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The Sukhoi-30 MKI: India’s Two-Front War Ace?

As a matter of fact, if India invades Pakistan, Indian air force Su-30MKI would be going up against American air force F-22 Raptors, French air force Rafales, RAF and Luftwaffe Typhoons. :o: No way InAF would be able to beat UN resolution air power.
well first thing first in case of war exept china no one is going to give you free wepons onli thing you will get from arabian and ummah nations will be free oil (that to if india dosent put a naval blokade) and money rest all are your dreams (no harm in dreaming though :D) but if wishes were horses fools would fly ;)

now India will never ever Invade pakistan in conventional form or attack pakistan thru its Mighty IAF IN or IA ... period:agree:

having said that it dosent menas that India will not punish pakistan if it ever gets too advanturous :butcher:

as forUSAF- F 22 , French rafales or Luftwaffes Typhoons , well they will never come to PAF aid to fight against IAF cause this is not cold war era and all three nations you just mentioned are for long have very good relations with India and often penalise and oppose policies of Pakistan so its another one of your dreams .... on the lighter side i guess tom clancy is dead why dont you try a career in War Fiction :azn:......:rofl::rofl:

OPEC would sanction India if India invades Pakistan. IMO the Indian air force and carrier wings would lose even more than Luftwaffe did against the US, British, Soviet air powers. Think about it, not only would the India air combat units be vastly outnumbered by the Allies, they would quickly run out of fuel, spare parts, missiles under international sanction. The best bets of the Indian air combat units would be a quick and decisive victory. Even then, how is a Hindu majority country going to be able to occupy Pakistan, one of the foremost Muslim majority countries in the world. Muslim guerilla warfare and insurgency from around the world would wreck havoc on Indian occupation forces. Su-30MKI, a beast of a fighter in itself, would not be able to change the course of the war. :o::p:
but sirji please tell me why will india will ever want to occupy a country like pakistan which has worlds largest number of tallibunnies , and khair jane do .... go on and keep dreaming :D
well first thing first in case of war exept china no one is going to give you free wepons onli thing you will get from arabian and ummah nations will be free oil (that to if india dosent put a naval blokade) and money rest all are your dreams (no harm in dreaming though :D) but if wishes were horses fools would fly ;)

now India will never ever Invade pakistan in conventional form or attack pakistan thru its Mighty IAF IN or IA ... period:agree:

having said that it dosent menas that India will not punish pakistan if it ever gets too advanturous :butcher:

as forUSAF- F 22 , French rafales or Luftwaffes Typhoons , well they will never come to PAF aid to fight against IAF cause this is not cold war era and all three nations you just mentioned are for long have very good relations with India and often penalise and oppose policies of Pakistan so its another one of your dreams .... on the lighter side i guess tom clancy is dead why dont you try a career in War Fiction :azn:......:rofl::rofl:

but sirji please tell me why will india will ever want to occupy a country like pakistan which has worlds largest number of tallibunnies , and khair jane do .... go on and keep dreaming :D

Your post is contradictory.

In one line you say India will never invade Pakistan and in the other line you talk of punishing Pakistan.
Your post is contradictory.

In one line you say India will never invade Pakistan and in the other line you talk of punishing Pakistan.
well you dint read it right Sir

let me explain brieflly what i meant was that India will never attack pakistan but if Pakistan attacks then we will seurlli punish the Agrassors very very promtli and ruthlesslly

any thing else you want me to Explain ... SIR :)
well you dint read it right Sir

let me explain brieflly what i meant was that India will never attack pakistan but if Pakistan attacks then we will seurlli punish the Agrassors very very promtli and ruthlesslly

any thing else you want me to Explain ... SIR :)

Why would Pakistan attack India? Any good reasons.
Why would Pakistan attack India? Any good reasons.
Rants and warmongering makes our neighbors feel good about themselves. A nation which is ruled by invaders for centenaries is now just realizing their hidden talent for wars :lol: Haven't you seen there chest thumping during Mumbai attack drama ;)
Why would Pakistan attack India? Any good reasons.
well why did pakistan attacked in 1947 (afridi raiders) 1965 (oparation gibralter) Kargil (1999) your too smart arent you sir :azn:

but still for your information according to indian thinking pakistan never looses an opportunity to attack india when ever it has a new ground braking technlogy or has attacked india and chances are it will do that again if it ever gets a chance again and thats the main reason for all owr mordanizing programs ... Thank You :cheers:

Rants and warmongering makes our neighbors feel good about themselves. A nation which is ruled by invaders for centenaries is now just realizing their hidden talent for wars :lol: Haven't you seen there chest thumping during Mumbai attack drama ;)
so killing of 200+ unarmed civillians in hotels and train stations looks like a drama to you no wonder why terrorists in pakistan get it so easy to kill civillians and do jail breaks and get away scott free ... sorry but i pity such thinking you shouldfeel some shame sir
so killing of 200+ unarmed civillians in hotels and train stations looks like a drama to you no wonder why terrorists in pakistan get it so easy to kill civillians and do jail breaks and get away scott free ... sorry but i pity such thinking you shouldfeel some shame sir
Your country blames anything on Pakistan and we should be ashamed of it? You should be ashamed of staging a drama against Pakistan and killing your own people for it. A major witness of safroon terrorist "Hemant Karkare" was assassinated in that drama so india should be ashamed for protecting terrorists. We feel sorry for poor souls who lost their lives to evil propaganda games of a warmonger country.
well why did pakistan attacked in 1947 (afridi raiders) 1965 (oparation gibralter) Kargil (1999) your too smart arent you sir :azn:

but still for your information according to indian thinking pakistan never looses an opportunity to attack india when ever it has a new ground braking technlogy or has attacked india and chances are it will do that again if it ever gets a chance again and thats the main reason for all owr mordanizing programs ... Thank You :cheers:

so killing of 200+ unarmed civillians in hotels and train stations looks like a drama to you no wonder why terrorists in pakistan get it so easy to kill civillians and do jail breaks and get away scott free ... sorry but i pity such thinking you shouldfeel some shame sir

A very good post. Just one problem. All wars you have mentioned were fought in Kashmir and as far as I remember Kashmir is not an integral part of India. Both India and Pakistan accept that.

