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The Stealth In India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

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But where does the timeline of FGFA induction come into this discussion?

The No. I referred is the no we plan to induct. Where does the time frame come in?

Besides, Neither PAF nor PLAAF will get it before us... So its not a concern at all.

More over the bird we are about to induct is already flying.

Just responding to your previous statement which makes it sound like you will get these 250 FGFA overnight.

You Got to worry more for the 250 FGFAs , which are certain to be fielded by India before China which is yet to test even a Fifth Gen Fighter.

Why does PAF need to worry when you won't get 250 till 2035?

BTW, don't underestimate the Chinese either, just because they don't publicly display prototypes like the Russians, doesn't mean they're behind.

For example, the J-10 prototypes had their maiden flight in 1998, entered service in 2004, but photos of them didn't appear until 2007 :woot:!
Expect the same type of secrecy with J-XX.
I was replying to faithfulgy where he questioned the 'origin' of PAKFA.. To which i suggested that capability [ of 250 FGFA ] was more important rather origin.

J10 flew in 1998, U get in 2015.. 17 years from first flight.. Engines not ready.

JXX may fly around 2015... 3ou wont get one by 2030...

So india fielding atleast 100 FGFA/MCA/PAKFA by that time...backed by MKI with AESA and MMRCA.... IS A BIG WORRY... ISNT IT ??


India Aerospace Industry has started To Progress a lot, We have Made way for private Sector to join In, Many Private Sector Have Now themselves Moved into Aerospace like Mahindra and TATA Now setting up plants to make Aircarfts and Helicopters....

So when India is Going ahead with such program, India has All It wants to Make It a Grand Success....

Criticisms, Almost all the Indian Products have Passed through Criticisms, Why would this be any Exceptional?? Lets welcome Those and Move ahead...
PAKFA is a Russian achievement and we will have a few in IAF. However, a program that is a joint venture between India and Russia has not caught your attention.


The Russian/India joint venture consist of Russia provided all the development and India bank roll some expenses toward the end. India's contribution in term of technology development consist of providing some specs on what India would want for a 2 seater. That is pretty much it. So its more of a OEM purchase than a so call joint venture. Without India, Russia can still develop the plane by itself. Without Russia, India can never come close to PAKFA. Well, it can come up with a model like MCA.:rofl:

Check my post i said 'FGFA' not PAKFA and FGFA will have indian inputs.

Btw, we were talking about capability not the origin of the fighters... Dont Derail.

As I said, Indian input is the spec. but no actual design.

Check my post i said 'FGFA' not PAKFA and FGFA will have indian inputs.

Btw, we were talking about capability not the origin of the fighters... Dont Derail.

The title make it as if India develop the plane by itself or has a major contribution to the technology. Which is totally untrue. If its a Russia plane, a better title would be India purchase of advance Russian plane. Otherwise, it would look silly and misleading.
you cant jump generations just like that. we are still developing the technology to make gen 5 planes.

I would suggest India to develop technology instead of trying to come up with something useful sooon. India aerospace technology is way behind that of others that it should focus on bridging the gap in technology.
I would suggest India to develop technology instead of trying to come up with something useful sooon. India aerospace technology is way behind that of others that it should focus on bridging the gap in technology.

See there is a saying, never Interrupt Your enemy if he is Doing something Foolish , If You See that In us, Please do not Interrupt.. Or Is it Something regarding Burns:flame:??
I was replying to faithfulgy where he questioned the 'origin' of PAKFA.. To which i suggested that capability [ of 250 FGFA ] was more important rather origin.

J10 flew in 1998, U get in 2015.. 17 years from first flight.. Engines not ready.

JXX may fly around 2015... 3ou wont get one by 2030...

So india fielding atleast 100 FGFA/MCA/PAKFA by that time...backed by MKI with AESA and MMRCA.... IS A BIG WORRY... ISNT IT ??

Engines are ready.
It is J-10B variant that PAF is getting - first flight late 2008, so not 17 years but more like 7 years:yahoo:.


The tail fins on these designs look kind of odd.

They are swept back and are more like 4th Gen tail fins as opposed to the trapezium-shaped tail fins that you find in other 5 gen designs.

Don't know how this might affect stealth, but worth pointing out none-the-less.
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well dont make stupid threads only stealth fighter jet india gets pakfa india itself dont have tech to produce such a jet on its own they are struggling with a simple LCA day dreams are bad indian friends
well dont make stupid threads only stealth fighter jet india gets pakfa india itself dont have tech to produce such a jet on its own they are struggling with a simple LCA day dreams are bad indian friends

Thats not a Problem, There is No harm in giving it a try rather sitting at home and thinking we dont have the capability, You can Only Come into a conclusion when you are seriously Into it.... Our Scientists are Into it , Let them Study and Make Progress, our govt is Supporting them not Any 3rd person...
Thats not a Problem, There is No harm in giving it a try rather sitting at home and thinking we dont have the capability, You can Only Come into a conclusion when you are seriously Into it.... Our Scientists are Into it , Let them Study and Make Progress, our govt is Supporting them not Any 3rd person...

Its commendable to try something and there is no harm in trying. Anyone should learn how to walk before flying. First of all, the title of this thread is misleading in letting others believe that India is acquiring the technology. I'm certain that as of now, Russia has not reveal the stealth technology to India. India need try to get LCA to fly reliably first and stop killing its pilots with Mig 21s before talking about the next step.
we r luking at indution by 2025 that mean it wud be ready for testing phase by 2020 just after the induction of fgfa !!!

gud going India ....best of luck HAL !!!
Its commendable to try something and there is no harm in trying. Anyone should learn how to walk before flying. First of all, the title of this thread is misleading in letting others believe that India is acquiring the technology. I'm certain that as of now, Russia has not reveal the stealth technology to India. India need try to get LCA to fly reliably first and stop killing its pilots with Mig 21s before talking about the next step.

And you do not want to lose any chance to correct Indians.
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