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The Stealth In India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

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Yaar had ho gai...

When JF17 compared to mki.... Miraculous possibilities and the $15 million plane can take on and beat the MKI.. As discusssed here...

But When FGFA would take on FC20 .. Tab 'Man behind machine' ka funda.


btw... What do mean by 'if BVR capable' can a fifth gen fighter exist without it...... Even Indian Mig 21s fire Vympels !

honestely the BVR thing i dont even know why i said that ....lol..... but fc 20 vs fgfa is preety hard but at that time with the right EW SUIT and pilot training you can survive ... plus in other threads i seen su 30 beating f22 and f 35 in alot of aspects ..... jf 17 block 2 or 3 will be enought to keep su 30 at bay
The title make it as if India develop the plane by itself or has a major contribution to the technology. Which is totally untrue. If its a Russia plane, a better title would be India purchase of advance Russian plane. Otherwise, it would look silly and misleading.

I think u are blinded by the hatred or you are overzealous to do mockery... do u even fathom that the thread is talking about a different aircraft from FGFA/PAKFA?? read the title once again if u still can... it's about Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft not FGFA.. comprende???
The Russian/India joint venture consist of Russia provided all the development and India bank roll some expenses toward the end. India's contribution in term of technology development consist of providing some specs on what India would want for a 2 seater. That is pretty much it. So its more of a OEM purchase than a so call joint venture. Without India, Russia can still develop the plane by itself. Without Russia, India can never come close to PAKFA. Well, it can come up with a model like MCA.:rofl:

Agreed, India cannot develop stealth without Russia. However, the end result is we learn and this is great project to learn.

From a serious discussion you start to mock and your post gets cheaper. Anyway, Indian involvement may just be namesake but remember that Russian and Indian collaboration goes a long way and being a joint project, the levels of technical collaboration cannot be underestimated. Just remember the BrahMos project for example.

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this will be a good learning experience

On the topic of getting inspired by JF17 xyz block n , we have had twin engine mig 29 for past 3 decades and even hal Marut is twin engine.

so we need not get inspiration for a delta or swept wing + horizontal stabilizer con-fig from jf17. we have had around 600 examples of jf17 father Mig 21. so we are not taking an inch of inspiration from your fighter :azn:

Having said that. Even if India fails to develop this on time, India has to take on this project.

It took 2 Million years for humans to make the first flight. we are flying for just over 100 years , so there are still lot to learn. One should not think we have understood every thing in flying. there are so many new things waiting for us. for that one have to do RnD even if others have already done that.

do you guys think UAV will take care of entire combat in future... no way.. even today cuise missile is a UAV with limited AI , has it replaced fighters completely in afganistan or irAQ . both will co exist for ever. uav will be the cheapest option but A/C will be there forever in some form or another .
..... jf 17 block 2 or 3 will be enough to keep su 30 at bay

by the time JF17 block 3 , 5 ,5,6 comes for service, su30 Mki will not be same as what it is today .

Dont you realize IAF is upgrading Su30 Mki now. and do you honestly belive that su30 will be same even after 10 years as it is now . if so you are mistaking yourself.

and one more thing. we got lot of $$$ to spend to be always ahead of race.
honestely the BVR thing i dont even know why i said that ....lol..... but fc 20 vs fgfa is preety hard but at that time with the right EW SUIT and pilot training you can survive ... plus in other threads i seen su 30 beating f22 and f 35 in alot of aspects ..... jf 17 block 2 or 3 will be enought to keep su 30 at bay
As if Su30MKI is hibernating for next ten years in North pole............
by the time JF17 block 3 , 5 ,5,6 comes for service, su30 Mki will not be same as what it is today .

Dont you realize IAF is upgrading Su30 Mki now. and do you honestly belive that su30 will be same even after 10 years as it is now . if so you are mistaking yourself.

and one more thing. we got lot of $$$ to spend to be always ahead of rac
Oh he expects something like that......
well dont make stupid threads only stealth fighter jet india gets pakfa india itself dont have tech to produce such a jet on its own they are struggling with a simple LCA day dreams are bad indian friends

Thats a jackass statement...and you know it ...

