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The S-400 Missile deal will make Pakistan's Nuclear Ballistic Missiles obsolete

Missile v BMD

Put your money on the missile

Pakistan has been preparing for this for a long time, the path the indians have taken is the path they were expected to take.:coffee:

The biggest risk is not whether our missiles will penetrate their BMD to destroy india, but whether the delusions of the indians will increase the risk of war, for which we should be ready:sniper:
According to PDF S-400 will work for china but not for India.

S-400 is not the ultimate shield which can destroy all incoming projectiles but certainly can provide 50-60% cover. As @MULUBJA says it has to be complimented with other missiles as well. One advantage of having enemy nearby (and small land area) is that S400 can pick incoming ballistic missiles quickly if launched within its radar range.

S 400 has primary role against aircrafts which can not escape from it in any case. LRSAM is is even more effective but not as long range as S400. S 400 means curfew in enemy sky upto 400 km. AAD and PDV has primary role against IRBM while AD1 and Ad2 shall be against ICBMS. Meanwhile if get LASER or KALI as intended, it will make all missiles obsolete.

Missile v BMD

Put your money on the missile

Pakistan has been preparing for this for a long time, the path the indians have taken is the path they were expected to take.:coffee:

The biggest risk is not whether our missiles will penetrate their BMD to destroy india, but whether the delusions of the indians will increase the risk of war, for which we should be ready:sniper:

India is now in such a stage of military Preparedness that it does not matter whether you ar eprepared or not. Any nuclear mischief by your generals will cost you very heavily.
Missile v BMD

Put your money on the missile

Pakistan has been preparing for this for a long time, the path the indians have taken is the path they were expected to take.:coffee:

The biggest risk is not whether our missiles will penetrate their BMD to destroy india, but whether the delusions of the indians will increase the risk of war, for which we should be ready:sniper:
Russia's S-400 Is Way More Dangerous Than You Think

One use of the S-400 long-range missile is against stand-off systems including flying command posts and aircraft such as the E-3 Sentry AWACS. These aircraft, which are used by the US and its NATO allies with a squadron stationed in Japan at Kadena AFB and in the UAE at al-Dhafra, are vulnerable to S-400 interceptors and lose their stand-off range protection. We may be reaching the end of the AWACS capability, which were originally designed in the 1960s.

Saudi Arabia’s agreement to purchase the S-400 anti-aircraft Triumf anti-missile system from Russia is a major blow to the United States and its European allies.

If Pakistan launch long range missile at long angle to strike delhi it will go to such a height that warhead under free fall speed becomes too fast for s400 to intercept .for this we should develop icbm and slbm to respond this threat.it is not easy to intercept every missile otherwise u.s would have been attacked nkorea long ago
Ask your general if he is brave enough to launch nukes towards Delhi....
India will tear pakistan apart even if a single shell fell in Delhi...it's a capital so keep your imaginary nukes away from Delhi...
I can smell major kick backs , some general are gona get rich. Having said that Pakistan will find a way out. Also the system installment will take 5 years. I am sure Pakistan can figure out meanwhile how to deal with it. :dance3:

Wow... you sound like all though its a Rocket science!! There's no way except swarming attacks.. But the last swarming attack against S-400 in Russian base in Syria failed.. all though the incoming were low in Numbers
If Pakistan launch long range missile at long angle to strike delhi it will go to such a height that warhead under free fall speed becomes too fast for s400 to intercept .for this we should develop icbm and slbm to respond this threat.it is not easy to intercept every missile otherwise u.s would have been attacked nkorea long ago


Guys Please give him a Thump Up:enjoy:
S400 nai deyga Russia..begham hujao, pehlay toilet bana lo.S400 kider deta ha russia.China peta shri ne danda dia hua ha russia ko
s 400 should come with mobile toilets
s 400 should come with mobile toilets
And what about pads? S400 laingay.Hindustan walo pehlaay poverty ka kuch karo.. 80 percent log bohk se mar rhay hai tmaray.. ye lain gay s400.Use your brain Modi faggot!!
India is now in such a stage of military Preparedness that it does not matter whether you ar eprepared or not. Any nuclear mischief by your generals will cost you very heavily.

Right back at ya!!!!

We have been preparing to defend our nation whilst destroying yours for decades, we haven't been idle and our comprehensive strategy has been put in place to deal with india

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