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The S-400 Missile deal will make Pakistan's Nuclear Ballistic Missiles obsolete

Now back to the thread, with S-400 acquisition we just earn a strategical leverage vis-a-vis India, we can checkmate your capital city which the core of Indian decision maker are located unless you tell your leaders not to take the airplane, India can dispatch as much as mountain division you like, Brahmos, Apache....what ever you like at our border but when your capital is within our SAM unit India will become irrelevant as adversary for China.

It seems that boasting has become chinese national trait. We saw your capabilities in Doklam. How you backtracked efter 5 warning everyday. Paper Dragon fire only in media and not in conflict Zone. Do any mischief if you want to be humiliated once again.
It seems that boasting has become chinese national trait. We saw your capabilities in Doklam. How you backtracked efter 5 warning everyday. Paper Dragon fire only in media and not in conflict Zone. Do any mischief if you want to be humiliated once again.

Don't humiliate yourself further with Donglang, you guys left with empty handed and invite more Chinese troop at your borders that was the result, committing strategic stupidity is what Indians strategists are best at.
Don't humiliate yourself further with Donglang, you guys left with empty handed and invite more Chinese troop at your borders that was the result, committing strategic stupidity is what Indians strategists are best at.

Boasting once again to cover up humiliation in Doklam.
Boaring once again to cover up humiliation in Doklam.

Haha... nice try to hijack the thread, Donglang is a closed case and India have been kick out of that area while we're ruling that area, wait for Dongland 2.0 then tag me for debate. Now let talk S-400, by setting and declare ADIZ over New Delhi, your government will have to beg China permission for landing, we can target and lock Modi private Jet and set a total humiliation to India and you still can do nothing because we do thing at our border.:P
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Haha... nice try to hijack the thread, Donglang is a closed case and India have been kick out of that area while we're ruling that area, wait for Dongland 2.0 then tag me for debate. Now let talk S-400, by setting and declare ADIZ over New Delhi, your government will have to beg China permission for landing, we can target and lock Modi private Jet and set a total humiliation to India and you still can do nothing because we do thing at our border.:P

CHinese boys are rejected in PLA because they do a lots of masturbation. I see same here. Looser who ran away from Doklam are talking big mouth here.
At least they don't rape young girls/women.

Ohhhh is it? one out of four chinese has done rape and 1 out of 10 has done gang rape. There is a thread on PDF itself. You can search it before your usual cheer leading business.
So one out of 10 has gang rape is once in blue moon? From which great school did you study?
Comeon be realistic , admit that India is No 1 - country for this heinous crime (rape).Delhi is the rape capital of the world.The one who committed the crime are roaming freely on your Hindutva land.The one who are caught are killed to stop further advancement in the cases. Innocents all over the world from Hindustan to Kashmir are brutally raped and killedEven though your Army Jawans can't hold on to their d*** s and rape Kashmiri women.
Don't talk about China , you will need 200 years to catch up with their level.Living in slums and talking about China.
S 400 shall be accompanied by AAD, PDV combo . AD1 and AD2 shall also come by that time. LRSAM will become EXSAM and so on. Laser shall be operational by that time so as KALI 50000. Bloody We shall shoot down anything ranging from Drone to Satellite from our land. We shall have BMD ship as well by that time.


Can you please tell me the name of this bollywood movie?

Can you please tell me the name of this bollywood movie?

Bollywood movie is yet not been made. It will be made once we shoot down your missiles in your skies but overwhelming response of you guys on the thread says some other story.
Bollywood movie is yet not been made. It will be made once we shoot down your missiles in your skies but overwhelming response of you guys on the thread says some other story.

Very Nice... please tell me were you born with this or took some special course?
Comeon be realistic , admit that India is No 1 - country for this heinous crime (rape).Delhi is the rape capital of the world.The one who committed the crime are roaming freely on your Hindutva land.The one who are caught are killed to stop further advancement in the cases. Innocents all over the world from Hindustan to Kashmir are brutally raped and killedEven though your Army Jawans can't hold on to their d*** s and rape Kashmiri women.
Don't talk about China , you will need 200 years to catch up with their level.Living in slums and talking about China.

We have least number of rapes per capita in whole world. When such crime happens, we protest it and it becomes headline so everybody know that. In other countries, it is not a heinous crime so people do not protest it like we do. Do you know that one school principal in Pakistan madrasa school had rapped over 100 girls. it does not become head line in your country. That is the difference between us and others. Just a head line


When one girl was rapped and killed in delhi, we protested for one month. 12 girls are rapped and killed in just one of your city. What did you do? DO you guys even have the guts to protest and force your government make stringent laws. Your country do not even consider DNA test as conclusive evidence. You are just good for boasting and lying on PDF but you guys have no guts to make even laws to protect your women. So enjoy lying here. Its your wide spread illness. .

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