The main purpose of MCA is -->

1) Consolidate Aircraft Building knowledge -- which is very easy to loose. We made that mistake once with regards to HF-Marut and now we are paying price.
2) Building a potent platform with support from Armed forces. For LCA we faced a lot of problems because Airforce wasnt taking active responsibility for the project. That has changed since for the past one year , AirForce project management team has taken up the decision making similar to IN. It makes a lot of difference once you have Armed forces on Board - for one they themselves become aware what are the actual problems.
3) Advancing the Local industry. - You might be hearing reports that Business Houses are taking a active look at Defence industry. This project will help. If the big money of Business Houses come to into play then we are looking at some world class defence industry.
4) Nothing to with defence -- My uncle said this to me once " If you want to learn swiming ,Jump into the water , you will learn jumping " ..MCA will be a big challenge , but it doesnt mean that we shouldnt take up the project just out of fear. Fortunately India can afford this project...no need for you to worry about the success or failure.

The title make it as if India develop the plane by itself or has a major contribution to the technology. Which is totally untrue. If its a Russia plane, a better title would be India purchase of advance Russian plane. Otherwise, it would look silly and misleading.

lol dude china developed j-10 with almost every tech from Russia or Israel but that still a chinese fighter! same goes for gripen.

you even don't know the difference between FGFA and AMCA. Learn something first before posting. :)

As I said, Indian input is the spec. but no actual design.

So what to do buy some US fighter? :lol:
Its commendable to try something and there is no harm in trying. Anyone should learn how to walk before flying. First of all, the title of this thread is misleading in letting others believe that India is acquiring the technology. I'm certain that as of now, Russia has not reveal the stealth technology to India. India need try to get LCA to fly reliably first and stop killing its pilots with Mig 21s before talking about the next step.

We know what we are Doing, Its the eyes Of the World which is to be blamed, they see India very narrowly, Get Your Mind Broadened And View through Your Opened Eyes....

Capability is Not only delivered , It can Also be innovated.... And No One came to this world by Knowing everything.... And India is Looking forward to a Systematic progress, Which might get criticisms as usual, but thats Just Not Enough to Stop us
I think u are blinded by the hatred or you are overzealous to do mockery... do u even fathom that the thread is talking about a different aircraft from FGFA/PAKFA?? read the title once again if u still can... it's about Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft not FGFA.. comprende???

If this is about model airplanes, then I was confused of how it appears in a defense forum.
lol dude china developed j-10 with almost every tech from Russia or Israel but that still a chinese fighter! same goes for gripen.

you even don't know the difference between FGFA and AMCA. Learn something first before posting. :)

So what to do buy some US fighter? :lol:

AMCA is just a concept right now, as I understand. What I posted earlier is that India should focus on technology instead of developing airplanes. But even before that, it should focus on building up the infrastructure of India.

I would suggest that India join the US camp and allow US to protect India. :usflag:
If this is about model airplanes, then I was confused of how it appears in a defense forum.

we never Knew that Most advanced Worlds Would Make Aircrafts without prior Modelling... I am sorry, India is just a Beginner, We model it first and then test it in wind tunnel and Then If It Fulfills all the Criteria in a satisfactory way,then start Production....
I would suggest that India join the US camp and allow US to protect India. :usflag:

Dude India dnt need any one for protection .... Its a matter of time wiht in 5-7 years no one can thread India ..
AMCA is just a concept right now, as I understand. What I posted earlier is that India should focus on technology instead of developing airplanes. But even before that, it should focus on building up the infrastructure of India.

I would suggest that India join the US camp and allow US to protect India. :usflag:

Honestly, I think the US should just give all their weapons to India, since its obvious that your army are a bunch of pussies.

Yeah I just went there.
Dude India dnt need any one for protection .... Its a matter of time wiht in 5-7 years no one can thread India ..

In 5-7 years, India will ask for protection.

---------- Post added at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 AM ----------

Honestly, I think the US should just give all their weapons to India, since its obvious that your army are a bunch of pussies.

Yeah I just went there.

Some commanders, such as BHO, are a bunch of pussies, but the army itself is strong.
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