameras and neutral agencies to come and film. HOW much of media freedom was available to Afghans during the rule of Taliban? In one of the posts here, someone actually posted that Taliban provided computers to some university in Afghanistan!! LOLZ!! Was he on drugs or what?

The Taliban didn't even allow clapping during sports events, no music, no radio, no news channels, no schools for women, no medical institutes, no scientific academics, no television, no theaters, no nothing! And someone says about Computers? Media? That made my day.

You may call me a liar, zionist, fascist, or whatever but the truth is that these lines that I have written above is cross-checked, believed, documented, mentioned and trusted by all the countries around the world including neutral countries like France, Greece and we in Switzerland. You seem to be the only kind that support Taliban and their terrorist activities. NATO and US dismisses the perpetrators of war crimes, rapes etc. Every civilized country punishes the guilty which might be ignored by you due to selective blindness. Would a Taliban leader accept a charge like that despite being guilty, after holding untold power over people at gunpoint? Ask yourself without jumping into religious passion.

They are not responsible for 9/11 but giving safe haven to AQ, and militant agencies operating in Northern provinces of Republic India (please go to your favorite YouTube and see the international news report) for hijacking a civilian aircraft, is equivalent to abetting in terrorism themselves.

Now if you want, deny all you want and call my posts rubbish, which majority of the world knows, accepts and acknowledges. For that I just have this:
Whatever be his ethnicity, he is an Afghan national and has full right to decide what is right for his country. Technically speaking, if you blame the ISAF for imperialism, you as a person(and a country) are equally to blame as you are imposing your own whims upon Afghanistan a sovereign country just because you wish to use their country as a method to keep a watch over an enemy that is on your opposite border.

Its funny you call ISAF and NATO as imperialist when you yourself are hell-bent on imposing yourself on Afghanistan. If he doesn't agree with you, it is his right and you have no right to force another sovereign country to do your bid.

I agree that my country not playing right role, we are all muslims we should be above of any ethnic differences.

Afghan should resolve their differences internally , but to support ISAF just because some one has fiqa differences is haram as per Islam.
With God's will, the Taliban will be eliminated this time. It's long overdue.
Afghan talaban are fighting against invaders (ISAF) ,can you prove them terrorist?

What about Kashmir freedom fighters , what about 1947 freedom fighters?
What about Palestine freedom fighters ?

Extreme Height of stupidity :smokin:

The Kashmiris, Palestinians are fighting for their PEOPLE, the Taliban are fighting to establish their GOVERNMENT............Hell of a difference.....
no, their not the same, gosh don't you people do your own research?


TTP is a franchise of the Afghan Taliban this is what they had to say when Baitullah died:

“The Taliban’s jihad against foreign forces in Afghanistan will not be affected if a Pakistani Taliban leader is killed on the other side of the Durand line,” Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

“We feel sympathy for our brothers who fight for the same cause, but resistance against the Afghan government and its foreign allies will continue.”
The Kashmiris, Palestinians are fighting for their PEOPLE, the Taliban are fighting to establish their GOVERNMENT............Hell of a difference.....


Can government be established without land , these all three(Afghan,Palestinian,kashmiris) are fighting to liberate their land from occupation then government as per wishes of people will be formed.
I agree that my country not playing right role, we are all muslims we should be above of any ethnic differences.

Afghan should resolve their differences internally , but to support ISAF just because some one has fiqa differences is haram as per Islam.
Then don't howl and cry that the whole world is conspiring against Pakistani success of something. You have decided to do religious policing and therefore it is entirely your headache regarding how many enemies you pile up in that process. Simply blaming other countries is not enough to prove them guilty. You tend to believe the news reports of Taliban denying any of their crimes yet when the same news agencies report that ISAF troops are guilty, you accept it and post it. This is called selective blindness where a person ignores what the truth is and chooses anything to escape the situation.

In the process of your disturbing obsession with religious fundamentalism, you even ignored an Afghan poster's view of his own country, one of the very Few Afghan members who represent their country here. You even went to call him a non-believer and what not because you feel Taliban serves your interests in their country, crushing their own say about their country.

And you call ISAF imperialist? At least the international forces are constructing roadways highways, dams, hospitals etc. What medical infrastructure did Taliban have for Afghans? Didn't they just let women die of diseases because their perverted laws didn't let doctors treat them?

What is the use of so-called law and order of this Taliban when a person cannot listen to music, watch T.V, listen to news, radio, come on internet and chat like you are right now sitting safely in some other country away from Taliban, or even CLAP for a national sports event? This is the worst prison any human can get. If you love the Taliban's so much then why don't you live under them in your country?

Sitting in a foreign country and blabbing around fundamentalist and extremist ideologies is easy Mr. Fundamentalist, living in those harsh conditions that Afghans suffered for so long is not. Settled in an oil rich country, with a good financial establishment and the convenience of modern amenities including the very internet you use, has perhaps made you forget the scenes of horror that Afghans face daily under Taliban.

What did the Taliban do to Hazaras and Shias if they are Muslims? You talk of the fictitious religious brotherhood when your own ideal warriors butcher your own brothers. And you blame that on ISAF? People like you and Silent Ninja just know how to talk like 15 year old chest-thumping teenagers sitting in the safety of their houses.

Even if there is not as much safety under the ISAF these days, at least Afghans can be treated in hospitals, can use public roads, can have food, can be sure that they are free to do as they please rather than the insane levels of fundamentalist nonsense they had to endure under the Talibans.

Supporting terrorism is easy. However these same "supporters" back away when law agencies raid your house and demand your affiliation with terrorists.
I agree that my country not playing right role, we are all muslims we should be above of any ethnic differences.

Afghan should resolve their differences internally , but to support ISAF just because some one has fiqa differences is haram as per Islam.

