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The Stealth In India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

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i guess some one is burning because of india's development...
The last time I check, PAKFA is a Russian plane. But I guess India like to brag about Russian achievements. Y not brag about American achievements, there would be more for you to brag about :usflag:

PAKFA is a Russian achievement and we will have a few in IAF. However, a program that is a joint venture between India and Russia has not caught your attention.

ya....,someone is burning & someone already gone mad !!!!!:rofl:

Check my post i said 'FGFA' not PAKFA and FGFA will have indian inputs.

Btw, we were talking about capability not the origin of the fighters... Dont Derail.
I Think Pakistan has got Technology from Mars that it Would Defend 5th Gen fighters using "Ballistic Missiles" !!!

I Now Know why Pakistan Never Got a SAM system !!

We are simply talking about a Future Aircraft of IAF lets stick to it.

Dont Troll if u cant Contribute something Useful.

jeexz i do think all can reach your foward air bases dont you? :disagree:

Yes they can.. But what could they do in kargil?

Besides, Its not any 'Advantage' as India might do the same. The moment a missile hits IAF base how long can 50 F16s survive.. As compared to 400+ indian 4/5 gen fighters in a similar attack?

Remember.. When u point a finger towards India .. 4 fingers are Pointing at u as well.

Mate,In Reality.. u need SAMs.. With capability to intercept 5th gen fighters...

Nukes n Ballistic Missiles are not Universal Medicines for all ailments.

In a real war.. The IAF Fighters with AWACS would be Airborne as soon as even a slight threat emerges.
stealt aint that potent when you got fc 20 with IRST it can easily track heat signatures lock on fire... kragil ? lol of course blastic missel would not be used but babur and raad are game changers .... lol... yes they would be air bourn it is expected of that not IN tho
Mate wont FGFA with AESA lock on before FC20 ??
I think India should focus on a 6th generation aircraft. Because given the track record of India, when this plane is ready in 30 years, we will be focusing on the 6th generation airplane.

you cant jump generations just like that. we are still developing the technology to make gen 5 planes.
yeh if you have a BVR capeabel misselthen yes but all you need to do is break the lock on remember it is the man behined the mechine not the weapons ,,,but EW SUITS COUNTER JAMMERS add up which gives IAF a edge but with us its all training
When officially there is no talk about AMCA and govt not yet sanctioned the project how Shiv Aroor managed to get those info?!!! Its not good for the project.

If these are official infos, who knows?

However, it is just as I expected, just another 5. gen fighter and too similar to FGFA, so where is the need?

Steath - FGFA / AMCA
twin engine - FGFA / AMCA
AESA radar - FGFA / AMCA
Internal weapon bays for A2A and A2G - FGFA / AMCA
SC - FGFA / most likely AMCA
TVC - FGFA / most likely AMCA

The only difference is FGFA is heavy class, AMCA medium class, it's like buying EF and Su 30s for the same air superiority roles.
It would be much better to concentrate on a stealth UCAV like Aura and induct it and FGFA in numbers. FGFA for air superiority, Aura for strikes, besides workhorses like LCA, MMRCA and MKI. A much more useful, cost-effective and capable fleet, than just adding another 5. gen fighter development without a real need for it.
Not to mention that AMCA as well as Aura will remain a dream, if we follow the same route as we did at LCA, by overestimating our capabilities.

Yaar had ho gai...

When JF17 compared to mki.... Miraculous possibilities and the $15 million plane can take on and beat the MKI.. As discusssed here...

But When FGFA would take on FC20 .. Tab 'Man behind machine' ka funda.


btw... What do mean by 'if BVR capable' can a fifth gen fighter exist without it...... Even Indian Mig 21s fire Vympels !
You Got to worry more for the 250 FGFAs , which are certain to be fielded by India before China which is yet to test even a Fifth Gen Fighter.

Looking at India's track record, you received your first MKIs in 2002.
By 2015 you will have 280 (assuming everything goes to plan and there are no delays/problems).

How long do you think it will take to induct 250 PAK-FA/FGFA - 2030???

By then I dare say 6th gen will be well into development.
No at a rate of 15 an year it will take 2035.

But where does the timeline of FGFA induction come into this discussion?

The No. I referred is the no we plan to induct. Where does the time frame come in?

Besides, Neither PAF nor PLAAF will get it before us... So its not a concern at all.

More over the bird we are about to induct is already flying.
By 2025-30 india will also start inducting MCA so u may count 30 fifth gen fighters perr year there on....

In total india will field 450+ fifth gen fighters by 2040.
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