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The Road That Binds Pakistan and China Together

Good job providing a bait to Bharati trolls and ruining otherwise a brilliant thread. Shabash.

Oh didn't realise that. It was meant to be a sarcastic comment and also it sad that China can run Pakistan better then our own leaders.

Comment deleted Your Highness.:D
Which section of KKH is this? because i do know there is a lot of work going on in Pakistan....

this bridge is at hussaini a little town in upper hunza end of attabad lake 2 years back these pillar were more then half in water


Can you get a package holiday for these places? What is the best time to go?

just get a little bit knowledge of gilgit baltistan and just go there people are awesome and helping you will love GB its truely amazing place
Can you get a package holiday for these places? What is the best time to go?

Best time to go is from May to August -Summer season

There are number of tour companies offering packages for group/single person basis. Many foreign expeditions acquire their services. You can go for Trekking, climbing or serious climbing on the 7000m ers and 8000m ers (but you better be a good, accustomed climber). Treks are available for up to the legendary K2 Base camp.......7-8 days trek out of Askole.

Here are some companies:
1-Concordia Expeditions Concordia Expeditions Pakistan | Facebook
2-Adventure Travel Pakistan Adventure Tours Pakistan | Facebook
3-Hunza Guides Hunza Guides Tours, Trekking & Expeditions - Karimabad, Northern Areas, Pakistan - Travel Agency | Facebook

They hire local people, arrange lodging, meals and porters for your trip. Best to go with friends/family

In my view, if you haven't seen the Karakorams then you haven't lived your life. They are rightly called, the throne room of mountain gods.
The REAL road that binds these two nations with different ethnicity, language, religion, dance, music, culture, traditions, food, political system, ideology, location, past, present and future together :)

The REAL road that binds these two nations with different ethnicity, language, religion, dance, music, culture, traditions, food, political system, ideology, location, past, present and future together :)


what is this now ?? is it karakoram Highway ? do you even know in pakistan part of karakoram highway there is too much diversity in just 800km , after every 100 km you will se different ethnic people different language different culture different religion different beliefs different music different traditions , have u seen the rich culture and beauty of heavenly Hunza Valley and Nagar valley ?? do you know from karakoram highway you experience might of 7000 meters high mountains like rakaposhi diran peak passu peaks and other countless mountains including 8000 meters high Nanga Parbat .
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what is this now ?? is it karakoram Highway ? do you even know in pakistan part of karakoram highway there is too much diversity in just 800km , after every 100 km you will se different ethnic people different language different culture different religion different beliefs different music different traditions , have u seen the rich culture and beauty of heavenly Hunza Valley and Nagar valley ?? do you know from karakoram highway you experience might of 7000 meters high mountains like rakaposhi diran peak passu peaks and other countless mountains including 8000 meters high Nanga Parbat .

Ignore the b@stard. He is just a bharati troll trying to show that it is his country that has actually makes Pakistan and China allies since they both consider his country to be a threat. Just show him a middle finger and don't answer his posts with such seriousness.
good to see attabad lake is not being drained its one of the most beautiful lakes in pakistan with beautiful scenry alternative route is under construction bridges and tunnels in upper hunza area , when i visited khunjrab in 2012 from sost to khunjrab there were alot of tunnels and huge concrete walls to stop landslides most of the work on kkh is completed final work is going on attabad lake section rest of kkh will be carpeted in another phase from raikot bridge to Besham ,
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