Good, at least you now confirm that you guys have played negative role, thanks for being honest. Please practice what you preach. Arent you guys always playing ethnic card in Afghanistan to reach your proxy goals? How come now you talk about muslim unity and reject ethnicizm? You have got ethnic problems too, instead of looking at my country, first look at yourself.

On one hand you say people of afghanistan should solve their problmes internally and on the other hand you dictate them what to do.
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I have a life, do you want the details? let me know when your ready?

you were un able to understand the my sarcastic comments 'Go get a life' in my post & started bringing in rocket science :lol:

"I think life under the Taliban was very good," said Maria Farah, a mother of five. "If we did not have a full stomach, we could at least get some food and go to sleep, and if we went out somewhere there were no problems. How about now? If we go out, we don't know if we will arrive home or not. If there is an explosion and the Americans are passing, they will just open fire on everyone. The security problems are too much here."

We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans - Asia, World - The Independent

If i for a moment think that Taliban were right, I mean their rule was same in Afgh & Pakistan this mean we did a wrong thing by annihilating them in Swat is it?
Pathetic, She is a uneducated woman who don't even knows whats right & wrong & even that previous doctor who said that he will support taliban rule but at the same time he said there are zero Medical facilities in afgh, so tell me what Medical facilities were been setup by Tlaiban in their Era? Just let me know

& BTW read again
If we go out, we don't know if we will arrive home or not. If there is an explosion and the Americans are passing, they will just open fire on everyone. The security problems are too much here."

so they are killing the people they are fighting for, ain't that cool ain't eh? Or they are the people who are consumable for the greater good of God
UNAMA Human Rights (HR) recorded a total of 2,412 civilian deaths between 01 January and 31 December 2009. This figure represents an increase of 14% on the 2118 civilian deaths recorded in 2008. Of the 2,412 deaths reported in 2009, 1,630 (67%) were attributed to anti-Government elements (AGEs) and 596 (25%) to pro-Government forces (PGF). The remaining 186 deaths (8%) could not be attributed to any of the conflicting parties given as some civilians died as a result of cross-fire or were killed by unexploded ordinance.

AGEs remain responsible for the largest proportion of civilian deaths. Civilian deaths
reportedly caused by the armed opposition increased by 41% between 2008 and 2009,
from 1,160 to 1,630. Deaths resulting from insurgent-related activities in 2009 were a ratio of approximately three to one as compared to casualties caused by PGF.

http://unama.unmissions.org/Portals...rotection of Civilian 2009 report English.pdf

This is a report by Human Rights Watch on the actions of the taliban upon their own afghan brothers and sisters. It itemizes targeted attacks, use of human shields, and IED/Mortar/rocket attacks without regard to civilians.

The Human Cost | Human Rights Watch

But i know you wont accept it, even if i bring down moon on earth :D

Before you bring in ISAF, i have said you before I am not blind, Undoubtly ISAF has done many things which 'were un called for'

How do you expect a country that has been sanctioned to build infrastructure?:what:

BTW, i hope you know that Taliban was the first gov in history of Afghanistan that provided computers in its universities!b

universities in which women were banned???? :rolleyes:

would love to once they come back into power! You know, a friend of mines once told me that his house in Afghanistan caught fire, his family had to leave home and they had nowhere to go and they desperately needed evacuation, Taliban saved him and his family by bringing in a helicopter and getting them into shelter!

hahahha, You beleive that friend but you won't believe what Afghan here have to say about their rule, anything said against tailban is propaganda, BTW Taliban do own Helicopters? Correct me if i am wrong

no no no, don't try to lie now, according to you Taliban are devils and terrorists while America and NATO are angels who were sent down by god to save the poor innocent Afghans who were being ruthlessly slaughtered by Taliban devils for 7 years now!

as i said before. 'My evil is not smaller than yours, Evil is Evil', & did i said NATO missiles have Taliban recognition sensors, at least i condemn their nuisance what are you doing, you are justifying each act carried out by Taliban whether right or wrong only because they are Muslims

If i had control of world media i would also promote propaganda against America and NATO day and night, but sadly that's not the case, world media is controlled by Jews who are using it to promote their cause against Muslims!

like i said Miss. EmoGirl, i have a lot of things to show you about how American soldiers gang raped and killed a iraqi girl and burned her and her family alive after wards, do you want to see your little angels being naughty?

YouTube - Iraq War - The rape and murder of Abeer Qassim Hamza

Below is a link to a picture of what these ********* did to my Muslims sister in Iraq, and your here talking **** about Taliban:

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge | Asian Tribune

YouTube - Iraqi women rape by the forces of order

But after all Taliban and every other Mujahid and those who are striving for the cause of Allah are devils according to you and people like you, but on the other hand American s are saviours and our brothers who are dying for the truth!:usflag:

and we're not allowed to pick up a gun and fight back because we don't have the right to self defense and determination, is that right?

These savages dishonor my sisters, and you want us to put our guns down?

YouTube- A letter from sister Fatima from Abu Graib Prison in Iraq!

Right, so is going to give you power over Media, we Muslims give them more & more reasons to malign us, can't you see that & moreover my point was different & you have diverted it i just proved how Muslims used education & political process to gain their goals without picking up guns & going on a rampage
what ever happened in Abu Gharib is in humane & US must trail & punish those who carried out these acts in name of investigation, I stand by you on that issue

I have never justified the rape carried out by US, this rape phenomenon is there in every country whether Muslim or non Muslim & i never talked about Iraq, there are many points in case of Iraq where i can actually agree with you
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Can government be established without land , these all three(Afghan,Palestinian,kashmiris) are fighting to liberate their land from occupation then government as per wishes of people will be formed.

The taliban are also the stooges of pakistan, how come they liberate afghanistan? to liberate from one and give to another.
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