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The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

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Does India think it lost 1962 because of "Chinese backstabbing"?

If the answer is "yes"....... then we will go to war again!

Does India think China will not defend Tibet if India makes another grab for it?

If the answer is "yes"....... then we will go to war again!

So let's not delude ourselves (as Indians love to do). Another war is inevitable because India wants to be an empire. It wants to be #1 in Asia by fighting China with US weapons and support.
There wont be another war coz...................................

India lacks gumption

January 04, 2011 7:29:12 AM


New Delhi’s willing-to-wound-afraid-to-strike attitude towards Beijing doesn't suggest a robust candidate for the world's high table

A recent lunch at one of our Raj Bhavans exposed an anomaly that might be more than ceremonial. When the Rajyapal ushered in the Dalai Lama, all of us dutifully stood up for Jana Mana Gana. Listening to the familiar strains, I wondered what the Tibetan national anthem which I expected to follow sounded like. But lo and behold! no Tibetan national anthem was played. India’s anthem over, we formed a line to be received by His Holiness.

This intriguing breach of protocol reflected a confusion that, one hopes, will be cleared in the New Year. It indicated an anomalous self-view and an inability to shape a realistic foreign policy to realise India’s national aims. The routine was especially curious because a senior official from New Delhi had told me earlier that the Dalai Lama enjoys the status of a visiting head of state. If so, his national anthem should have been played immediately after the host country’s. That norm is followed at national day celebrations in New Delhi and State capitals.

It is possible — though unlikely — that the Tibetan administration doesn’t have a national anthem. Or that though it has one, the Dalai Lama has decided that it need not be played when it should so that New Delhi isn’t embarrassed. But both seem unlikely since the Dalai Lama has a standard and flies it. In fact, the Dharamsala administration has all the trappings of statehood, and will soon even boast an elected Prime Minister. Watching the start of the process in Brussels some months ago, it occurred to me that while territorial Tibet might be a vassal of the People’s Republic of China, the exiled administration, with representatives in major world capitals, is acquiring all the trappings of a virtual state.

The staggered elections also reveal the extent to which even the diaspora is subject to diplomatic vicissitudes. The seizure of Tibetan ballot boxes in Nepal received extensive coverage; apparently, similar restrictive measures in Bhutan passed unnoticed. Since the actions in both countries are attributed to Chinese pressure rather than indigenous sentiment, Kathmandu and Thimphu cannot be blamed too much. Small landlocked countries like Nepal and Bhutan cannot logically be expected to defy a bigger neighbour without some assurance of alternative support. India alone could have offered countervailing reassurance, but obviously did not.

What does this say of External Affairs Ministry thinking? What does it portend for the future? The questions acquire additional relevance in the light of the controversy over the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the dissident Chinese writer, Mr Liu Xiaobo. The 19 countries that boycotted the Oslo ceremony are at par with the 23 countries that still recognise Taiwan as China. Both groups have decided that it pays them most to be on a particular side. But India on the cusp of change is not quite the Caribbean state of St Vincent and the Grenadines which has maintained unbroken diplomatic ties with Taiwan for 25 years. Nor is it Pakistan which boycotted the Oslo ceremony because it needs China to bolster the anti-India position that has become almost its only raison d’etre.

A country that prides itself on being the world’s largest democracy, which has formidable scientific and technological achievements to its credit and makes no secret (which is tactical foolishness) of its great power aspirations, need not succumb to pressure. Nor need it go out of its way to strike moral positions. India has shown realism over Myanmar and Palestine, setting aside previous positions based on idealism that offered no political dividend. But that adherence to the old adage about countries having permanent interests and not permanent friends will not in itself realise India’s goal unless vigorous steps are also immediately taken to address domestic abuses.

It did not need the WikiLeaks secret US State Department documents to tell us that the “police and security forces are overworked and hampered by bad police practices, including widespread use of torture in interrogations, rampant corruption, poor training, and a general inability to conduct solid forensic investigations”. Indeed, a Uttar Pradesh judge long ago denounced the State’s police force as the largest group of uniformed criminals in the country.

No wonder the American memorandum is so scathing. “India’s security forces also regularly cut corners to avoid working through India’s lagging justice system, which has approximately 13 judges per million people. Thus, Indian police officials often do not respond to our requests for information about attacks or about offers of support because they are covering up poor practices, rather than rejecting our help outright.” Surprisingly, there was no mention of ramshackle courtrooms, dilatory court officials, exploitative lawyers and — as is now emerging — venal judges even at the highest levels.

