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The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

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wait wtf is this?
this war is a scenerio? or is really happened?
title says 2-13-1015

In the early months of 2013 PLA started to move large no. of divisions into Tibet plateau using the train route and roads close to border with India, Su – 30 MKK and J-11 and J-10 were deployed Tibet With bombers stationed in Chengdu.
India responded with similar actions. Large no of troops deployed on border.
On last week of April Chinese launched the massive cruise and ballistic missile strike on Border strong hold of Indian army and all around North Indian and North Eastern Air Bases.
Within minutes missiles were picked up by radars on Indian side and similar strikes were launched by Indian Military on Tibetan Plateau bases of PLA and border concentration of PLA Military bases within reach of Brahmos, Prithvi and Agni with conventional warheads. All the Air Assets on both Indian and Chinese side were airborne and started to patrol their own area under heavy air defense cover.
Most of the supply lines on both sides were cut with cruise missile taking both road and train routes.
Large no. of Chinese troops started to invade northern sector (Ladakh) and Eastern sector (Arunachal). PLA troops got close to Indian defenses on border within hours.
The invading PLA was with light arms supported by artillery but they were easy target for bunkered Indian troops sitting on strategic heights on Himalayan border In India. PLA rocket artillery concentrated on these bunkers but no significant Results were gained. PLA stuck within Indian border with ever stretching supply lines.
In air both Air forces were thinking to take on enemy on their heavy Air Defenses networks but. IAF remained inside border only cruise missiles and prithvi were doing the job for military.
PLAAF’s jets finally to support their ground troops in Indian side took the risk. Large number of J-10 with full AoA load and Su-30 MKK with strike package with J-11 crossed the border.
It was a massacre for PLAAF in dense Indian Air Defense with full integration of AWACS, S-300 batteries and Su-30 MKI with Mig -29.

Now stuck Chinese started to push Pakistan into war on western front with India. USA and other
World powers warned Pakistan against going into this. Small skirmishes reported on border with India but with no major escalations. USA deployed 2 CBGs near north Arabian Sea warning Pakistan against any misadventure.

Finally PLA withdraw inside Tibetan border taking massive causalities both on ground and air.

The Basis of this wet dream are baseless.
On last week of April Chinese launched the massive cruise and ballistic missile strike on Border strong hold of Indian army and all around North Indian and North Eastern Air Bases.

Why will china launch only such a impotent attack?
If China will Attack they will be far more clever.

If India Pakistan war was not bad enough or M.A.D enough some indian members of the forum use it cook up a scenario where India end up with 2X M.A.D

The Basis of this wet dream are baseless.

Why will china launch only such a impotent attack?
If China will Attack they will be far more clever.

If India Pakistan war was not bad enough or M.A.D enough some indian members of the forum use it cook up a scenario where India end up with 2X M.A.D
the attack of cruise missiles can take out the bases that are fully marked on both of sides like ... Roads, Rail Tracks, Bases of Both Army and Air Forces

but taking defenses on border that are spread around Himalayan terrain with both side having a million troops is next to impossible...
This is one lame thread. China has zero need nor interest in Indian territory. It can get everything it needs from Africa and Australia using soft power and huge currency reserves. Tibet is a Chinese buffer zone for a reason. India should build high speed rail and power plants before war machines.
This is one lame thread. China has zero need nor interest in Indian territory. It can get everything it needs from Africa and Australia using soft power and huge currency reserves. Tibet is a Chinese buffer zone for a reason. India should build high speed rail and power plants before war machines.
wat abt chinese claim of arunachal??? and military support of pakistan ???
@last hope: aaargh... How many times have you guys been told not to use the word 'bharti'. Btw check the whole thread, not a single indian has sided with tumba, we all have critisised it.

I dont know, the word is formaly used in our language, but thats nt the topic.
f someone is trolling, you have to ignore him.
This is one lame thread. China has zero need nor interest in Indian territory. It can get everything it needs from Africa and Australia using soft power and huge currency reserves. Tibet is a Chinese buffer zone for a reason. India should build high speed rail and power plants before war machines.

i agree to this china has soft power to avert large scale confrotation with anyone
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