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The rise of American fanatics

There is no "Western" war on Islam. However, Muslims who have chosen to war against non-Muslims have brought down the deluge against themselves. Other Muslims, who, in choosing sides, have chosen to be with the warring Muslims then feel under attack. The solution is simple. Muslims, stop your war against non-Muslims and the "war" will stop.

Sir, why don't you guys try it first by not fcuking around with Muslim lands and countries and not support terrorists who kill Muslims by occupying Muslims land and kindly don't side with dictators who kill their own people.

Muslims have not killed as many non-Muslims compared to what non-Muslims have killed in shape of occupying and invading sovereign Muslim countries.

9/11 killed 3K people, and now after more then decade of war, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed directly or indirectly.

Instead of controlling terrorism and making the world a more safer place, today the world is more fragile and unsafe compared to the past.

Thanks to uncle Sam.
Are you for real or another pathetic troll.

The two world wars which killed more then 100M people was the work of Muslims ??

2nd world war alone killed more then 75M people & 1st one 35M, then you have the genocides of different nations, rape of belgium, the supposedly holocaust, gas chambers etc etc all the work of Muslims???

Korean war was due to Muslims ??

Vietnam war was due to Muslims ??

Afghan war was due to Muslims ??

Cold war was due to Muslims ??

The Serb war and genocide of Muslims was the Muslims work ??

Well since you support the war against fanatics, then you should also support the war on the other fanatics. I hope you do understand which fanatics i am talking about or may be your IQ is much lower then you think you have.

And the US officer coming with such comments means only one thing, the hate and fanaticism in the American mentality has reached a new peak.

I hope to see the day when an army officer from a Muslim country presents the same solutions for the Jewish terrorism on Muslim lands, and the Christian terrorism in the shape of US & Allied occupation of Muslim lands. Reaction from your side and then our comments in return would be worth watching.

And next time don't come up with such fcuking BS and this time i am giving you an infraction, next time, you will be out. We don't want low level IQed fanatic/terrorist Jews running on the forum spitting shiet like above.

First check your own history and then learn about Muslim history and then come on forums and discuss, don't show how ignorant you are.

Why don' you guys and your western brothers first do the same, setting us an example to follow.

You just Nailed it Brother !!
Well bilal, thing is Arab countries and pakistan by no chance, represent any threat to USA. At best nuisance, and believe me they take even that very seriously, rightfully so.

What is it that entire Arab+Iran+Pakistan has that would threaten US ??

and the thing is , first question to yourself should be why on earth US will even bother about, unnecessarily, meddle with these countries ? (unless US is poked of course ..)

Did Iraq poke US, for which US had to create lies, present infront of the UN security council, get itself a war sanctioned based on a lie, invade it, capture its oil, killed thousands and indirectly led to hundreds of thousands more killed.

No Muslim country posed any threat to US, but US made sure that situation so arises that it gets threaten by not Muslim countries but some people and their organizations, thus creating atmosphere for the US to invade Muslim countries.
The two world wars which killed more then 100M people was the work of Muslims ??

2nd world war alone killed more then 75M people & 1st one 35M, then you have the genocides of different nations, rape of belgium, the supposedly holocaust, gas chambers etc etc all the work of Muslims???

Korean war was due to Muslims ??

Vietnam war was due to Muslims ?......................

Wherever did I say they are due to Muslims? It seems you totally missed the point in my post. Please read the post again and try to grasp the point I was trying to make.

such fcuking BS

I see an emotional outburst here., which is not healthy in a debate. I hadn't expected this kind of language from a senior mod.... Anyways.

Well since you support the war against fanatics, then you should also support the war on the other fanatics............

Fanatics on side A gives rise to fanatics in side B until they clash which leads to insurgency and conflict. I hope you know who is in side A and who is in B? And who is the problematic side?

I hope to see the day when an army officer from a Muslim country presents the same solutions for the Jewish terrorism on Muslim lands, and the Christian terrorism in the shape of US & Allied occupation of Muslim lands. Reaction from your side and then our comments in return would be worth watching.

Many army officers have such thoughts. It has been debates extensively in Hiroshima tactic topic that if Muslim nations had the ability to deliver nuclear weapons to US, they would have already nuked US/West.

Personally, I have come across a person in the forum who is bold enough to suggest "killing hundred million Westerners" and "obliterating the west". Why? because they sympathise with terrorists and think this is a war on Islam, when it is a war on fanaticism. And yes, this applies to all kind of fanatics including Christian terrorists in Ireland
\ And
when Islam can indiscriminately spread hate mongering against americans, it's because they are infidels

Sir you know where the highest number of infidels live?

Answer is china.

And you know how are the relations between pakistan and china?

Ok let me say it clearly.

Are you for real or another pathetic troll. The two world wars which killed more then 100M people was the work of Muslims ?? 2nd world war alone -
TaimiKhan. You once told me it was too dangerous to advocate liberal democracy in Pakistan. By going off on this track you sublimate your desire - that's the whole purpose of this kind of thinking. Is that really what you want?
TaimiKhan. You once told me it was too dangerous to advocate liberal democracy in Pakistan. By going off on this track you sublimate your desire - that's the whole purpose of this kind of thinking. Is that really what you want?

I believe i would have said that in the context of looking at our political system, since with current leadership we can not have a true liberal democracy. Also in our case the liberal democratic system does not provides the people with results they want and in many cases the elected govt may not be representing the people in true sense.

We need something different, something which can represent the people and which is answerable to the people.
I believe i would have said that in the context of looking at our political system, since with current leadership we can not have a true liberal democracy. Also in our case the liberal democratic system does not provides the people with results they want and in many cases the elected govt may not be representing the people in true sense.

We need something different, something which can represent the people and which is answerable to the people.
Do you have elections for mosque leaders and local gov't w/taxing authority?
Do you have elections for mosque leaders and local gov't w/taxing authority?

Nothing happens with regard to Masjids, and i believe we currently have no local govt system, and they have no authority, and i have no idea what the local govt is for. Musharaf brought a local govt system which if provided time and some corrections would have been a great thing,but since that system gave people somewhat power, the current democratic setup suspended that system and have brought in the old system, which is worthless.
Nothing happens with regard to Masjids...the current democratic setup suspended that system and have brought in the old system, which is worthless.
Maybe you and your friends should try local elections. Just be sure not to ask anybody for permission. You want officials to get their authority from the elect; you don't want them to feel they have authority over the elect instead.
There is no "Western" war on Islam. However, Muslims who have chosen to war against non-Muslims have brought down the deluge against themselves. Other Muslims, who, in choosing sides, have chosen to be with the warring Muslims then feel under attack. The solution is simple. Muslims, stop your war against non-Muslims and the "war" will stop.

It took CIA 30 years to create Islamic Fanatics worldwide, to create a new enemy, hence the reason for its survival. so here its now, deal with it but dont blame it on Muslims or Muslim countries. Blame all the ills of this world where they originate.

every empire digs its own grave, it will be neive to think that the flag barrier of humanity will clean up an entire religious group 1.5 billion to be exact. well good luck wholeheartedly !!
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