Police inefficiency and worse can be blamed on State Governments, but the Americans are equally sceptical about India’s armed forces, dismissing the so-called ‘Cold Start Doctrine’ — a rapid, short and limited reprisal attack against Pakistan — as a “mixture of myth and reality”. Ambassador Timothy Roemer does not think India’s armed forces would ever be able to carry out such an operation, and that it’s theoretical existence only gives psychological comfort to the authors in Delhi. “The value of the doctrine to the Government of India may lie more in the plan’s existence than in any real-world application.”

Mr Roemer’s reason for analysing India’s effectiveness or otherwise is to find reasons for the Government’s reluctance wholeheartedly to throw in its lot with American strategic measures. That is not of paramount interest to Indians. What matters far more to us is that a weak Army, Navy and Air Force, a corrupt and ineffective police and a dilatory and costly judiciary means that the ordinary Indian is without protection in his own country.

Add to that the diplomatic wobbling evident in promises that the Dalai Lama will not be allowed to indulge in politics and claims that he does not run a Government in exile. If New Delhi really doesn’t want the Tibetans, let it unambiguously say so and deport the lot. If the only reason for accommodating them is humanitarian, that, too, could be made explicit. But the willing-to-wound-afraid-to-strike attitude that the national anthem episode illustrated didn’t suggest a robust candidate for the world’s high table. It indicated a country that is afraid of its own shadow as it steps diffidently into 2011.
There wont be another war coz...................................

India lacks gumption
India's true nature is cowardly but it makes up by self-delusion.

As long as India believes it is a peer-competitor to China, war is inevitable because India will demand China to treat it as a true equal. If India and China were true equals, China will have to give into Indian demands on Southern Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) and J+K, as well as probably curtail military relationship with Pakistan.

However, China will not treat India as a true equal because India is just a third-world hole with a big mouth. India doesn't realize that it is just a third-world hole with a big mouth because it is self-delusional and has no grasp of reality. This is much exacerbated by Western flattery and arms sales.

So India responds to China's "unequal treatment" with hostility and ultimately it will try to demonstrate its "superpower" status with war. So the lesson of 1962 will be taught again 50 years later!

It is completely inevitable......... however, China should be careful because those foreign imported weapons in India's hands really do deal a lot of damage. It is fortunate that China's technology is as advanced as it is to be able to counter and defeat India's high-quality imports.
India's true nature is cowardly but it makes up by self-delusion.

As long as India believes it is a peer-competitor to China, war is inevitable because India will demand China to treat it as a true equal. If India and China were true equals, China will have to give into Indian demands on Southern Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) and J+K, as well as probably curtail military relationship with Pakistan.

However, China will not treat India as a true equal because India is just a third-world hole with a big mouth. India doesn't realize that it is just a third-world hole with a big mouth because it is self-delusional and has no grasp of reality. This is much exacerbated by Western flattery and arms sales.

So India responds to China's "unequal treatment" with hostility and ultimately it will try to demonstrate its "superpower" status with war. So the lesson of 1962 will be taught again 50 years later!

It is completely inevitable......... however, China should be careful because those foreign imported weapons in India's hands really do deal a lot of damage. It is fortunate that China's technology is as advanced as it is to be able to counter and defeat India's high-quality imports.

Why are you so against Indians?Did any Indian bully u at school?
^ Did you not read the article? The article explains why India is a clear and present danger to China.
^^ because we are third world hole we are a clear and present threat to China? haha biggest BS i have ever heard. You should think thrice before even attempting any war with India. Do not think you will get the whole world'd support if you attack India( we indian have no intention of attacking first). Calm down you loser and stop posting BS articles of your so called "delusion" influenced articles that dreams beating India will be a breeze. Get a life, respcet your neighbors because we respect China (at least I do), and think about how you can help the world rather than posting hate articles against India. Mods please delete this thread.
love to see the chinese insecurity on this forum.. they really fear India as it is rising ...:smitten:
Get a life, respcet your neighbors because we respect China (at least I do), and think about how you can help the world rather than posting hate articles against India.
You are not a typical Indian. I guess you are not in India or spent time outside of India. So you know that India really is a third world hole, nothing like the Indian media describes.

But the 1+ billion Indians living in India are bombarded every day with propaganda claiming:

(1) They are a rising superpower and almost on par with China.

(2) China is much weaker than it says it is. There is a lot of Chinese boasting.

(3) With the help of the West (like arms sales), India is actually much stronger than China.

(4) The Chinese do not see India as a true equal. It continues to claim arunachal pradesh, mess around with Kashmir and ally with Pakistan.

(5) A rising, powerful India must not accept Chinese arrogance. India must teach China a lesson with another "forward policy" (so much for India is never the aggressor)!