However India did attack Pakistan on more than one ocassions. 1965 Lahore and 1971 in East Pakistan.
Your country blames anything on Pakistan and we should be ashamed of it? You should be ashamed of staging a drama against Pakistan and killing your own people for it. A major witness of safroon terrorist "Hemant Karkare" was assassinated in that drama so india should be ashamed for protecting terrorists. We feel sorry for poor souls who lost their lives to evil propaganda games of a warmonger country.
well this thread is going of topic sir

well who traines mujhaideens for fight against USSR and talibannised pakistani culture

why are all the terrosist find easy refuge in pakistan

well as for hemant karkare wasnt he attacked in killed by terrorist in a gun battle + why are you forgettingwhat tassawur rana & dawood gillanni/richard hedley said in court about ISI andpakistans involvement in US court (cherry picking is not good)

sir mumabi was orcestrated by pakistan based terror groups with training from rouge ISI agents and even you own govt , CIA , wikileaks and many indepenednt institutions have established that fact dont hide behind conspiracy theories it aint gonna do you any better

well this thread is going of topic sir

well who traines mujhaideens for fight against USSR and talibannised pakistani culture

why are all the terrosist find easy refuge in pakistan

well as for hemant karkare wasnt he attacked in killed by terrorist in a gun battle + why are you forgettingwhat tassawur rana & dawood gillanni/richard hedley said in court about ISI andpakistans involvement in US court (cherry picking is not good)

sir mumabi was orcestrated by pakistan based terror groups with training from rouge ISI agents and even you own govt , CIA , wikileaks and many indepenednt institutions have established that fact dont hide behind conspiracy theories it aint gonna do you any better

None of the above you mentioned is anyway related to why India will go two frond WAR. Anyway its going off topic so leave it.

On Topic why would you think MKI is two frond WAR ace? Its Indian version of Russian flanker for Air Superiority. Is there any comparison between MKI and Chinese fleet of flankers?
A very good post. Just one problem. All wars you have mentioned were fought in Kashmir and as far as I remember Kashmir is not an integral part of India. Both India and Pakistan accept that.

However India did attack Pakistan on more than one ocassions. 1965 Lahore and 1971 in East Pakistan.
well with deu respects sir but indi considers Kashmir as integral part of India and US , france , britain, israel,Russia and many arab nations also support indian point of view and UNSC resolution is not validafter your PM signed the shimla agreement care to take that into account sir and india will never give up its claim no matter what pakistan wants cause pakistan is in no position to dictate its terms on india as it tried in past with full US support (which it dosent has now).... and thats pricieslly why it keeps doing misadvantures and get batterred all the while and has lost world sympathy for there cause now ... :)

None of the above you mentioned is anyway related to why India will go two frond WAR. Anyway its going off topic so leave it.

On Topic why would you think MKI is two frond WAR ace? Its Indian version of Russian flanker for Air Superiority. Is there any comparison between MKI and Chinese fleet of flankers?
well indian version is considered the best flanker variant for its russian engine 3D TVC , OLS ,radar , french and israeli EW suites , avionicks and indian softwares while chinese one is getting better but still not at par with what india has in terms of load carrying capcity and range + wepons pakage and soon it will have MKI get the new and better engines +ASEA radra and new gen EW suits and wepons package and we have over 10 matured it according to owr 2FW doctroine .. Thanks you :)
1999 was 15 years ago. Times have changed. 8-) Pakistan is no longer under sanction.

But India has added numbers of Sukhois into her inventore as well as few Mig 29 and jags and upgraded almost all the AC subsequent to 1999
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well with deu respects sir but indi considers Kashmir as integral part of India and US , france , britain, israel,Russia and many arab nations also support indian point of view and UNSC resolution is not validafter your PM signed the shimla agreement care to take that into account sir and india will never give up its claim no matter what pakistan wants cause pakistan is in no position to dictate its terms on india as it tried in past with full US support (which it dosent has now).... and thats pricieslly why it keeps doing misadvantures and get batterred all the while and has lost world sympathy for there cause now ... :)

well indian version is considered the best flanker variant for its russian engine 3D TVC , OLS ,radar , french and israeli EW suites , avionicks and indian softwares while chinese one is getting better but still not at par with what india has in terms of load carrying capcity and range + wepons pakage and soon it will have MKI get the new and better engines +ASEA radra and new gen EW suits and wepons package and we have over 10 matured it according to owr 2FW doctroine .. Thanks you :)

It does not matter what India thinks and even after shimla agreement UN resolutions do not change. Shimla agreement does not say UN resolutions have become null and void. It only says both nations shall solve their disputes bilaterally.
Mate, i want to remember you our primary concern was Bahoz and he has been dealt with.

Maybe that was due to your resignation and by the threat of mass immigration of Turkish posters, webby has felt the pressure, i don't know.

And i also don't know what had been gone through between you and webby.

At that place, you won't find reasonable guys to discuss or have military knowledge. You won't be satisfied in a forum that works like news agency. You post a thread and no replies.

Anyways decision is yours but i wish you to not turn this into personal conflict and come back in asap.

i see. I asked webby to remove my tt title too as nowadays i'll be pretty busy. I have nothing personal on them. I was upset on insults to military, bahoz and cut on our powers thats all. Anyways it's all over. I'll see you guys after the uni entrance exams
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