India has deluded itself into a corner. There is no choice now except another forward policy. Then we will see just how great a superpower India really is compared to China.
You are not a typical Indian. I guess you are not in India or spent time outside of India. So you know that India really is a third world hole, nothing like the Indian media describes.

But the 1+ billion Indians living in India are bombarded every day with propaganda claiming:

(1) They are a rising superpower and almost on par with China.

(2) China is much weaker than it says it is. There is a lot of Chinese boasting.

(3) With the help of the West (like arms sales), India is actually much stronger than China.

(4) The Chinese do not see India as a true equal. It continues to claim arunachal pradesh, mess around with Kashmir and ally with Pakistan.

(5) A rising, powerful India must not accept Chinese arrogance. India must teach China a lesson with another "forward policy" (so much for India is never the aggressor)!

India has deluded itself into a corner. There is no choice now except another forward policy. Then we will see just how great a superpower India really is compared to China.

IF you dont mind me asking where have you got these delusions from ? have you ever been to india?

look kid its one thing to have a fantsy but another to sprout pureBS every time you type a sentence . go eat your food and go to sleep , tomorrow is a school day and you should not be late.:devil:

on a more serious note if you ever come to india you will realise india actually like chinese people and what they have done for their country. i love your diciplin and the fact you guys have the drive to be the largest economy . we emulate you guys in many ways . so really get your facts straight then talk .:cool:
India's true nature is cowardly but it makes up by self-delusion.

As long as India believes it is a peer-competitor to China, war is inevitable because India will demand China to treat it as a true equal. If India and China were true equals, China will have to give into Indian demands on Southern Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) and J+K, as well as probably curtail military relationship with Pakistan.

However, China will not treat India as a true equal because India is just a third-world hole with a big mouth. India doesn't realize that it is just a third-world hole with a big mouth because it is self-delusional and has no grasp of reality. This is much exacerbated by Western flattery and arms sales.

So India responds to China's "unequal treatment" with hostility and ultimately it will try to demonstrate its "superpower" status with war. So the lesson of 1962 will be taught again 50 years later!

It is completely inevitable......... however, China should be careful because those foreign imported weapons in India's hands really do deal a lot of damage. It is fortunate that China's technology is as advanced as it is to be able to counter and defeat India's high-quality imports.
China is nowhere near the levels you claim to make such silly statements. If you think that you're gonna have a cakewalk with a 1.5 M strong army, I can asssure you there's no way on eatrh you're gonna win the war on our soil- we'll kick the c**p out of you. We aren't keen on going to war coz it's just not worth it.

You wanna know if India's true nature is 'cowardly'? Go back to WW2 and check who kicked the c**p out of the japanese and who was at the recieving end. That makes your 1962 victory look like a joke doesn't it?
You wanna know if India's true nature is 'cowardly'? Go back to WW2 and check who kicked the c**p out of the japanese and who was at the recieving end. That makes your 1962 victory look like a joke doesn't it?

You cannot claim them as Indian victory because the British hired exclusively from martial races and gorkha jawans!
You cannot claim them as Indian victory because the British hired exclusively from martial races and gorkha jawans!

Fascinating. War/conflicts? Mobilized troop counts, casualties, Japanese strategic goals in India? How many encounters?
You cannot claim them as Indian victory because the British hired exclusively from martial races and gorkha jawans!
I know, the Sikhs, The Rajputs, The Maratha, The Madras Sappers (230 Yr old now) and Bengal (pretty much covers north, east, south & west) who've been walking all over your army and stomping them in every battle don't fight. That's why the british never 'hired' them-- they just formed hundred + year old regiments for fun.

Your ignorant rantings are perpetual.
(1) They are a rising superpower and almost on par with China.

(2) China is much weaker than it says it is. There is a lot of Chinese boasting.

Believe it or not as per the outside world like US.. there are two products.. one is quality product(japan, korea, thailand etc) other is chinese product (Not quality)..

China is weak.. If it is very strong.. it would have taken arunachal from us long back..
china is strong but so is India. if war breaks out, china will not face an unexperienced army as they faced in 1962 but a experienced army which has lot experience of mountain warfare and has nuclear weapons, strategic bombers and nuclear missiles.US will place embargo on china. Indian army will defeat pla.Indian navy will sink Chinese cargo ships in Indian oceans and will also destroy ships which supply millions of gallons fuel to china . this will be a huge blow to Chinese economy.PLAN cant challenge Indian navy in bay of Bengal or arebian sea coz its not blue water navy nor it has aircraft carrier. so its better for china to not fight with India.
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